- Introduction to gRPC on .NET
- gRPC services with C#
- gRPC services with ASP.NET Core
- Create gRPC services and methods
- Call gRPC services with the .NET client
- gRPC client factory integration in .NET Core
- gRPC and C# 8 Async stream
- gRPC and C# 8 Async stream cancellation
- Code first gRPC services and clients with .NET
- Create JSON Web APIs from gRPC
- gRPC and ASP.NET Core 5 Discover gRPCui the GUI alternative to gRPCurl - Anthony Giretti
- gRPC and ASP.NET Core 5 Add a gRPC service reference from a remote protobuf over Route-To-Code - Anthony Giretti
- gRPC and ASP.NET Core 5 Test gRPC endpoints with gRPCurl - Anthony Giretti
- Using gRPC in Microservices for Building a high-performance Interservice Communication with .Net 5
- Generate Links To ASP.NET Core Map Endpoints
- Building a simple Client-Server Interaction with gRPC in ASP.NET Core
- How to choose between protobuf-csharp-port and protobuf-net
- gRPC performance benchmark in ASP.NET Core 3
- Trying out gRPC in ASP.NET Core 3
- Getting Started protobuf-net.Grpc
- Create Protobuf messages for .NET apps
- Protocol Buffer Basics: C#
- protobuf-net.Grpc
- Code-first gRPC services and clients with .NET
- Test gRPC services in ASP.NET Core
- gRPC & ASP.NET Core 3.1: Resiliency with Polly
- Bidirectional Streaming | gRPC in .NET 5
- Client Streaming | gRPC in .NET 5
- gRPC Server & Unary Calls | gRPC in .NET 5
- Server Streaming | gRPC in .NET 5
- Intro to gRPC - Step by Step
- Mark Gravell Talking Between Services with gRPC and Other Tricks - .NET Oxford - September 2019
- Talking between services with gRPC, and other tricks - Marc Gravell
- Embracing gRPC in .NET, by Irina Scurtu
- Where should you use gRPC? And where NOT to use it!
- High-performance services with gRPC: What's new in .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022
- https://github.com/grpc/grpc-dotnet - gRPC for .NET
- protobuf-net/protobuf-net.Grpc - GRPC bindings for protobuf-net and grpc-dotnet
- protobuf-net/protobuf-net - Protocol Buffers library for idiomatic .NET
- Utils.Grpc.Mediator
- [Cysharp/MagicOnion](https://github.com/Cysharp/MagicOnion - Unified Realtime/API framework for .NET platform and Unity.
- aspnetrun/run-aspnet-grpc - Using gRPC in Microservices for Building a high-performance Interservice Communication with .Net 5. See gRPC Microservices and Step by Step Implementation on .NET Course w/ discount