A Lambda function which implements a Custom Resource for CloudFormation that deploys lambdas together with config files and also has support for running in a VPC.
Create a Role with ./create-role.sh
. This creates a new stack with the
appropriate permissions for the function.
Deploy the lambda function with ./deploy-lambda.sh
The interface for lambdaWithConfig
is the same as AWS::Lambda::Function
with a few exceptions:
specifies a config object to inject into the Code ZIP file. This can be compromised of literal values and CloudFormation Refs as you would expect. The config object will be added asconfig.json
in the root of the ZIP file.FunctionName
is not supported. The name will be based on the stack and resource name and is available using{"Fn::GetAtt": ["MyLambda", "FunctionName"]}
is available to support fetching Code ZIP files from buckets in other regions.VpcConfig
is used to configure your lambda to run in a VPC by specifing an array ofSecurityGroupIds
. The example below uses stack and vpc dependency to find the correct values.
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Parameters": {
"EnvironmentName": {
"Type": "String",
"Default": "development",
"AllowedValues": [
"ServiceVersion": {
"Description": "Version of the service",
"Type": "String"
"Resources": {
"MyLambda": {
"Type": "Custom::LambdaWithConfig",
"Properties": {
"ServiceToken": { "Fn::Join": [ "", [
{ "Ref": "AWS::Region" },
{ "Ref": "AWS::AccountId" },
] ] },
"Code": {
"S3Bucket": "my-build-packages",
{ "Fn::Join": [ "", [
{ "Ref": "ServiceVersion" },
"Handler": "lambda.handler",
"MemorySize": 128,
"Role" : {
"Fn::GetAtt" : ["LambdaExecutionRole", "Arn"]
"Runtime" : "nodejs",
"Timeout" : 30,
"Config": {
"EnvironmentName": { "Ref": "EnvironmentName" }
"VpcConfig": {
"SecurityGroupIds": [
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"InfrastructureSupportStack", "InternalHTTPClientSecurityGroupId"]
"SubnetIds": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"Vpc", "Subnets"]
"LambdaExecutionRole": {
"Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
"Properties": {
"AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": "lambda.amazonaws.com"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
"LambdaExecutionPolicy": {
"Type": "AWS::IAM::Policy",
"Properties": {
"PolicyName": "LambdaExecutionPolicy",
"PolicyDocument": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [],
"Resource": "*"
"Roles": [
"Ref": "LambdaExecutionRole"
"Outputs": {
"MyLambda": {
"Fn::GetAtt": ["MyLambda", "FunctionName"]