This file chronologically records all notable changes to this website, including new features, tweaks, and bug fixes.
Changelogs | Versioning | Branch model
- [bugfix] Login required for maps
- [bugfix] Proper redirects on login
- [bugfix] License in footer should be GPL 3
- [bugfix] Edit button on flat pages visible for all users
- [bugfix] Removes extra ordinal in last repeat of quest
- [bugfix] Global chillax line setting in config
- Direct links to comments and announcements
- [teachers] Repeat quests by semester
- [bugfix] Announcement email links
- [bugfix] Attachment margins
- [teachers] Blocking quests
- [bugfix] Runaway whitespace in quests
- [bugfix] Export quests missing
- [teachers] Courses can now be used as a prerequisite
- [teachers] Custom favicon
- [teachers] No longer receive notification for quest submissions of non-students (since these now show up in your approvals list anyway)
- [bugfix] Upgrade to Summernote 8.11 fixes list numbering bug (for new lists, old lists will require redoing)
- [bugfix] Sender link in messages fixed #237
- [bugfix] Many other minor bug fixes
- [dev] Upgrade to Django 2.2 LTS (good till April 2022)
- Display names instead of student numbers in Messages
- [bugfix] Clear draft text after submission
- Other minor bugfixes and styling tweaks
- [dev] More tests
- [bugfix] Badge descriptions
- [bugfix] DM email link
- Remove individual notifications from dropdown
- Require first and last name for new accounts
- DM headings and emails improved
- [teachers] New config fields for custom text
- [teachers] Reorganize submission buttons
- [teachers] Flag subissions via ajax (no page redirect)
- [bugfix] Broken macro text button on full reply
- DM formatting and attachments
- [teachers] DM options (send to teacher only)
- [teachers] Customizable "chillax lines" with MarkRanges
- [bugfix] Force recalc of available quests when auto-approved
- [bugfix] Various DM bug fixes
- Direct Messaging
- Options to receive notifications and announcements by email
- Badge rarities
- Save draft submissions (60s autosave)
- Badges specific pages
- [teachers] Auto-publish announements
- [dev] Add celery-beat for periodic tasks
- [dev] TravisCI and flake8 linting
- Increase hidden quest limit
- [dev] Refactor to docker use in development
- [bugfix] Fixed celery caching errors
- [bugfix] Fixed locked tasks
- Add redis db and caching to improve performance
- Upwork optimization 1
- [bugfix] drag-and-drop images duplicate comments
- [bugfix] html auto-formatting
- styling tweaks in dark theme
- security updates
- [teachers] auto-format html when saved
- [bugfix] clean comments (orphaned li, scripts removed)
- [bugfix] remove old grade field in courses
- [bugfix] copying quests error fixed
- [bugfix] import quests error fixed
- [teachers] basic import/export of quests from admin menu
- [bugfix] new datetime widgets to replace broken ones
- Formatted descriptions for portfolios
- Security updates
- [teachers] Fix announcement buttons
- [bugfix] Date and Time widgets on quest creation
- [bugfix] Deleted quest causing havoc.
- [code] Basic tests added to several apps
- Silent mode allows user to turn off gong sounds
- [bugfix] View student numbers in admin
- Security updates
- Various styling tweaks and fixes
- [bugfix] fix summernote widgets
- [teachers] grant multiple awards at once in full-reply
- [teachers] display XP value of awards when selecting them
- [code] Django 2.0.x (2.1 still has conflicts with some dependencies)
- [code] Resolve security vulnerabilities in dependencies
- [code] First migrations commit
- File resource for uploading local videos and zip files.
- [bugfix] quick reply parsing
- [code] Start a better defined branching and release model for code base
- [code] Resolve warnings for django2
- Many mobile tweaks
- Added LaTeX math support
- Quest submenu in top navbar
- [teacher only] Customizable menu links
- force responsive images in submissions (so large images no longer extend past the content area)
- create mobile menu for notifications
- turn off suggestions
- various mobile layout tweaks
- remove left menu on mobile, added to top menu bar.
- [bugfix] only offer to add valid media to portfolios
- [bugfix] create portfolio when adding if it doesn't exist (instead of error)
- new button to access in-progress quests directly (much faster)
- students can view unavailable quests as a preview
- [teacher only] indicator when specific teachers are notified by particular quests
- [bugfix] skipped quests bugging out
- [teacher only] Site name and banner as a configurable setting (support for Studio Tyee)
- [teacher only] export data as json (for use with browser extension to upload marks to CIMS)
- [bugifx] comment ban was banning wrong person
- User custom stylesheets!
- New styling options in text editor (summernote plugins)
- [teacher only] Export of student data for report cards
- [teacher only] Figure styles and packed responsive images (see
- Add support for <439px displays (phones in portrait modes)
- CSS tweaks for images and lists
- [bugfix] Sort marks properly
- Students can create and edit quests by turning on the TA flag in their profile
- codemirror formatting when using codeview
- New histogram chart on student XP page
- Added emoji insertion, fontawesome insertion, new semantic formats, and better video insertion
- [teacher only] Grade can now be used as a prerequisite
- [teacher only] Teachers can flag submissions for future follow up
- [teacher only] Teachers can choose to only see quests in their own blocks (default)
- Fullscreen view of quest maps
- Length of displayed Aliases are now limited
- [teacher only] Quests not visible to students now appear in a Drafts tab
- [bugfix] Fix badge granting bugs from Django 1.11
- [bugfix] Repeatable quest bug fixed
- [bugfix] Map creation was showing non-visible quests
- [bugfix] Add manual course XP adjustment to grade calcs
- Other minor tweaks
- Updated Django to 1.11 LTS (support to 2020)
- Fixed bugs preventing initial migrations when setting up the django app
- Bulk badge granting
- TOC generator for FAQ
- List all dates that badges were granted in profile (as opposed to only the latest one)
- XP Chart formatting tweaks
- This changelog!
- Archive quests
- XP is now cached so it doesn't recalculate unless a new quest is approve/returned or badge awarded.
- Other minor optimizations to improve page load speeds.
- Changed license to GPL v3.