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229 lines (172 loc) · 7.69 KB





  • 获取选择版本下二维码尺寸

    可以查询前面的数据编码qrspecCapacity数组,也可以从二维码标准里找。然后分配一个nxn大小的unsigned char *类型指针,用来存放我们以后填充的数据。指针遍历的方向是从二维码直观上的从左到右,从上到下。


  • 填充定位图案(Position Detection Patterns)



    还有,这三个定位图案在框架中的位置是固定的。在实现中,用(0,0),(width-7, 0),(0, width-7)确定三个定位图片左上角起始点的坐标,然后黑色区域单元用0xc1填充,白色区域单元用0xc0填充,具体实现如下:

       * @param frame	框架指针
       * @param width	矩阵宽
       * @param ox,oy 在框架图案上的相对起点坐标
      void putFinderPattern(unsigned char *frame, int width, int ox, int oy)
      	static const unsigned char finder[] = {
      		0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1,
      		0xc1, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc1,
      		0xc1, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc0, 0xc1,
      		0xc1, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc0, 0xc1,
      		0xc1, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc0, 0xc1,
      		0xc1, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc1,
      		0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0xc1,
      	int x, y;
      	const unsigned char *s;
      	frame += oy * width + ox;
      	s = finder;
      	for(y=0; y<7; y++) {
      		for(x=0; x<7; x++) {
      			frame[x] = s[x];
      		frame += width;
      		s += 7;
  • 填充分隔图案(Separator for Position Detection Patterns)


      /* Separator for Position Detection Patterns */
      //	先考虑从上往下填充。先找到分隔图案竖条的坐标,然后一个for循环就可以了
      	p = frame;
      	q = frame + width * (width - 7);
      	for(y=0; y<7; y++) {
      		p[7] = 0xc0;
      		p[width - 8] = 0xc0;
      		q[7] = 0xc0;
      		p += width;
      		q += width;
      //	从左往右就很简单了,因为我们的指针与框架实现是以相同方向遍历的,直接调用memset函数。
      memset(frame + width * 7, 0xc0, 8);
      memset(frame + width * 8 - 8, 0xc0, 8);
      memset(frame + width * (width - 8), 0xc0, 8);
  • 填充纠错等级、掩码的格式信息(mask format information area)



      memset(frame + width * 8, 0x84, 9);
      memset(frame + width * 9 - 8, 0x84, 8);
      p = frame + 8;
      for(y=0; y<8; y++) {
      	*p = 0x84;
      	p += width;
      p = frame + width * (width - 7) + 8;
      for(y=0; y<7; y++) {
      	*p = 0x84;
      	p += width;
  • 填充时序图案(Timing pattern)

      p = frame + width * 6 + 8;
      q = frame + width * 8 + 6;
      for(x=1; x<width-15; x++) {
      	*p =  0x90 | (x & 1);
      	*q =  0x90 | (x & 1);
      	q += width;
  • 填充对齐图案 (Alignment Pattern)


      const int alignmentPattern[QRSPEC_VERSION_MAX+1][2] = {
      { 0,  0},
      { 0,  0}, {18,  0}, {22,  0}, {26,  0}, {30,  0}, // 1- 5
      {34,  0}, {22, 38}, {24, 42}, {26, 46}, {28, 50}, // 6-10
      {30, 54}, {32, 58}, {34, 62}, {26, 46}, {26, 48}, //11-15
      {26, 50}, {30, 54}, {30, 56}, {30, 58}, {34, 62}, //16-20
      {28, 50}, {26, 50}, {30, 54}, {28, 54}, {32, 58}, //21-25
      {30, 58}, {34, 62}, {26, 50}, {30, 54}, {26, 52}, //26-30
      {30, 56}, {34, 60}, {30, 58}, {34, 62}, {30, 54}, //31-35
      {24, 50}, {28, 54}, {32, 58}, {26, 54}, {30, 58}, //35-40


      void QRspec_putAlignmentPattern(int version, unsigned char *frame, int width)
      	int d, w, x, y, cx, cy;
      	if(version < 2) return;
      	d = alignmentPattern[version][1] - alignmentPattern[version][0];
      	if(d < 0) {
      		w = 2;
      	} else {
      		w = (width - alignmentPattern[version][0]) / d + 2;
      	if(w * w - 3 == 1) {
      		x = alignmentPattern[version][0];
      		y = alignmentPattern[version][0];
      		QRspec_putAlignmentMarker(frame, width, x, y);
      	cx = alignmentPattern[version][0];
      	for(x=1; x<w - 1; x++) {
      		QRspec_putAlignmentMarker(frame, width,  6, cx);
      		QRspec_putAlignmentMarker(frame, width, cx,  6);
      		cx += d;
      	cy = alignmentPattern[version][0];
      	for(y=0; y<w-1; y++) {
      		cx = alignmentPattern[version][0];
      		for(x=0; x<w-1; x++) {
      			QRspec_putAlignmentMarker(frame, width, cx, cy);
      			cx += d;
      		cy += d;
  • 最后是版本信息了(Version Information)




    在这18bits 的版本信息中,前 6bits 为版本号 (Version Number),后 12bits 为纠错码 (BCH Bits)。高版本号的版本信息可以在下面查询。

    假设存在一个 Version 为 8 的二维码(对应 6bits 版本号为 001000),其纠错码可找到是5bc,即 10110111100; 则版本信息图案中的应填充的数据为:00100010110111100。之后便是按前面说的顺序依次填充。

      const unsigned int versionPattern[QRSPEC_VERSION_MAX - 6] = {
      0x07c94, 0x085bc, 0x09a99, 0x0a4d3, 0x0bbf6, 0x0c762, 0x0d847, 0x0e60d,
      0x0f928, 0x10b78, 0x1145d, 0x12a17, 0x13532, 0x149a6, 0x15683, 0x168c9,
      0x177ec, 0x18ec4, 0x191e1, 0x1afab, 0x1b08e, 0x1cc1a, 0x1d33f, 0x1ed75,
      0x1f250, 0x209d5, 0x216f0, 0x228ba, 0x2379f, 0x24b0b, 0x2542e, 0x26a64,
      0x27541, 0x28c69
      if(version >= 7) {
      		verinfo = mQrspec::QRspec_getVersionPattern(version);
      		p = frame + width * (width - 11);
      		v = verinfo;
      		for(x=0; x<6; x++) {
      			for(y=0; y<3; y++) {
      				p[width * y + x] = 0x88 | (v & 1);
      				v = v >> 1;
      		p = frame + width - 11;
      		v = verinfo;
      		for(y=0; y<6; y++) {
      			for(x=0; x<3; x++) {
      				p[x] = 0x88 | (v & 1);
      				v = v >> 1;
      			p += width;

    在填充掩码和纠错等级信息时,有一个Dark module,所以最后还要执行frame[width * (width - 8) + 8] = 0x81;
