title | author | output | subtitle | tags | abstract | ||||||
R Notebook for effects of fluoxetine on zebrafish aggression (LaNeC) |
github_document |
From project "Role of the serotonergic system on aggressive behavior in two zebrafish phenotypes" |
Behavioral data in the mirror-induced aggression test using fluoxetine in two zebrafish phenotypes (longfin and leopard)
This is an R Markdown Notebook for the data analysis of the research project "Role of the serotonergic system on aggressive behavior in two zebrafish phenotypes".
Data is produced by members from Laboratório de Neurociências e Comportamento "Frederico Guilherme Graeff", affiliated to Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará and Universidade do Estado do Pará. The package will include primary data for a behavioral experiment on the effects of fluoxetine on zebrafish aggressive behavior. In Experiment 1, basline aggression levels were compared between phenotype; in Experiment 2, the effects of fluoxetine were tested.
When you execute code within the notebook, the results appear beneath the code.
- Load needed libraries:
- Load data
x1 <- getURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lanec-unifesspa/5HT-aggression/master/exp1.csv")
exp1 <- read.csv(text = x1)
exp1$Phenotype <- as.factor(exp1$Phenotype)
x2 <- getURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lanec-unifesspa/5HT-aggression/master/exp2.csv")
exp2 <- read.csv(text = x2)
exp2$Phenotype <- as.factor(exp2$Phenotype)
exp2$Dose <- as.factor(exp2$Dose)
- Run Approximative Two-Sample Fisher-Pitman Permutation Tests on data from Experiment 1
- Latency data
oneway_test(Latency ~ Phenotype, data = exp1, distribution="approximate"(B=10000))
- Display duration data
oneway_test(Dur.Display ~ Phenotype, data = exp1, distribution="approximate"(B=10000))
- Display frequency data
oneway_test(N.Display ~ Phenotype, data = exp1, distribution="approximate"(B=10000))
- Time near mirror data
oneway_test(T.Mirror ~ Phenotype, data = exp1, distribution="approximate"(B=10000))
- Locomotion data
oneway_test(N.Quad ~ Phenotype, data = exp1, distribution="approximate"(B=10000))
Produce figures on ggplot2
ggplot(exp1, aes(x = factor(Phenotype), y = Latency, colour = Phenotype)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_jitter(position = "dodge", alpha = 0.3) + labs(x = "", y = "Latency to first display (s)", color = "Phenotype")
ggplot(exp1, aes(x = factor(Phenotype), y = Dur.Display, colour = Phenotype)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_jitter(position = "dodge", alpha = 0.3) + labs(x = "", y = "Display duration (s)", color = "Phenotype")
ggplot(exp1, aes(x = factor(Phenotype), y = N.Display, colour = Phenotype)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_jitter(position = "dodge", alpha = 0.3) + labs(x = "", y = "Display frequency (N)", color = "Phenotype")
ggplot(exp1, aes(x = factor(Phenotype), y = T.Mirror, colour = Phenotype)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_jitter(position = "dodge", alpha = 0.3) + labs(x = "", y = "Time near mirror (s)", color = "Phenotype")
ggplot(exp1, aes(x = factor(Phenotype), y = N.Quad, colour = Phenotype)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_jitter(position = "dodge", alpha = 0.3) + labs(x = "", y = "Squares crossed (N)", color = "Phenotype")
- Run bootstrapped ANOVA for main and interaction effects on 2-way ANOVA, in Experiment 2 (based on https://rcompanion.org/rcompanion/d_08a.html)
- Latency data 1.1) Run two-way ANOVAs on M-estimators
pbad2way(Latency ~ Phenotype + Dose + Phenotype:Dose, data = exp2, est="mom", nboot = 5000)
1.2) Produce post-hoc tests for main effects
postLat <- mcp2a(Latency ~ Phenotype + Dose + Phenotype:Dose, data = exp2, est = "mom", nboot = 5000)
1.3) Produce post-hoc tests for interaction effect
exp2$Factor.int <- interaction(exp2$Dose, exp2$Phenotype)
exp2$Factor.int <- factor(exp2$Factor.int, levels = c("0 mg/kg.LOF", "2.5 mg/kg.LOF", "5.0 mg/kg.LOF", "0 mg/kg.LEO", "2.5 mg/kg.LEO", "5.0 mg/kg.LEO"))
PTLat <- pairwiseRobustTest(Latency ~ Factor.int, data = exp2, est = "mom", nboot = 5000, method = "fdr")
1.4) Draw graph of non-transformed data
LatInt <- ddply(exp2, .(Dose, Phenotype), summarise, val = mean(Latency))
ggplot(exp2, aes(x = factor(Dose), y = Latency, colour = Phenotype)) + geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) + geom_point(data = LatInt, aes(y = val, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) + geom_line(data = LatInt, aes(y = val, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) + geom_jitter(position = "dodge", alpha = 0.3) + labs(x = "Dose", y = "Latency to first display (s)", color = "Phenotype")
1.5) Draw graph of Huber M-estimators and CIs
SumLat = groupwiseHuber(data = exp2copy, group = c("Phenotype", "Dose"), var = "Latency", conf.level = 0.95, conf.type="wald")
ggplot(SumLat, aes(x=Dose, y = M.Huber, color = Phenotype)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=lower.ci, ymax=upper.ci), width = 0.2, size = 0.7, position = position_dodge(.2)) + geom_point(position = position_dodge(.2)) + geom_line(data = SumLat, aes(y = M.Huber, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(.2))
- Display duration data 2.1) Run two-way ANOVAs on M-estimators
pbad2way(Dur.Display ~ Phenotype + Dose + Phenotype:Dose, data = exp2, est="mom", nboot = 5000)
2.2) Produce post-hoc tests for main effects
postDur.Display <- mcp2a(Dur.Display ~ Phenotype + Dose + Phenotype:Dose, data = exp2, est = "mom", nboot = 5000)
2.3) Produce post-hoc tests for interaction effect
exp2$Factor.int <- interaction(exp2$Dose, exp2$Phenotype)
exp2$Factor.int <- factor(exp2$Factor.int, levels = c("0 mg/kg.LOF", "2.5 mg/kg.LOF", "5.0 mg/kg.LOF", "0 mg/kg.LEO", "2.5 mg/kg.LEO", "5.0 mg/kg.LEO"))
PTDur.Display <- pairwiseRobustTest(Dur.Display ~ Factor.int, data = exp2, est = "mom", nboot = 5000, method = "fdr")
2.4) Draw graph of non-transformed data
Dur.DisplayInt <- ddply(exp2, .(Dose, Phenotype), summarise, val = mean(Dur.Display))
ggplot(exp2, aes(x = factor(Dose), y = Dur.Display, colour = Phenotype)) + geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) + geom_point(data = Dur.DisplayInt, aes(y = val, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) + geom_line(data = Dur.DisplayInt, aes(y = val, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) + geom_jitter(position = "dodge", alpha = 0.3) + labs(x = "Dose", y = "Display duration (s)", color = "Phenotype")
2.5) Draw graph of Huber M-estimators and CIs
SumDur.Display = groupwiseHuber(data = exp2copy, group = c("Phenotype", "Dose"), var = "Dur.Display", conf.level = 0.95, conf.type="wald")
ggplot(SumDur.Display, aes(x=Dose, y = M.Huber, color = Phenotype)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=lower.ci, ymax=upper.ci), width = 0.2, size = 0.7, position = position_dodge(.2)) + geom_point(position = position_dodge(.2)) + geom_line(data = SumDur.Display, aes(y = M.Huber, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(.2))
- Display frequency data 3.1) Run two-way ANOVAs on M-estimators
pbad2way(N.Display ~ Phenotype + Dose + Phenotype:Dose, data = exp2, est="mom", nboot = 5000)
3.2) Produce post-hoc tests for main effects
postN.Display <- mcp2a(N.Display ~ Phenotype + Dose + Phenotype:Dose, data = exp2, est = "mom", nboot = 5000)
3.3) Produce post-hoc tests for interaction effect
exp2$Factor.int <- interaction(exp2$Dose, exp2$Phenotype)
exp2$Factor.int <- factor(exp2$Factor.int, levels = c("0 mg/kg.LOF", "2.5 mg/kg.LOF", "5.0 mg/kg.LOF", "0 mg/kg.LEO", "2.5 mg/kg.LEO", "5.0 mg/kg.LEO"))
PTN.Display <- pairwiseRobustTest(N.Display ~ Factor.int, data = exp2, est = "mom", nboot = 5000, method = "fdr")
3.4) Draw graph of non-transformed data
N.DisplayInt <- ddply(exp2, .(Dose, Phenotype), summarise, val = mean(N.Display))
ggplot(exp2, aes(x = factor(Dose), y = N.Display, colour = Phenotype)) + geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) + geom_point(data = N.DisplayInt, aes(y = val, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) + geom_line(data = N.DisplayInt, aes(y = val, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) + geom_jitter(position = "dodge", alpha = 0.3) + labs(x = "Dose", y = "Display frequency (N)", color = "Phenotype")
3.5) Draw graph of Huber M-estimators and CIs
SumN.Display = groupwiseHuber(data = exp2copy, group = c("Phenotype", "Dose"), var = "N.Display", conf.level = 0.95, conf.type="wald")
ggplot(SumN.Display, aes(x=Dose, y = M.Huber, color = Phenotype)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=lower.ci, ymax=upper.ci), width = 0.2, size = 0.7, position = position_dodge(.2)) + geom_point(position = position_dodge(.2)) + geom_line(data = SumN.Display, aes(y = M.Huber, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(.2))
- Time near mirror data 4.1) Run two-way ANOVAs on M-estimators
pbad2way(T.Mirror ~ Phenotype + Dose + Phenotype:Dose, data = exp2, est="mom", nboot = 5000)
4.2) Produce post-hoc tests for main effects
postT.Mirror <- mcp2a(T.Mirror ~ Phenotype + Dose + Phenotype:Dose, data = exp2, est = "mom", nboot = 5000)
4.3) Produce post-hoc tests for interaction effect
exp2$Factor.int <- interaction(exp2$Dose, exp2$Phenotype)
exp2$Factor.int <- factor(exp2$Factor.int, levels = c("0 mg/kg.LOF", "2.5 mg/kg.LOF", "5.0 mg/kg.LOF", "0 mg/kg.LEO", "2.5 mg/kg.LEO", "5.0 mg/kg.LEO"))
PTT.Mirror <- pairwiseRobustTest(T.Mirror ~ Factor.int, data = exp2, est = "mom", nboot = 5000, method = "fdr")
4.4) Draw graph of non-transformed data
T.MirrorInt <- ddply(exp2, .(Dose, Phenotype), summarise, val = mean(T.Mirror))
ggplot(exp2, aes(x = factor(Dose), y = T.Mirror, colour = Phenotype)) + geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) + geom_point(data = T.MirrorInt, aes(y = val, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) + geom_line(data = T.MirrorInt, aes(y = val, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) + geom_jitter(position = "dodge", alpha = 0.3) + labs(x = "Dose", y = "Time near mirror (s)", color = "Phenotype")
4.5) Draw graph of Huber M-estimators and CIs
SumT.Mirror = groupwiseHuber(data = exp2copy, group = c("Phenotype", "Dose"), var = "T.Mirror", conf.level = 0.95, conf.type="wald")
ggplot(SumT.Mirror, aes(x=Dose, y = M.Huber, color = Phenotype)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=lower.ci, ymax=upper.ci), width = 0.2, size = 0.7, position = position_dodge(.2)) + geom_point(position = position_dodge(.2)) + geom_line(data = SumT.Mirror, aes(y = M.Huber, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(.2))
- Locomotion data 5.1) Run two-way ANOVAs on M-estimators
pbad2way(Quad ~ Phenotype + Dose + Phenotype:Dose, data = exp2, est="mom", nboot = 5000)
5.2) Produce post-hoc tests for main effects
postQuad <- mcp2a(Quad ~ Phenotype + Dose + Phenotype:Dose, data = exp2, est = "mom", nboot = 5000)
5.3) Produce post-hoc tests for interaction effect
exp2$Factor.int <- interaction(exp2$Dose, exp2$Phenotype)
exp2$Factor.int <- factor(exp2$Factor.int, levels = c("0 mg/kg.LOF", "2.5 mg/kg.LOF", "5.0 mg/kg.LOF", "0 mg/kg.LEO", "2.5 mg/kg.LEO", "5.0 mg/kg.LEO"))
PTQuad <- pairwiseRobustTest(Quad ~ Factor.int, data = exp2, est = "mom", nboot = 5000, method = "fdr")
4.4) Draw graph of non-transformed data
QuadInt <- ddply(exp2, .(Dose, Phenotype), summarise, val = mean(Quad))
ggplot(exp2, aes(x = factor(Dose), y = Quad, colour = Phenotype)) + geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) + geom_point(data = QuadInt, aes(y = val, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) + geom_line(data = QuadInt, aes(y = val, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) + geom_jitter(position = "dodge", alpha = 0.3) + labs(x = "Dose", y = "Number of squares crossed (N)", color = "Phenotype")
4.5) Draw graph of Huber M-estimators and CIs
SumQuad = groupwiseHuber(data = exp2copy, group = c("Phenotype", "Dose"), var = "Quad", conf.level = 0.95, conf.type="wald")
ggplot(SumQuad, aes(x=Dose, y = M.Huber, color = Phenotype)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=lower.ci, ymax=upper.ci), width = 0.2, size = 0.7, position = position_dodge(.2)) + geom_point(position = position_dodge(.2)) + geom_line(data = SumQuad, aes(y = M.Huber, group = Phenotype), position = position_dodge(.2))