The simulator executes according to instructions in an execute script. Consider the script pipelines/pompia/localhost.nebula:
# Sample Nebula script
# NOTE: Nebula's multicore support can execute across multiple machines!
# single-core
service implementation/
service implementation/
service implementation/
service implementation/
service implementation/
service implementation/
service implementation/
## quad-core
#service implementation/
#service implementation/
#service implementation/
#service implementation/
#service implementation/
#service implementation/
#service implementation/
config mainmem:peek_latency_in_cycles 25
config fetch:l1ic_nsets 16
config fetch:l1ic_nways 2
config fetch:l1ic_nbytesperblock 16
config fetch:l1ic_evictionpolicy lru # random
config decode:max_instructions_to_decode 4
config l2:nsets 32
config l2:nways 16
config l2:nbytesperblock 16
config l2:evictionpolicy lru # random
config l2:hitlatency 5
config mainmem:peek_latency_in_cycles 25
config mainmem:filename /tmp/mainmem.raw
config mainmem:capacity 4294967296
config stats:output_filename /tmp/stats.json
The script is comprised of commands:
config A B C change configuration of service A field B to value C
cycle print the cycle count to stdout
register set A B set register A to value B
run begin execution
service A:B:C:D:E stage service A on machine B, connecting via SSH port C, as a part of cores D through E (where D:E = -1:-1 means visible to all cores)
spawn execute all staged services
state print launcher's state (i.e., variables, etc) to stdout
shutdown send shutdown signal to services, exit launcher