- node
- npm
- truffle v4
# oraclize-test
git clone https://github.com/maggie-5miles/oraclize-test.git
cd oraclize-test
npm install
truffle compile
# download ethereum-bridge somewhere else on your computer, completely independent of this project
git clone https://github.com/oraclize/ethereum-bridge.git
cd ethereum-bridge
npm install
# make sure Ganache-CLI are installed globally
npm install -g ganache-cli
Navigate to the oraclize-test
truffle test --network ropsten
Output will look like:
Using network 'ropsten'.
Contract: Template
randomNumber: 496
✓ sends a query and receives a response (43457ms)
Stopped watching!
1 passing (1m)
Start Ganache-CLI
In another terminal window, navigate to the ethereum-bridge folder and run the following command:
node bridge -H localhost:8545 -a 2 --dev
Run test in a third window
truffle test
Output will look like:
Using network 'development'.
Contract: Template
randomNumber: 113
✓ sends a query and receives a response (14839ms)
1 passing (15s)