diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index f1794d3..a3396b6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +It seems that the wider roll-out of the feature has been cancelled by Google. At least on my side, the feature is no longer offered. I'm seeing similar comments on social networks. + +**You should be able to uninstall the extension**, and maybe come back in a few months when the revert will be reverted! Who knows. It was a short adventure, but it was fun. 🫡 + +
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No Google Search Auto Translation Logo.

@@ -102,4 +108,4 @@ Some are using Google Search results (like Startpage), others build their own in If fore some reasons, you don't like browsers extensions (or just mine!), you can use [this user script](https://support.google.com/websearch/thread/248354054?hl=en&msgid=248372536) made by David Trapp. -Note that the text `Original ansehen` needs to be changed based on what language the results are translated to as stated by the user script author. Also, you might want to change the `@match` value to make it work on the Google Search domain name you use. The script is not bypassing the Google Translate proxy, so you will still be redirected to the Google Translate proxy page traducting the original page. \ No newline at end of file +Note that the text `Original ansehen` needs to be changed based on what language the results are translated to as stated by the user script author. Also, you might want to change the `@match` value to make it work on the Google Search domain name you use. The script is not bypassing the Google Translate proxy, so you will still be redirected to the Google Translate proxy page traducting the original page.