+All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
+Class |
+Description |
+AbstractDomainContextBase |
+ |
+Action<S> |
+ An action class represents a state change that can be preformed
+ on a stateful S .
+ |
+ActionSequence<M> |
+ A sequence of Actions that can be run with a model of type M
+ |
+ActionSequence.RunState |
+ |
+ActionSequenceArbitrary<M> |
+ |
+AddLifecycleHook |
+ |
+AfterContainer |
+ Annotate static methods of a container class with @AfterContainer
+ to have them run exactly once after all of its properties or any lifecycle
+ methods from embedded containers have been run.
+ |
+AfterContainerHook |
+ Implement this hook to define behaviour for a container (class or whole test suite)
+ that should be run exactly once after of its property methods and child containers.
+ |
+AfterExample |
+ |
+AfterFailureMode |
+ The after-failure mode determines how a property behaves after it has been falsified.
+ |
+AfterProperty |
+ Annotate methods of a container class with @AfterProperty
+ to have them run once after each property (or example)
+ including properties (or examples) of embedded containers.
+ |
+AfterTry |
+ Annotate methods of a container class with @AfterTry
+ to have them run once after each try - the actual invocation of the property
+ method with generated parameters - including properties of
+ embedded containers.
+ |
+AlphaChars |
+ Constrain the chars used to generate Strings or Characters to upper and lower case chars.
+ |
+Arbitraries |
+ |
+Arbitraries.ArbitrariesFacade |
+ |
+Arbitrary<T> |
+ The main interface for representing objects that can be generated and shrunk.
+ |
+Arbitrary.ArbitraryFacade |
+ |
+ArbitraryConfigurationException |
+ |
+ArbitraryConfigurator |
+ Implementors can modify any arbitrary before it's being used for value generation.
+ |
+ArbitraryConfiguratorBase |
+Using this base class is the easiest way to make use of the configuration mechanism
+ described in ArbitraryConfigurator
+ |
+ArbitraryProvider |
+ Implementation of this class are used to provide default arbitraries to
+ ForAll parameters without an explicit provider reference.
+ |
+ArbitraryProvider.SubtypeProvider |
+ |
+AroundContainerHook |
+ |
+AroundPropertyHook |
+ Implement this hook to define behaviour that should "wrap" the execution of a property,
+ i.e., do something directly before or after running a property - or both.
+ |
+AroundTryHook |
+ Implement this hook to define behaviour that should "wrap" the execution of a single try,
+ i.e., do something directly before or after executing a property method with a given list of parameters.
+ |
+Assume |
+ |
+BeforeContainer |
+ Annotate static methods of a container class with @BeforeContainer
+ to have them run exactly once before any of its properties or any lifecycle
+ methods from embedded containers will be run.
+ |
+BeforeContainerHook |
+ Implement this hook to define behaviour for a container (class or whole test suite)
+ that should be run exactly once before any of its property methods and child containers.
+ |
+BeforeExample |
+ |
+BeforeProperty |
+ Annotate methods of a container class with @BeforeProperty
+ to have them run once before each property (or example)
+ including properties (or examples) of embedded containers.
+ |
+BeforeTry |
+ Annotate methods of a container class with @BeforeTry
+ to have them run once before each try - the actual invocation of the property
+ method with generated parameters - including properties of
+ embedded containers.
+ |
+BigDecimalArbitrary |
+ Fluent interface to configure the generation of BigDecimal values.
+ |
+BigIntegerArbitrary |
+ Fluent interface to configure the generation of BigInteger values.
+ |
+BigRange |
+ Constrain the range of a generated "Big" number.
+ |
+ByteArbitrary |
+ Fluent interface to configure the generation of Byte and byte values.
+ |
+ByteRange |
+ Constrain the range of a generated byte or Byte parameters.
+ |
+CannotFindArbitraryException |
+ |
+CannotFindStoreException |
+ Experimental feature.
+ |
+CannotResolveParameterException |
+ Experimental feature.
+ |
+CharacterArbitrary |
+ Fluent interface to configure the generation of Character and char values.
+ |
+CharRange |
+ Constrain the chars used to generate Strings or Characters to chars in the range
+ from from to to .
+ |
+CharRangeList |
+ |
+Chars |
+ Constrain the chars used to generate Strings or Characters to chars
+ contained in value .
+ |
+CharsList |
+ |
+Combinators |
+ |
+Combinators.BuilderCombinator<B> |
+ Provide access to combinator's through builder functionality.
+ |
+Combinators.CombinableBuilder<B,T> |
+ Functionality to manipulate a builder.
+ |
+Combinators.Combinator2<T1,T2> |
+ |
+Combinators.Combinator3<T1,T2,T3> |
+ |
+Combinators.Combinator4<T1,T2,T3,T4> |
+ |
+Combinators.Combinator5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
+ |
+Combinators.Combinator6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
+ |
+Combinators.Combinator7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> |
+ |
+Combinators.Combinator8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> |
+ |
+Combinators.CombinatorsFacade |
+ |
+Combinators.F2<T1,T2,R> |
+ |
+Combinators.F3<T1,T2,T3,R> |
+ |
+Combinators.F4<T1,T2,T3,T4,R> |
+ |
+Combinators.F5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,R> |
+ |
+Combinators.F6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,R> |
+ |
+Combinators.F7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,R> |
+ |
+Combinators.F8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,R> |
+ |
+Combinators.ListCombinator<T> |
+ |
+ContainerLifecycleContext |
+ The context of a test container (a container class or the whole jqwik suite).
+ |
+Data |
+ Used to annotate methods that can provide data points for property methods.
+ |
+Disabled |
+ Use @Disabled("reason to disable") to disable test container or test method
+ during normal test execution.
+ |
+Domain |
+ |
+DomainContext |
+ Class that implement this interface are used to annotate property methods or containers like this:
+ Domain(MyDomainContext.class) .
+ |
+DomainContext.DomainContextFacade |
+ |
+DomainContext.Global |
+ |
+DomainList |
+ |
+DoubleArbitrary |
+ Fluent interface to configure the generation of Double and double values.
+ |
+DoubleRange |
+ Constrain the range of a generated double or Double parameters.
+ |
+EdgeCases<T> |
+ |
+EdgeCases.EdgeCasesFacade |
+ |
+EdgeCasesMode |
+ The edge-cases mode determines if and when combined edge-cases of all parameters will be explicitly generated.
+ |
+Example |
+ Use @Example to mark methods that are simple, example-based
+ test cases.
+ |
+ExhaustiveGenerator<T> |
+ Used only internally to run and compute exhaustive generation of parameters
+ |
+ExhaustiveGenerator.ExhaustiveGeneratorFacade |
+ |
+FacadeLoader |
+ |
+FalsificationResult<T> |
+ |
+FalsificationResult.Status |
+ |
+FalsifiedSample |
+ A falsified sample is the collection of data that could be falsified during
+ a property run.
+ |
+Falsifier<T> |
+ This interface is no longer used anywhere in jqwik's public API
+ and could therefore be deprecated and moved to engine implementation.
+ |
+FloatArbitrary |
+ Fluent interface to configure the generation of Float and float values.
+ |
+FloatRange |
+ Constrain the range of a generated float or Float parameters.
+ |
+ForAll |
+ Used to annotate method parameters that will be provided by jqwik.
+ |
+From |
+Used to annotate type parameters within property parameters annotated with ForAll .
+ |
+FromData |
+ Used to annotate property methods.
+ |
+FunctionArbitrary<F,R> |
+ Fluent interface to configure arbitraries that represent functional types
+ |
+Functions |
+ |
+Functions.FunctionsFacade |
+ |
+Functions.FunctionWrapper |
+ |
+GenerationMode |
+ The generation mode defines the generation behaviour of a property.
+ |
+Group |
+ |
+Histogram |
+ A statistics report format to display collected statistics entries as a histogram
+ |
+Histogram.Bucket |
+ |
+IntegerArbitrary |
+ Fluent interface to configure the generation of Integer and int values.
+ |
+IntRange |
+ Constrain the range of a generated int or Integer parameters.
+ |
+Invariant<T> |
+ |
+IteratorArbitrary<T> |
+ Fluent interface to add functionality to arbitraries that generate instances
+ of type Iterator
+ |
+JqwikException |
+ Base exception for exceptions that are thrown during the discovery phase
+ and during setup of properties before they are actually run.
+ |
+Label |
+ Use @Label("a descriptive name") to give test classes, groups and methods
+ a more readable label (aka display name).
+ |
+LifecycleContext |
+ Supertype of all lifecycle context interfaces.
+ |
+LifecycleHook |
+ This is the supertype of all lifecycle hook interfaces.
+ |
+LifecycleHooks |
+ Experimental feature.
+ |
+Lifespan |
+Define how long a resource,
+ e.g. the value in a Store with the same identifier,
+ will live:
+ For the whole test run
+ For the currently running property
+ For the currently running try
+ Any hook or collection of hooks can use this enum to allow the specification
+ of the lifespan of resources from which it is abstracting.
+ |
+ListArbitrary<T> |
+ Fluent interface to add functionality to arbitraries that generate instances
+ of type List
+ |
+LongArbitrary |
+ Fluent interface to configure the generation of Long and long values.
+ |
+LongRange |
+ Constrain the range of a generated long or BigInteger parameters.
+ |
+LowerChars |
+ Constrain the chars used to generate Strings or Characters to lower case chars.
+ |
+MapArbitrary<K,V> |
+ Fluent interface to add functionality to arbitraries that generate instances
+ of type Map
+ |
+Negative |
+ Constrain the range of a generated number to be less than 0.
+ |
+NotEmpty |
+ Constrain the size of generated "sizable" types to be at least 1.
+ |
+NumberRangeHistogram |
+A specialized type of Histogram to divide collected numbers
+ into range-based clusters for display in a histogram.
+ |
+NumericalArbitrary<T,A extends NumericalArbitrary<T,A>> |
+ |
+NumericChars |
+ Constrain the chars used to generate Strings or Characters to digits.
+ |
+ParameterResolutionContext |
+ Experimental feature.
+ |
+PerProperty |
+ Annotate property methods of a container class with @PerProperty
+ if you want to have some lifecycle control over this property alone.
+ |
+PerProperty.Lifecycle |
+ |
+PerProperty.PerPropertyHook |
+ |
+Positive |
+ Constrain the range of a generated number to be greater than 0.
+ |
+PropagationMode |
+ Describes if and how a concrete registered hook is propagated to children of
+ the element where the hook has been registered.
+ |
+Property |
+ Use @Property to mark methods that serve as properties.
+ |
+PropertyAttributes |
+Represents a property method's attributes which are set (or not)
+ in attributes of the Property annotation.
+ |
+PropertyDefaults |
+ Annotate a container class with @PropertyDefaults
+ if you want to set defaults of Property attributes of all contained property methods.
+ |
+PropertyDefaults.PropertyDefaultsHook |
+ |
+PropertyExecutionResult |
+ Represents the result of running a property.
+ |
+PropertyExecutionResult.Status |
+ Status of executing a single test or container.
+ |
+PropertyExecutor |
+ Objects of this class represent a property's execution.
+ |
+PropertyLifecycleContext |
+ The context information of a property or example.
+ |
+Provide |
+ Used to annotate methods that can provide values for property method parameters.
+ |
+RandomDistribution |
+ Determines how generated numerical values are generated and distributed
+ across the allowed range and a center withing this range.
+ |
+RandomDistribution.RandomDistributionFacade |
+ |
+RandomDistribution.RandomNumericGenerator |
+ Generator for BigInteger values which are behind all generated numeric values in jqwik.
+ |
+RandomGenerator<T> |
+ |
+RandomGenerator.RandomGeneratorFacade |
+ |
+RegistrarHook |
+ Use this hook if you want to apply several hook implementations that belong
+ together but that cannot be implemented in a single class, e.g. because
+ the same hook type must be added with different proximity or different propagation.
+ |
+RegistrarHook.Registrar |
+ A short-lived object used for registering concrete hook implementation classes.
+ |
+Report |
+ Use @Report to specify what additional things should be reported
+ when running a property.
+ |
+Reporter |
+ An interface that can be used to report additional information for a test element,
+ i.e. a test container or property.
+ |
+Reporting |
+ |
+ResolveParameterHook |
+ This hook type allows to provide parameters for property methods
+ but also to annotated lifecycle methods.
+ |
+ResolveParameterHook.ParameterSupplier |
+ A functional interface specialized on providing parameters to property methods
+ and to annotated lifecycle methods.
+ |
+SampleReportingFormat |
+ |
+SampleReportingFormat.SampleReportingFormatFacade |
+ |
+Scale |
+ Use to constrain the maximum number of decimal places when generating decimal numbers.
+ |
+SelfConfiguringArbitrary<T> |
+An Arbitrary implementation can also implement this interface if it wants
+ to take over its own configuration which is usually being done by registered instances
+ of ArbitraryConfigurator.
+ |
+SetArbitrary<T> |
+ Fluent interface to add functionality to arbitraries that generate instances
+ of type Set
+ |
+ShortArbitrary |
+ Fluent interface to configure the generation of Short and short values.
+ |
+ShortRange |
+ Constrain the range of a generated short or Short parameters.
+ |
+Shrinkable<T> |
+ |
+Shrinkable.ShrinkableFacade |
+ |
+ShrinkingDistance |
+ |
+ShrinkingMode |
+ The shrinking mode defines the shrinking behaviour of a property.
+ |
+ShrinkingSequence<T> |
+ |
+ShrunkFalsifiedSample |
+A shrunk falsified sample is a FalsifiedSample that results
+ from shrinking.
+ |
+SizableArbitrary<U> |
+ Fluent interface to configure arbitraries that have size constraints for generated values, e.g. collections and arrays.
+ |
+Size |
+ Constrain the size of generated "sizable" types.
+ |
+SkipExecutionHook |
+ Use this hook to determine if an annotated element should be skipped during
+ a test run or not.
+ |
+SkipExecutionHook.SkipResult |
+ |
+Statistics |
+ This class serves as a container for static methods to collect statistical
+ data about generated values within a property method and to check coverage
+ of that data.
+ |
+Statistics.StatisticsFacade |
+ |
+StatisticsCollector |
+ This class serves as an interface to collect statistical
+ data about generated values within a property method.
+ |
+StatisticsCoverage |
+ Intermediate object to provide statistics coverage checking capabilities
+ |
+StatisticsCoverage.CoverageChecker |
+ |
+StatisticsEntry |
+ Describes an entry for a given statistics selector.
+ |
+StatisticsReport |
+ This annotation can be used to influence statistics reporting.
+ |
+StatisticsReport.None |
+ |
+StatisticsReport.StatisticsReportMode |
+ |
+StatisticsReportFormat |
+ An implementation of this interface is responsible for creating
+ a formatted statistics report.
+ |
+Store<T> |
+ Experimental feature.
+ |
+Store.StoreFacade |
+ |
+StreamableArbitrary<T,U> |
+ Fluent interface to add functionality to arbitraries whose generation artefacts
+ can be streamed, e.g.
+ |
+StreamArbitrary<T> |
+ Fluent interface to add functionality to arbitraries that generate instances
+ of type Stream
+ |
+StringArbitrary |
+ Fluent interface to configure arbitraries that generate String values.
+ |
+StringLength |
+ Constrain the length of generated Strings.
+ |
+Table |
+ |
+Tag |
+ Use @Tag("a tag") to give test classes, groups and methods an (additional) tag
+ which can later be used to select the set of tests to execute.
+ |
+TagList |
+ |
+TooManyFilterMissesException |
+ |
+TryExecutionResult |
+ Represents the result of calling a property method with a list of parameters.
+ |
+TryExecutionResult.Status |
+ Status of running a single try.
+ |
+TryExecutor |
+ Experimental feature.
+ |
+TryLifecycleContext |
+ The context information of a single try of a property.
+ |
+Tuple |
+ Typed Tuples are very convenient containers to have, especially in the context of
+ generating dependent values.
+ |
+Tuple.Tuple0 |
+ |
+Tuple.Tuple1<T1> |
+ |
+Tuple.Tuple2<T1,T2> |
+ |
+Tuple.Tuple3<T1,T2,T3> |
+ |
+Tuple.Tuple4<T1,T2,T3,T4> |
+ |
+Tuple.Tuple5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
+ |
+Tuple.Tuple6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
+ |
+Tuple.Tuple7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> |
+ |
+Tuple.Tuple8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> |
+ |
+TypeArbitrary<T> |
+ Fluent interface to configure arbitraries that try to generate instances
+ of a given type T from the type's available constructors and factory methods.
+ |
+TypeUsage |
+ An instance of TypeUsage describes the information available for parameter or return types.
+ |
+TypeUsage.TypeUsageFacade |
+ |
+Unique |
+ Make a generated value to be unique withing the same try.
+ |
+UpperChars |
+ Constrain the chars used to generate Strings or Characters to upper and lower case chars.
+ |
+UseType |
+ Generate a value from the annotated class' or type's constructors or factory methods.
+ |
+UseTypeMode |
+ |
+Whitespace |
+ Constrain the chars used to generate Strings or Characters to chars
+ that will return true for Character.isWhitespace(char) .
+ |
+WithNull |
+ Allows jqwik to inject null parameters into generated values.
+ |