This document is a proposal of a formalism that allows to specify, define and document AGL bindings APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). We first define our needs, search for a candidate in the existing FOSS pool, and eventually come up a custom solution (based on existing and validated pieces of Free Software).
In this document we use the term API Specification as broad term, that can actually be refined in more specific tasks : Definition, Specification, and Documentation.
They are all related, but also different entities, with their respective purposes.
Historically, and still often nowadays, Specification is done in a human, natural language, with focus on high-level aspects, behavior and responsibilities...
Definition refers to more fine-grained level, often describing the messages exchanged by the API, using a more machine-oriented formalism that allows automated processing.
Finally Documentation is aimed at developers, API users. It will often compile information found in the former, synthesized in a convenient way, for instance as a set of HTML pages, with hyperlinks, that can be conveniently read in a web browser.
The formalism we propose in this document address those three aspect in a unified and (hopefully) convenient way, making the distinction kind of obsolete.
Especially when written in capital letters,
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
TO BE COMPLETED : This MUST be achieved for a definitive version (1.0 and further). This SHALL be mostly correct for previous versions.
Well, First off: is API specification useful for AGL ?
The answer is a resounding "YES !"
Indeed, the micro service architecture of AGL and its flexible IPC mechanism emphasizes on the decomposition of services or applications in tiny cooperative parts. This has big advantages in terms of flexibility and development process, but, subsequently, implies to correctly document interfaces.
In our opinion, we should avoid specifying using natural human language as much as possible. We should favor the use of a machine-oriented formalism to describe most of (if not all) the aspects of an API.
Doing so enables automation of various tasks such as :
- Generation of documentation (in many formats and using customizable styles)
- Generation of code (either minimal or elaborated)
- Adaptation to transport backend or protocol
- Generation of test cases
- Integration of advanced tools like supervision, tracing, spying
- Proof of system properties, in particular when assembling many API together
The formalism SHALL, at least allows to fulfill the following features:
- Describing JSON data of APIs
- Specifying APIs that throw events (expected, or spurious)
- Describing the internal states and their transitions (state-machines)
- Describing the security model based on permissions
- Being Suitable for the generation of:
- Documentation in various formats:
- markdown
- ...
- Code skeleton various languages (C, Python...) with optional features;
- parameter validation
- marshalling / unmarshalling
- ...
- Automated tests
- ...
- Documentation in various formats:
With the raise of distributed computing — using IPCs (InterProcess Communication) and/or RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls) mechanisms — urged the need for a way to describe the Programming Interfaces provided by an arbitrary computing node.
Indeed, while a language like C, or Java, is self-descriptive at its source code level, distributed computing can imply various hardware and software technologies with no common standard. Furthermore, calls are often serialized into generic protocol messages (such as TCP, UNIX sockets, ...) with no intrinsic structure.
IDL is an attempt to address such a problem. Various IDLs came up with different approaches, and they have been maturing with years.
They are now found with a clear predominance in Web-based technologies.
One of the first shot was RPC language from Sun Microsystem, used for implementing NFS (Network File System) using RPC (Remote Procedure Call).
An other early shot was released with the CORBA 2 standard, where the need for interfacing various technologies (mainly C++ and Java) led to an implementation-agnostic description formalism of the interfaces provided by system components ("agnostic" just meaning "regardless of their respective actual implementation").
CORBA 2 IDL already allowed some automatic processing, but unlike modern IDLs made of structured data trees, CORBA's IDL is a "full-featured" language than need a compiler-like program to be interpreted (which is not easy to write and quite heavy to maintain). Also, for the record, CORBA used a specific binary format for message marshalling.
By the meantime, WebServices (based on XML RPCs over HTTP, aka SOAP) and the next decade RESTFul APIs (so-called "Web Applications") spread, with their own needs of describing node interfaces for the sake of interoperability.
WSDL (Web Service Description Language) was used to describe SOAP interfaces.
On the other hand, various IDLs like WADL (Web Application Description Language) and RAML (Restful Application Modeling Language), and swagger/OpenAPI, among others were aimed at Web Applications (RESTFul APIs).
It is worth to note is that from the beginning and until now, each new RPC technology came up with its own specific IDL (whenever it provides one !). And, although all IDLs are all sharing common concepts, no unifying / general purpose language made any major break-through...
By time passed, as from 2010 or so, JSON (1, 2) started to widely replace XML for structured data representation in the messages exchanges. Various IDLs evolved to reflect this change.
As AGL uses JSON for message (verb request and replies, events) payload encoding, using JSON (or another equivalent format) to describes the messages payload format sounds attractive.
As per JIRA SPEC-1903 3, 3 main IDLs were identified.
All of them are using JSON (or equivalent format to describe interfaces):
OpenAPI is not a language, unlike many IDL, but rather describes structured data, in JSON format.
Micro service architectures on the Web mostly use OpenAPI for specifying and documenting their API. For this reason, it was a good candidate to evaluate.
Sadly, however, the API description language in OpenAPI never provided some of the features required/expected by AGL for a such tool. It mainly lacks features to describe event aspects and the security model has mismatches.
This IDL is very similar to OpenAPI. It add features for event management. But it also doesn't fit much the requirements.
GENIVI Franca is very close to our expectations in terms of features, but also closely tighten to eclipse / Xtext7.
Many IDL (Interface Description Language) exist but they rarely fit all AGL requirements.
First of all, they generally are "languages", meaning that they are difficult to parse, to generate and to manipulate by tools.
Many of them are also type oriented and this typing is not convenient when the generation of code targets more than one language.
Although no suitable solution is available off the shelf, this research taught its lessons and some ideas stemmed from those investigations.
First, both of them are using structured data representation to encode the API description, allowing JSON and more human-friendly format as YAML.
This proposal includes advanced designs introduced after some discussions with Joël Champeau and Philippe Dhaussy, researchers at ENSTA Bretagne (National Institute of Advanced Technologies of Brittany) specialized in system modeling and formal verification: description of internal states, scenarios of interaction. All of this have counterpart in UML design methodology.
One of the goals of specifying our APIs is to manipulate AGL binding verbs payloads (validation, parsing, etc). As a matter of fact, this payload is encoded in JSON.
As stated above, other IDLs like OpenAPI and AsyncAPI do rely on JSON-Schema 8 for this kind of task (NB : a subset extension for OpenAPI, a super-set for AsyncAPI).
JSON-Schemas enables a normalized description of the syntax a given chuck of JSON. The schema itself being written in JSON, (or can be converted to) it can be, in turn, validated against a so-called "meta-schema". Meta-schemas are also JSON-Schemas, but a "special" kind as they also validate themselves. It allows to describe complex values and their constraints using a format easy to integrate in tools.
One big advantage of using JSON Schema is that it is extensively used, so it comes with a whole ecosystem of tools (parsers, validators, ...), that can be taken off-the-shelf and used as-is, as part of a bigger system.
JSON-Schema can't be used to describe those whole API but focuses on describing messages structure (request and replies "schemas").
JSON is a bit more human-friendly than its predecessors like XML, but can
still be a bit tedious to deal with. Another format like YAML 9 has a
softer syntax that avoid the need of managing opening and closing tokens (often
curly braces {...}
As stated previously, we'll rely, internally, on JSON and JSON-Schemas, but it's worth to note that their is a quasi-isomorphism between YAML and JSON data models.
Comments are an exception, as strict JSON forbids them, whereas YAML welcomes them quite happily. If a user writes down comments in the YAML "source" specification file, they'll be lost while converting to JSON but it's not really a show-stopper, as we don't need comments to achieve its processing.
We still need to define a technical solution to report an error at the very line that caused it in the source file. Something like a reverse lookup table" indexing source YAML line number, for each line in the converted JSON.
TO BE DEFINED : the very specific tool chosen may have some impact here.
NOTE: It may happen that some line in the JSON doesn't have an equivalent; for instance, a closing curly brace that closes an object will have an equivalent line in the YAML source. This is not problem because that type of line should NOT be a source of error given the YAML is syntactically valid, and the converter works fine.
There are example of such YAML (and other) to JSON and vice-versa converters like any-json 10.
The API specification document will be written in YAML, JSON or any equivalent, supported format. The list is still to be defined.
A proposition is to use any-json (see their website for the supported format list)
As a reminder, JSON defines an object
an unordered collection of name–value pairs where the names (also called keys) are
. Objects are intended to represent associative arrays, where each key is unique within an object.
Source: 12
As objects
can be nested inside another object
item value, they are
convenient to represent trees.
At a syntax level, the API description document consist at its root level of
an object
, which items are called sections. The value of each section
consists of an object
, which content depends on the section it describes
(see below).
API description document describe one and only API.
As a reminder, on the other hand an AGL binding can implement multiple interfaces.
The API description document SHOULD/MUST provide, the following sections:
- afbidl (mandatory): Identifies afbidl document type and specify version.
- info (mandatory): General information about the API.
- tools (optional): Specific information aimed to automatic processing tools
- verbs (mandatory): List of API verbs, for each, gives the request and possible replies.
- events (optional): List events that can be sent by the API. NB: for now we focus on "static" events, known at the binding's startup. Dynamic events (i.e. generated at runtime) will be addressed later on.
- state-machines (optional): Internal states described as Finite State Machines (state-transition automates).
- scenarios (optional): Example of exchanges between clients and services. Scenarios are intended to document typical exchanges (similarly to sequence diagrams of UML)
Those section names are reserved.
Users can still add sections using arbitrary names, AS LONG AS these names do not match one the keywords listed above.
In examples provided below, we define a schemas section that gathers and organizes the various schemas used to describes verbs and events. As a reminder, schemas section is optional, can be freely renamed and/or be split into multiple sections (TBD: and even maybe ext.ref...)
This section indicates that the document is written in afbidl format and complies to this specification.
It is string
(made of integers concatenated with dots).
As for now the value MUST BE "0.1"
This section is commonly found in most IDLs (either info or information). It
gathers various information about the API : name, description, version, author, website...
In this section, items values are mostly simple types (strings
, and possibly
and booleans
This section MUST AT LEAST provide:
: astring
identifier (unique) that reference the API.version
: astring
(made of integers concatenated with dots). It matches the revision of the API described in the document.
Here is an example of an info section, written in YAML (describing the GPS API):
apiname: gps
title: Service for geolocation
GPS service reports current WGS84 coordinates from GNSS devices
via the gpsd application.
version: "0.1"
author: AGL
maintainer: John Difool
This section will hold the configuration for automatic processing (e.g. code
and doc generation).
It type is an object
In this section, item keys are identifiers referencing an external tool.
The value itself will probably be an object
well, in keys will identify some configuration parameter... But there is no
hard constraint on this. It's really a bunch of config options.
The exact format depends on the tool aimed by the item.
Here is an example of a tools section, written in YAML, defining some options for a C code skeleton generator:
scope: static
prefix: req_
postfix: _cb
init: init
Those options may be superseded by command line option when invoking the tool.
This section describes the verbs exposed by the API, and implemented in a
binding. Each item describes a single verb.
Each item key is the verb name (identifier).
Its value is an object
, describing:
- The request schema for this verb (that may include optional parameters)
- The possible replies (success, failure, etc.), along with their respective schemas
Each message (request and replies) refers to a schema. This schema can be:
inlined. The schema is directly described after the message (request, reply) it describes. It is convenient for simple, short messages but prevent factorization by reusing a schema in various message with different roles.
an internal document reference (a "path" of nodes, under a user-defined schemas section). In this case, the reference is a string beginning with
keyword, followed by of path of children node concatenated with slashes (/
).NOTE: A future revision of the afbidl specification may also alow the schema to be an external reference (to another document, schema libraries, ...), but further work is needed to sort out a few syntactic and semantic issues between JSON, YAML, and JSON-Schema, making all them collaborate happily).
Here is an example of a simple verbs section, containing only one verb.
Calling this verb can lead to two possible outcomes, success or failure.
Failure is denoted by the _
special property and no schema is needed as the
reply object will just be empty.
description: "fake verb just for an example"
request: $/schemas/example/request
succces: $/schemas/example/reply_success
_: This verb may fail in some cases...
triggers: some-condition
NOTE: this verbs triggers a transition in a Finite State Machine, defined in the state-machines section (see below).
This section describes internal states of the binding implementing the API.
As a reminder, a Finite State Machine is an abstract machine that can be in exactly one of a finite number of states at any given time. The FSM can change from one state to another in response to some inputs; the change from one state to another is called a transition. An FSM is defined by a list of its states, its initial state, and the inputs that trigger each transition.
Lets look at a simple example state machine (related to the example verb defined above):
description: This is an example state machine
scope: global
states: [initial-state, another-state]
initial: initial-state
from: initial-state
to: another-state
triggered-by: some-condition
from: another-state
to: initial-state
triggered-by: another-condition
Conditions can be a simple trigger identifier (commonly, fired by a verb), or a more complex combination of triggers in a logical expression.
Logical expressions a represented by trees (TDB : factorization with events)
This section describes the events,i.e. messages the binding implementing the API will emit asynchronously, when some arbitrary conditions are met during the runtime. Those conditions can include inputs from outside the boundaries of the binding, internal state machine transition, achievement of a given tasks, or whatsoever...
Events can be subscribed explicitly by the client (like in a push/pull model), but this a rigid requirement: indeed, the binding can "decide" itself to register another binding as a subscriber of a given event.
As a reminder, AGL's Application Framework Binder provides 4 main methods related to events, allowing to:
- create an event:
- emit an event:
- subscribe another binding as a client for an event:
- cancel a subscription:
Bindings API often have a subscribe/unsubscribe verb pair that wraps this
mechanics in a push/pull-like model, but as stated above, this is not a
As previous section, the events section is anobject
. Each item of this
describes an event, the key being its identifier, and the value an
, that MUST at least contain an item which key is schema
, and it's
value a JSON-Schema (inlined, or as a reference).
Here is an example of a simple events section, written in YAML, describing a unique event reporting a status (from the AGL's radio API)
description: "event emitted when playing status changes."
schema: $/schemas/playing/status
signaling: on
The when-state
property of events is a logical condition, combining internal
state-machines states, under which event emission is actually done. In
other words, the event is NOT emitted UNLESS this condition is met.
The when-state
is an object
, representing a tree that encodes the logical
expression. Each leaf of this tree MUST BE a state as per state-machines,
and each node MUST BE a logical operator.
As per JSON-Schema definition, available operators are:
: logical ANDanyOf
: logical OR (at least one)oneOf
: logical XOR (one and only one)
When the when-state
clause has multiple items, allOf
operator is applied.
Another example, using the example state machine defined above, could be:
example-state-machine: another-state
Unlike other section keyword described above, schemas
is NOT a reserved
As a reminder JSON-Schemas can be defined in arbitrary sections, or directly inlined in the message (verb or event definition).
In this document examples, we use a unique section (named schemas for the sake of clarity) as a container storing various schemas.
Here are some example of API specifications, written in AFBIDL formalism. We tried to check the syntax as much as possible, but as the semantic is still a "Work in Progress", they have to be be considered as proposal illustration and nothing more (even if it intends to be contractual in a near future !)
NOTE: The 2 first examples, GPS and Radio, have been written in YAML syntax, while the monitoring API as been described in a "native" JSON format.
GPS API, link on IoTBZH afbild github