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Node Discovery Protocol v5 - Rationale

Draft of August 2019

Note that this specification is a work in progress and may change incompatibly without prior notice.

This document explains the design requirements and security needs of Discovery v5. In addition, the document tries to gather the various vulnerabilities and threats that pertain to Kademlia-like p2p networks. Our aim is to make it plain which issues are addressed and how they are mitigated, so that the design of the wire protocol may be verified.

Design Requirements

Basic Goals

1.1.1 Replace the Discovery v4 Endpoint Proof

The existing mutual endpoint verification process is unreliable because either side may forget about a previously performed endpoint proof. If node A assumes that node B already knows about a recent PING/PONG interaction and sends FINDNODE, the request may fail. Implementations of Discovery v4 may guard against this flaw using retries, but retrying is really slow and usually not done.

1.1.2 Require knowledge of destination node ID for communication

Make it expensive to obtain the logical node ID from discovery communications. In Discovery v4, any node can provoke responses knowing IP alone, and obtain information about a node without knowing its ID. This encourages sloppy implementations to not perform proper validation of FINDNODE results and increases the risk of DHT misuse for DDoS purposes.

1.1.3 Support more than one node ID cryptosystem

Ensure the DHT can accomodate ENR's with multiple identity systems. This will allow identity cryptosystems other than secp256k1/keccak256.

1.1.4 Replace node information tuples with ENRs

ENRs include discovery information and more. These signed, versioned records fulfill multiple requirements, such as permitting capability advertisement and transport negotiation.

1.1.5 Guard against Kademlia implementation flaws

Discovery v4 trusts other nodes to return neighbors according to an agreed distance metric. Mismatches in implementation can make it hard for nodes to join the network, or lead to network fragmentation.

1.1.6 Secondary topic-based node index

The protocol must support discovery of nodes via an arbitrary topic identifier. Finding nodes belonging to a topic should be as fast or faster than finding a node with a certain ID.

1.1.7 Change replay prevention

The use of timestamps as a replay prevention mechanism in Discovery v4 has led to many complaints about connectivity when the host's clock was wrong. The protocol should be independent of the clock.

1.1.8 Message obfuscation

The protocol should obfuscate traffic to prevent accidental packet mangling or trivial sniffing. It must also avoid inclusion of obvious markers to prevent naive blocking of discovery traffic using hard-coded packet signatures. Defense against advanced traffic analysis systems, e.g. using inter-packet timing is a secondary concern.

Security Goals

Individual potential vulnerabilities are identified below. These each represent their own risk mitigation goal.

1.2.1 Replay of the handshake

The handshake, if successfully replayed from an older session, would allow a malicious node to occupy a former IP location, or pollute the routing table with old information.

1.2.2 Replay NODES

A NODES response, if successfully replayed, would pollute the routing table with stale information.

1.2.3 Replay PONG

A PONG, if successfully replayed, could convince a node that a node is live and participating when it isn't.

1.2.4 Kademlia redirection

A FindNode response contains false endpoint information intended at directing traffic at a victim / polluting the routing table. A topic query results in fake endpoint information, directing traffic at a victim.

1.2.5 Kademlia redirection + self-propagation

As 1.2.3 but the responses attempt to replicate the malicious node throughout the routing table, to amplify the source of pollution and traffic.

1.2.6 Unsolicited replies

A malicious node is attempting to spam a node with fake responses to typical requests. These messages may be replayed from previous communications, or may be new messages with spoofed source endpoints. The aim is to disrupt weak implementations or have their information be received as authentic, to pollute the recipient's routing table.

1.2.7 Amplification

Malicious requests of small message size are sent from spoofed source IPs to direct larger response messages at the victim.

1.2.8 Kademlia direct validation

Direct validation of a newly discovered node can be an attack vector. A malicious node may supply false node information with the IP of a victim. Validation traffic is then directed at the victim.

1.2.9 Kademlia ID count per address validations

There are various attacks facilitated by being able to associate multiple fake (or even real) malicious node ids with a single IP endpoint. One mitigation method that is sometimes considered is to globally limit the number of logical node IDs that can be associated with an IP address. However, this is an attack vector. A malicious actor can supply many logical node ids for a single IP address and thus prevent the correct node from being able to join the network.

1.2.10 Sybil/Eclipse attacks

These attacks rely on being able to create many real nodes, or spoof many logical node IDs for a small number of physical endpoints, to form a large, isolated area of the network under the control of the malicious actor. The victim's discovery findings are directed into that part of the network, either to manipulate their traffic or to fully isolate them from the network.

Version Interoperability / Upgrade Paths

There are several considerations regarding the coexistence of v4 and v5 network members.

1.3.1 Transition period during network formation

Discovery v4 clients should be able to serve as discovery v5 bootstrap nodes while the number of new discovery v5 clients is still low.

1.3.2 Circumvention of 1.1.2 with v4 PING

While a client supports both the old v4 and newer versions, it is possible for malicious actors to pose as a v4 node and recover node IDs from arbitrary IP addresses. This should somehow be avoided.


Why UDP?

The wire protocol specification mandates the use of UDP. This may seem restrictive, but use of UDP communication is an important part of the design. While there is no single reason which ultimately dictates this choice, there are many reasons why the system as a whole will function a lot better in the context of UDP.

For discovery to work, all nodes must be able to communicate with each other on equal footing. The network won't form properly if some nodes can only communicate with certain other nodes. Incooperative NAT in between the node and the Internet can cause communication failure. UDP is fundamentally easier to work with when it comes to NAT traversal. No explicit hole-punching is required if the NAT setup is capable of full-cone translation, i.e. a single packet sent to any other node establishes a port mapping which allows packets from others to reach the node behind NAT.

Unlike other DHT systems such as IPFS, the node discovery protocol mandates a single wire protocol to be implemented by everyone. This avoids communication failures due to incompatible transports and strengthens the DHT because all participants are guaranteed to be reachable on the declared endpoint. It is also fundamentally simpler to reason about and implement: the protocol either works in a certain context or it doesn't. If the protocol cannot be used because the networking environment doesn't support UDP, another discovery mechanism must be chosen.

Another reason for UDP is communication latency: participants in the discovery protocol must be able to communicate with a large number of other nodes within a short time frame to establish and maintain the neighbor set and must perform regular liveness checks on their neighbors. For the topic advertisement system, registrants collect tickets and must use them as soon as the ticket expires to place an ad in a topic queue.

These protocol interactions are difficult to implement in a TCP setting where connections require multiple round-trips before application data can be sent and the connection lifecycle needs to be maintained. An implementation of the wire protocol on a TCP-based transport would either need permanent connection to hundreds of nodes, in which case the application would be short on file descriptors, or establish many short-lived TCP connections per second to communicate with specific nodes.

Yet another useful property of UDP is that packets aren't required to reach their destination --- intermediaries may drop arbitrary packets. This strengthens the protocol because it must be designed to function even under bad connectivity. Implementations may exploit the possibility of packet loss to their advantage. A participant can never tell whether a certain request wasn't answered in time because the recipient chose to ignore it or because their own connection isn't working. An implementation that tries to minimize traffic or CPU overhead could simply drop a certain amount of packets at application level to stay within self-imposed limits.

Why Kademlia?

Kademlia is a simple distributed hash table design proposed in 2002. It is commonly used for file-sharing systems where content is stored by hash and distributed among participants based on their 'proximity' according to the XOR distance metric.

Node discovery is a Kademlia-inspired system but doesn't store any files, only node information is relayed. We chose Kademlia primarily because the algorithm is simple and understandable while providing a distributed database that scales with the number of participants. Our system also relies on the routing table to allow enumeration and random traversal of the whole network, i.e. all participants can be found. Most importantly, having a structured network with routing enables thinking about DHT 'address space' and 'regions of address space'. These concepts are used to build the topic-based node index.

Kademlia is often criticized as a naive design with obvious weaknesses. We believe that most issues with simple Kademlia can be overcome by careful programming and the benefits of a simple design outweigh the cost and risks of maintaining a more complex system.

Sybil and Eclipse Attacks

The well-known 'sybil attack' is based on the observation that creating node identities is essentially free. In any system using a measure of proximity among node identities, an adversary may place nodes close to a chosen node by generating suitable identities. For basic node discovery through network enumeration, the 'sybil attack' poses no significant challenge. Sybils are a serious issue for the topic-based node index, especially for topics provided by few participants, because the index relies on node distance.

An 'eclipse attack' is usually based on generating sybil nodes with the goal of polluting the victim node's routing table. Once the table is overtaken, the victim has no way to find any other nodes but those controlled by the adversary. Even if creating sybil nodes were somehow impossible, 'eclipsing' a node might still be achieved through other means such as directing large amounts of traffic to the node. When the victim node is unable to keep up regular communication with the rest of the network it may lose connection and be forced into re-bootstrapping its routing table --- a situation in which it is most vulnerable.

Both the 'sybil attack' and the 'eclipse attack' must be considered for any structured overlay network, and there is no single optimal solution to fully protect against these attacks. However, certain implementation decisions can make them more expensive or render them ineffective.

As a general measure, implementations can place IP-based limits on the content of their routing table. For example, limiting Kademlia table buckets to two nodes from every /24 IP subnetwork and the whole table to 10 nodes per /24 IP subnetwork significantly increases the number of hosts an attacker must control to overtake the routing table. Such limits are effective because IPv4 addresses are a scarce resource. Subnetwork-based limits remain effective even as IPv6 adoption progresses.

To counter being eclipsed via repeated contact by an adversary, implementations of the Kademlia table should avoid taking on new members on incoming contact unless the table is well-stocked from outbound queries. Readers of the original Kademlia paper may easily assume that liveness checks on bucket members should be performed just when a new node tries to enter the bucket, but doing so increases the risk of emptying the table through DoS. We therefore recommend to perform liveness checks on a separate schedule which is independent of incoming requests. Checks may also be paused or delayed when the node is under high load. The number of past liveness checks performed on a bucket member is an important indicator of its age: Implementations should favor long-lived nodes and may relax liveness checks according to node age.

A well-researched countermeasure to sybil attacks is to make creation of identities computationally expensive. While effective in theory, there are significant downsides to this approach. Nodes on resource-constrained devices such as mobile phones may not be able to solve the computational puzzle in time to join the network. Continuous advances in hashing technology which speed up cryptocurrency proof-of-work algorithms show that this way of securing the network requires constant adjustments to thresholds and can never beat determined attackers.

Support for mixed ENR identity schemes, described later in this document, allows for an escape hatch to introduce arbitrary optional constraints (including proof-of-work) on node identities. Thus, while the issue is not directly addressed at wire protocol level, there is no inherent blocker for solving it as the need arises.

Node Records and Their Properties

In Discovery v5, all node information is exchanged using node records. Records are self-signed by the node they describe and contain arbitrary key-value pairs. They also contain a sequence number to determine which copy of the record is newer when multiple copies are available. When a node record is changed by its owner, the sequence number increases. The new record 'syncs' to neighboring nodes because they will request it during liveness revalidation. The record is also 'pushed' on to newly seen nodes as part of the handshake.

Signing records prevents any intermediary node from changing the content of a record. Any node's information is either available in the exact form it was published or not at all. To make the system secure, proper validation of records is important. Implementations must verify the signature of all received records. Implementations should also avoid sharing records containing no usable IP addresses or ports and check that Internet hosts do not attempt to share records containing LAN IP addresses.

On Encryption

An early draft of Discovery v5 integrated weak obfuscation based on XORing packet content as an optional facility. As development of the protocol progressed, we understood that traffic amplification, replay and packet authentication could all be solved by introducing a real encryption scheme. The way the handshake and encryption works is primarily aimed at these issues and is not supposed to ensure complete anonymity of DHT users. While it does protect against passive observers, the handshake is not forward-secure and active protocol participants can access node information by simply asking for it.

Node identities can use different kinds of keys depending on the identity scheme used in the node record. This has implications on the handshake because it deals with the public key used to derive the identity. Implementations of Discovery v5 must agree on the set of supported identity schemes to keep the network interoperable and custom code to verify the handshake is required for every new scheme. We believe this is an acceptable tradeoff because introducing a new kind of node identity is a rare event.

Since the handshake performs complex cryptographic operations (ECDH, signature verification) performance of the handshake is a big concern. Benchmarking the experimental Go implementation shows that the handshake computation takes 500µs on a 2014-era laptop using the default secp256k1/keccak256 identity scheme. That's a lot, but note the cost amortizes because nodes commonly exchange multiple packets. Subsequent packets in the same conversation can be decrypted and authenticated in just 2µs. The most common protocol interaction is a FINDNODE or TOPICQUERY request on an unknown node with 4 NODES responses.

To put things into perspective: encryption and authentication in Discovery v5 is still a significant improvement over the authentication scheme used in Discovery v4, which performs secp256k1 signature 'recovery' (benchmark: ~170µs) on every packet. A FINDNODE interaction with an unknown v4 node takes 7 packets (2x PING/PONG, FINDNODE, 2x NEIGHBORS) and costs 1.2ms on each side for the crypto alone. In addition, the v5 handshake reduces the risk of computational DoS because it costs as much to create as it costs to verify and cannot be replayed.

On Amplification and Replay

Any openly accessible packet-based system must consider misuse of the protocol for traffic amplification purposes. There are two possible avenues of attack: In the first, an adversary who wishes to attack a third-party host may send packets with 'spoofed' source IP address to a node, attempting to make the node send a larger response to the victim endpoint. In the second, the adversary attempts to install a node record containing the victim's endpoint in the DHT, causing other nodes to direct packets to the victim.

The handshake handles the first kind of attack by responding with a small WHOAREYOU packet whenever any request is received from an unknown endpoint. This is safe because the adversary's packet is always larger than the WHOAREYOU response, removing the incentive for the attack. To make the countermeasure work, implementations must keep session secrets not just per node ID, but also per node IP.

The second kind of attack--- installing the victim as a node ---is handled by requiring that implementations mustn't answer queries with nodes whose liveness hasn't been verified. When a node is added to the Kademlia table, it must pass at least one check on the IP declared in the node record before it can be returned in a NODES response.

An adversary may also try to replay previously sent/seen packets to impersonate a node or disturb the operation of the protocol. Session keys per node-ID/IP generally prevent replay across sessions. The request-id, mirrored in response packets, prevents replay of responses within a session.

Security Considerations for the Topic Index

Spamming with useless registrations

Our model is based on the following assumptions:

  • Anyone can place their own advertisements under any topics and the rate of placing registrations is not limited globally. The number of active registrations at any time is roughly proportional to the resources (network bandwidth, mostly) spent on advertising.
  • Honest actors whose purpose is to connect to other honest actors will spend an adequate amount of efforts on registering and searching for registrations, depending on the rate of newly established connections they are targeting. If the given topic is used only by honest actors, a few registrations per minute will be satisfactory, regardless of the size of the subnetwork.
  • Dishonest actors may want to place an excessive amount of registrations just to disrupt the discovery service. This will reduce the effectiveness of honest registration efforts by increasing the topic radius and/or the waiting times. If the attacker(s) can place a comparable amount or more registrations than all honest actors combined then the rate of new (useful) connections established throughout the network will reduce proportionally to the honest / (dishonest + honest) registration rates.

This adverse effect can be countered by honest actors increasing their registration and search efforts. Fortunately, the rate of established connections between them will increase proportionally both with increased honest registration and search efforts. If both are increased in response to an attack, the required factor of increased efforts from honest actors is proportional to the square root of the attacker's efforts.

Detecting a useless registration attack

In the case of a symmetrical protocol (where nodes are both searching and advertising under the same topic) it is easy to detect when most of the queried registrations turn out to be useless and increase both registration and query frequency. It is a bit harder but still possible with asymmetrical (client-server) protocols, where only clients can easily detect useless registrations, while advertisers (servers) do not have a direct way of detecting when they should increase their advertising efforts. One possible solution is for servers to also act as clients just to test the server capabilities of other advertisers. It is also possible to implement a feedback system between trusted clients and servers.

Amplifying network traffic by returning fake registrations

An attacker might wish to direct discovery traffic to a chosen address by returning records pointing to that address.

TBD: this is not solved.

Not registering/returning valid registrations

Although the limited registration frequency ensures that the resource requirements of acting as a proper advertisement medium are sufficiently low, such selfish behavior is possible, especially if some client implementations choose the easy way and not implement it at all. This is not a serious problem as long as the majority of nodes are acting properly, which will hopefully be the case. Advertisers can easily detect if their registrations are not returned so it is probably possible to implement a mechanism to weed out selfish nodes if necessary, but the design of such a mechanism is outside the scope of this document.
