The Scripps-KAUST Regional Integrated Prediction System (SKRIPS) is an open-source model for coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations.
The SKRIPS model is intended to compile and run on many different Unix/Linux operating systems with little or no change. Minimally, you will need the fortran compiler, MPI, netCDF libraries, and up to 10 Gb of disk space for installing all these components:
- Atmosphere Solver: WRF (version 4.5.2)
- Ocean Solver: MITgcm (version c68r)
- Wave Solver: WaveWatch III (version 6.07.1)
- Driver (coupler): ESMF/NUOPC (version 8.6.0)
The SKRIPS v2.01 code is available at:
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: How to install the model components <install_index> How to run coupled simulations <tutorial/index>
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: Introduction of implementations <implementations/index> Limitations and known issues <limitations/index>