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102 lines (76 loc) · 2.07 KB

File metadata and controls

102 lines (76 loc) · 2.07 KB


Yet another manifest plugin for webpack. Using a manifest enables you to hash the file names without complicating your deployments, it also enables you to easily integrate pre-built assets from libraries.

The key difference between this plugin and the multitude of others is that it only preserves paths relative to a root that you define. This enables you to easily commit and deploy the manifest to remote locations.

A python manifest reader is available to consume the generated manifests.


npm install webpack-yam-plugin


var WebpackManifestPlugin = require('webpack-yam-plugin');

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    new WebpackManifestPlugin({
      manifestPath: '/abs/path/to/webpack_manifest.json',
      outputRoot: '/abs/path/to/your/static_root'



An absolute path to a file that the manifest will be written to.


An absolute path to a directory that manifest paths will be relative to.

If you're outputting files to /foo/bar/woz and the contents of /foo/bar are exposed via a webserver, set outputRoot to /foo/bar and the manifest paths will take the form woz/some_file.js. Assuming your files were served from /static/ you can easily prepend the root static url and serve the asset as /static/woz/some_file.js.

Manifest schema

Manifests can take three forms, depending on the state and outcome of the build.

If webpack is still building, manifests will look like

  status: "building",
  errors: null,
  files: null

Once webpack has completed successfully, manifests will look like

  status: "built",
  errors: null,
  files: {
    <entry>: [

If any errors are encountered during the build, manifests will look like

  status: "errors",
  errors: [
    "<error text>",
  files: null