hyprland hyprpaper hyprlock hypridle xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland waybar rofi-lbonn-wayland swaync pipewire pavucontrol grim slurp brightnessctl pamixer
network-manager network-manager-applet dnsutils dnsmasq
zsh fzf thefuck
papirus-icon-theme nerd-fonts breeze breeze-gtk nwg-look dracula
pywal-16-colors walogram-git
kitty nemo nemo-fileroller keepassxc code gnome-font-viewer yazi
docker docker-compose postman git gitflow-avh nvm jdk11-openjdk jdk21-openjdk
bluez bluez-utils
Dotfiles management is done using GNU stow. For more information watch dotfiles management with GNU stow video.
- Create new file inside repository. Remember that directory tree should correspond to local directory tree
- Create symlink using GNU stow
- Add file to git
Make sure that following dependencies are installed on your system
pacman -S git stow
First, clone repo to $HOME
directory using git, then cd
into it
git clone ...
cd dotfiles
then use GNU stow to create symlinks
stow .
if there are any files conflicting with this repo use following command. Beware that doing it will overwrite files in this repo with corresponding local ones
stow --adopt .
- Hyprland config
- Split config into files
- Add monitor profiles 3 monitors / single monitor
- Notifications
- Configure notifications to show only on main screen
- Notifications for laptop shortcut actions
- Add media center
- Virtual desktopesque workspaces - https://github.com/levnikmyskin/hyprland-virtual-desktops
- Add QT theme
- Add ARCH update checker
- Logitech Master MX 3s
- Configure keybinds
- Powermenu
- Add umountall before shutting down
- Create suspend script and use it in hypridle and powermenu
- Pause all players
- Mute microphone / unmute after suspend
- Checkout flameshot
- Create workspaces for spotify / discord + telegram
- Pywal
- Change colors in nemo (GTK)
- Improve vscode colors (some text is very hard to read)
- Rofi window / workspace switcher
- Try to make it work like windows / kde alt + tab (holding alt to display etc.)
- Try to implement secondary switcher for windows of current window type (if chrome is active, cycle between chrome instances etc.)
- It should cycle like windows alt + tab, so recent windows should be at the top