Interview preparation training module, carried out during Software Engineering studies at Holberton School.
Project name | Description |
0x00-lockboxes |
Checks if boxes in a list can be unlocked (Python ) |
0x01-insert_in_sorted_linked_list |
Inserts a node in a sorted singly linked list (C ) |
0x02-heap_insert |
Inserts a node in a binary tree & a binary heap tree (C ) |
0x03-minimum_operations |
Returns the minimum operations to reach n repetitions of H in a text editor with only two options (Copy All and Paste) (Python ) |
0x04-sandpiles |
Computes the sum of two sandpiles (C ) |
0x05-linked_list_palindrome |
Checks if a singly linked list is a palindrome (C ) |
0x06-log_parsing |
Write a script that reads stdin line by line and computes metrics (Python ) |
0x07-linked_list_cycle |
Checks if a singly linked list has a cycle in it (C ) |
0x08-palindrome_integer |
Checks whether or not a given unsigned integer is a palindrome (C ) |
0x09-utf8_validation |
Determines if a given data set represents a valid UTF-8 encoding (Python ) |