Name | Type | Description |
id | str | The Intrinio ID for Municipality |
census_id | float | The ID for the census |
government_name | str | The government name of the Municipality |
government_type | str | The type of government of the Municipality |
primary_contact_type | str | The primary contact type of the Municipality |
address1 | str | The first line of the address |
address2 | str | The second line of the address (i.e. suite number) |
city | str | The city in which the Municipality is located in |
state | str | The state in which the Municipality is located in |
zip | str | The zip code in which the Municipality is located in |
web_site | str | The web site of the Municipality |
population | float | The population of the Municipality |
population_as_of_year | float | The year from which the population of the Municipality was measured |
enrollment | float | The enrollment of the Municipality |
enrollment_as_of_year | float | The year from which the enrollment of the Municipality was measured |
area_name | str | The name of the area of the Municipality |
area_type | str | The type of area of the Municipality |
latitude | float | The latitude of the location of the Municipality |
longitude | float | The longitude of the location of the Municipality |