diff --git a/src/Init/Data/BitVec/Lemmas.lean b/src/Init/Data/BitVec/Lemmas.lean index 377ab5cc885f..7387c02591e7 100644 --- a/src/Init/Data/BitVec/Lemmas.lean +++ b/src/Init/Data/BitVec/Lemmas.lean @@ -3539,7 +3539,7 @@ theorem getLsbD_intMax (w : Nat) : (intMax w).getLsbD i = decide (i + 1 < w) := /-! ### Non-overflow theorems -/ -/-- If `x.toNat * y.toNat < 2^w`, then the multiplication `(x * y)` does not overflow. -/ +/-- If `x.toNat + y.toNat < 2^w`, then the addition `(x + y)` does not overflow. -/ theorem toNat_add_of_lt {w} {x y : BitVec w} (h : x.toNat + y.toNat < 2^w) : (x + y).toNat = x.toNat + y.toNat := by rw [BitVec.toNat_add, Nat.mod_eq_of_lt h]