🧬 Tweak transmission rate, recovery rate, death rate, number of people, and many more! 🧬
⚙️ Graphical User Interface with sliders and buttons. ⚙️
👁️ Visual and graphical interpretation of results from the simulation 👁️
🔬 Randomized simulation 🔬
🧫 Inspired by SEIDR Model 🧫
- Every parameters of the simulation is editable through an interactive GUI 🖥
- Humans are travelling randomly but logically and are represented by dots 👦
- Humans can wear a mask and mask are 80% effective 🧢
- Humans wearing a mask are represented by a "+" and do not easily infect as well as being harder to infect ⛑️
- The simulation is almost fully randomized but keeps logic with given values 🎲
- You can adjust the speed of the simulation with the slider 🏃
- You can tweak some specific parameters of the simulation 🧰
- At the end of the simulation, you can see the evolution of the population through time 📊
- ... and many more! 🎯
Any problems with running the script and any questions please create a new issue here.
You can also contribute to this project by requesting new features here.
I never ask for money for my open source projects. However, you can still tip me if you want. I am a Brave Verified Creator!
- Python 3.7.0+
Get a copy of the Project. Assuming you have git installed, open your Terminal and enter:
git clone 'https://github.com/marcpinet/epidemic-modeling.git'
To install all needed requirements run the following command in the project directory:
pip install -r requirements.txt
After that you can proceed to start the program by running main.py
- Marc Pinet - Initial work - marcpinet
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used.
Special thanks to loicpantano for some ideas and marcusaasjensen for its participation in the project (he made a its own simulation in C# of an airport with graphs, see marcus' simulation).
We were in the same team for this project and we worked together on different programs.