title | author | output |
Simulation Wright-Fisher model with R |
Maria Izabel |
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In the following exercise you will:
- Learn the assumptions of Wright-Fisher and Coalescence Model.
- Simulate different scenarios using the different models.
- Understand the concept and effects of genetic drift and effective population size in the different scenarios.
A lot of population genetics theory is focused on describing the changes of allele frequencies through time. Once we understand how and why the frequencies of alleles change, we have learned a great portion of evolution.
There are two most important factors that cause allele frequencies to change through time: natural selection and genetic drift. Genetic drift is the random change of allele frequencies in populations of finite sizes. Genetic drift occurs because more or less copies of an allele by chance can be transmitted to the next generation. This can occur because by chance the individuals carrying a particular allele can leave more or less offspring in the next generation. In a sexual diploid population genetic drift also occurs because Mendelian transmission means that only one of the two alleles in an individual, chosen at random at a locus, is transmitted to the offspring.
Genetic drift can play a role in the dynamics of all alleles and populations, but it will play the biggest role for neutral alleles. A neutral polymorphism occurs when the segregating alleles at a polymorphic site have no discernible differences in their effect on fitness. And because has no effect on fitness, natural selection is not truly orchestrating those changes.
For now (Chapter 2 and 3) we will only focus our attention on the effect of genetic drift on shaping allele frequencies. But later in this course you will see that we can include selection into the models.
Population geneticists have developed a number of different models to describe genetic drift. The most common model is the Wright-Fisher model. And is built based in multiple assumptions that will be discussed below.
During the 1980s mathematicians and biologists used part of the concepts of Wright-Fisher model and developed the Coalescence theory, which could be readly used and applied for real data.
The differences between two models are quite simple: while Wright-Fisher models changes of allele frequencies forward in time, the coalescence theory considers a sample and the genealogical history of the sample, in other words: backwards in time.
Just to test you knowledge I first ask you too questions:
What are the assumptions of Wright-Fisher model? What is the distributions used for modelling allele frequencies?
In a sample of two gene copies taken from a population, what is the distribution and expectation of the time until the two copies find a most recent common ancestor?
(based on scripts by Graham Coop and Fernando Racimo)
Download the R script simulateWF.R from this github repository into a folder in your computer, then cd into that folder and start running the R console:
source("simulateWF.R") # sourcing the functions of the code
This script contains a set of functions for simulating the Wright-Fisher model, both forwards and backwards in time. We'll play with these functions to gain some intuition about how the models work.
First, we'll run a Wright-Fisher model beginning with a population with two alleles. The population will have size 2N = 10 (so N = 5 diploid individuals) and we'll run the simulation for 15 generations:
- What do you observe plotted on the screen?
a) Run this line 10 times, and record how many times the red allele fixes, how many times the blue allele fixes and how many times the population remains polymorphic (both the blue and the red allele still co-exist). Compare your results with your neighbor. Does there seem to be a preference for whether the blue or red allele fixes? Why do you think this is so? Hint: check the frequency of the two alleles at the beginning of the simulation.
You may have noticed that a vector of values also gets printed into the console every time we run this simulation. This is the allele counts of the blue allele. We can use this vector to trace the frequency of the blue allele over time:
bluecounts <- WF_twoalleles(5,15)
bluefreq <- bluecounts / (2 * 5)
plot(bluefreq,ylim=c(0,1),type="b",col="blue",pch=19,xlab="generations",ylab="Blue frequency")
b) Repeat exercise a) but with N=3 and N=10. Do alleles tend to "fix" faster when N is large or when N is small?
We can also run a Wright-Fisher model with more than two alleles. The function below begins with a population in which each individual contains two distinct alleles, which are different from all other alleles in the population.
a) What happens to the allelic diversity (number of alleles present) as time goes forward? Are there more or less heterozygotes at the end of the simulation than at the beginning?
b) Check what happens to allelic diversity over time, when N = 3 and when N = 10.
bluecounts <- WF_manyalleles(3,15)
bluecounts <- WF_manyalleles(10,15)
So far, we've been running the Wright-Fisher model forwards in time. We began with a population of individuals with (possibly) distinct alleles and observed what happened as we approached the present. Now, we'll start in the present and go backwards in time. Specifically, we'll aim to trace the lineages of particular individuals that exist in the present and see how they "coalesce" (find a common ancestor) in the past.
a) We will trace the genealogy of 3 lineages in a population of size N = 10 (2N = 20) over 20 generations:
track_lineages(N.vec=rep(10,20), n.iter=1, num.tracked=3)
Repeat this simulation 10 times. For each simulation, record the time between the present and the first coalescent event, and the time between the first coalescent event and the second coalescent event (i.e. the most recent common ancestor of all 3 lineages). You can ignore simulations where lineages have not coalesced at generation 20. Which of the two times tends to be larger? Why do you think this is?
b) Check what happens to the coalescence rate, when N = 7 and when N = 20. Do lineages coalesce faster or slower with larger population size?
The purpose of this first exercise is to make sure it is clear how a coalescence tree is simulated. We will use R so a little familiarity with this language will help. First, let us try to simulate a coalescence tree for five gene copies by hand:
Start by drawing a node for each of the five gene copies on an invisible line (with space for drawing a tree above them). Name these nodes 1,2,3,4,5
Also, make a list of the node names. You can either do this by hand or you can do it in R by simply writing:
nodes = c(1,2,3,4,5) # make the list and call it nodes
nodes # print the list
- Sample which two nodes will coalesce first (going back in time) by randomly picking two of the nodes. You can either do this by hand or you can do it in R by typing:
nodecount = length(nodes) # save the number of nodes in the variable nodecount
tocoalesce = sample(1:nodecount, size=2) # sample 2 different nodes in node list
nodes[tocoalesce[1]] # print the first node sampled
nodes[tocoalesce[2]] # print the second node sampled
If you used R then make sure you understand what the R code does before moving on.
- Sample the time it takes before these two nodes coalesce (measured from previous coalescence event in units of 2N) by sampling from an exponential distribution with rate equal to nodecount*(nodecount-1)/2 where nodecount is the number of nodes in your node list. Do this in R by typing:
coalescencerate = nodecount*(nodecount-1)/2 # calculate the coalescent rate
coalescencetime = rexp(1, rate=coalescencerate) # sample from exponential w. that rate
Make sure you understand what the R code does before moving on.
- Now draw a node that is the sampled amount of time further up in the tree than the currently highest node (so if the currently highest node is drawn at height T then draw the new one at height T plus the sampled coalescence time) and draw a branch from each of the nodes you sampled in step 3 to this new node indicating that these two nodes coalesce at this time.
nodecount = nodecount-2
coalescencerate = nodecount*(nodecount-1)/2 # calculate the coalescent rate
coalescencetime = rexp(1, rate=coalescencerate+coalescencetime) # sample from exponential w. that rate
- Next, make an updated list of the nodes that are left by removing the two nodes that coalesced and instead adding the newly drawn node that represents their common ancestor. You can call the new node the next number not used as a name yet (e.g. if this is the first coalescence event you can call it 6, if it is the second coalescence event you can call it 7 etc.). You can either do this by hand or in R. If you want to do it R you can do it as follows:
nodes <- nodes[-tocoalesce] # remove the two nodes that coalesced
nodes <- c(nodes,2*5-length(nodes)-1) # add the new node
nodes # print the new list
If you used R then make sure you understand what the R code does before moving on.
- If you only have one node left in your list of remaining nodes you are done. If not, go back to step 3.
In the end you should have a tree, which is a simulation of a coalescence tree J Try to do this a couple times until you feel like you know how it is done and understand what is going on (if you after a drawing a few trees still don't understand then feel free to ask for help!)
Doing this by hand is obviously a bit tedious. So based on the R code snippets you already got, we have built a function that allows you to do this automatically (it even makes a drawing of the tree). You can use it from the course server by typing the following in R:
Once you have done this you can simulate and draw trees just like you just did by hand by typing the code below, which will print out ten trees on the screen:
for(i in c(1:10)){
print("New Tree")
yourtree <-simtree(5) # simulate tree with 5 nodes
ct<-read.tree(text=yourtree);plot(ct,cex=1.5);add.scale.bar(y=1.2,x=0.2,cex = 2,col = "red",lcol="red",lwd=3)
print(" ")
You should see several trees printed out in the screen. If this doesn't happen, try downloading the R script from this github website, and then running it locally in your machine (after you cd to the folder in which you downloaded the script).
Note that the code also prints the simulated coalescence times.
Based on the results you get answer the following questions:
Which coalescence event takes the longest on average (the first coalescence event, the second, third, or the last)? And which event takes the shortest on average?
Is that what you would expect? Recall that the mean of an exponential distribution with rate lambda is 1/lambda and the coalescence rate when there are n nodes left is n(n-1)/2. So the mean is 2/(n(n-1)), so for instance for when there are 5 nodes left the mean coalescent time is 2/(5(5-1))=0.1
for(n in c(1:5)){
mean_coalesnce_time = 2/(n*(n-1))
- Which coalescence event time seems to vary the most?
#The last coalescence events, the smaller the rate the higher the variance.
- Is that what you would expect? Recall that the variance of an exponential is 1/(lambda^2).