diff --git a/ImportGraph/Cli.lean b/ImportGraph/Cli.lean
index 6f39cad..d6862f0 100644
--- a/ImportGraph/Cli.lean
+++ b/ImportGraph/Cli.lean
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ def importGraphCLI (args : Cli.Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let outFiles ← try unsafe withImportModules #[{module := to}] {} (trustLevel := 1024) fun env => do
let p := ImportGraph.getModule to
- let ctx := { options := {}, fileName := "", fileMap := default }
- let state := { env }
let mut graph := env.importGraph
let unused ←
match args.flag? "to" with
| some _ =>
+ let ctx := { options := {}, fileName := "", fileMap := default }
+ let state := { env }
let used ← Prod.fst <$> (CoreM.toIO (env.transitivelyRequiredModules to) ctx state)
pure <| graph.fold (fun acc n _ => if used.contains n then acc else acc.insert n) NameSet.empty
| none => pure NameSet.empty
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ def importGraphCLI (args : Cli.Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let graph₂ := match args.flag? "to" with
| none => graph.filter (fun n _ => n != to)
| some _ => graph
- let (out, _) ← CoreM.toIO (Graph.toGexf graph₂ p) ctx state
- outFiles := outFiles.insert "gexf" out
+ let gexFile := Graph.toGexf graph₂ p env
+ outFiles := outFiles.insert "gexf" gexFile
return outFiles
catch err =>
diff --git a/ImportGraph/Gexf.lean b/ImportGraph/Gexf.lean
index e85fb8f..c6240f2 100644
--- a/ImportGraph/Gexf.lean
+++ b/ImportGraph/Gexf.lean
@@ -14,26 +14,22 @@ namespace ImportGraph
open Elab Meta in
/-- Filter Lean internal declarations -/
-def isBlackListed {m} [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) : m Bool := do
- if declName == ``sorryAx then return true
- if declName matches .str _ "inj" then return true
- if declName matches .str _ "noConfusionType" then return true
- let env ← getEnv
- pure <| declName.isInternalDetail
- || isAuxRecursor env declName
- || isNoConfusion env declName
- <||> isRec declName <||> isMatcher declName
+def isBlackListed (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=
+ declName == ``sorryAx
+ || declName matches .str _ "inj"
+ || declName matches .str _ "noConfusionType"
+ || declName.isInternalDetail
+ || isAuxRecursor env declName
+ || isNoConfusion env declName
+ || isRecCore env declName
+ || isMatcherCore env declName
-/-- Get all declarations in the specified file. -/
-def getDeclsInFile (module : Name) : CoreM NameSet := do
- let env ← getEnv
- match env.moduleIdxForModule? module with
- | none => return {}
- | some modIdx =>
- let decls := env.const2ModIdx
- let declsIn ← decls.foldM (fun acc n idx => do
- if idx == modIdx && (! (← isBlackListed n)) then return acc.insert n else return acc) ({} : NameSet)
- return declsIn
+/-- Get number of non-blacklisted declarations per file. -/
+def getNumberOfDeclsPerFile (env: Environment) : NameMap Nat :=
+ env.const2ModIdx.fold (fun acc n idx =>
+ let mod := env.allImportedModuleNames.get! idx
+ if isBlackListed env n then acc else acc.insert mod ((acc.findD mod 0) + 1)
+ ) {}
/-- Gexf template for a node in th graph. -/
def Gexf.nodeTemplate (n module : Name) (size : Nat) := s!"\n "
@@ -49,14 +45,11 @@ Metadata can be stored in forms of attributes, currently we record the following
* `in_module` (Bool): whether the file belongs to the main module
(used to strip the first part of the name when displaying).
-def Graph.toGexf (graph : NameMap (Array Name)) (module : Name) : CoreM String := do
- let sizes : NameMap Nat ← graph.foldM (fun acc n _ => do
- pure <| acc.insert n (← getDeclsInFile n).size ) {}
- -- graph.fold (fun acc _ i => i.foldl (fun acc₂ j => acc₂.insert j ((acc₂.findD j 0) + 1)) acc) {}
+def Graph.toGexf (graph : NameMap (Array Name)) (module : Name) (env : Environment) : String :=
+ let sizes : NameMap Nat := getNumberOfDeclsPerFile env
let nodes : String := graph.fold (fun acc n _ => acc ++ nodeTemplate n module (sizes.findD n 0)) ""
let edges : String := graph.fold (fun acc n i => acc ++ (i.foldl (fun b j => b ++ edgeTemplate j n) "")) ""
- return s!"
+ s!"
Lean ImportGraph