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Releases: impress-org/givewp


20 Sep 16:36
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  • Fix: Resolved issues with the notice added in the previous version displaying incorrectly for sites that do not have Recurring Donations installed or activated. #4257


20 Sep 00:30
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  • New: Added support for Stripe's new Checkout payment method. Now you can accept payments that support Strong Customer Authentication, Google and Apple Pay, Credit Cards and more! #4207
  • New: Added the ability to add tabs to settings to more easily break up sections. You can see this within the new Stripe payment gateway settings. #4202, #4204
  • New: New hooks have been added to the Stripe gateway for developers to more easily extend. #4244
  • Tweak: Improved documentation description for the Stripe payment gateway. #4206
  • Fix: The Stripe SDK only loads now when the gateway is enabled to improve performance and further prevent conflicts. #4237
  • Fix: Resolved a security issue responsibly disclosed to use by the good folks at Wordfence. Thanks y'all!


07 Aug 22:33
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  • New: Stripe compatibility solution - There is now a setting under Donations > Settings > Advanced > Stripe that allows you select which implementation of Stripe you wish to use. If you are using another plugin that uses Stripe to accept payments there is a chance that it may include the Stripe SDK (Software Development Kit) either through Composer or manually initialized. This can cause conflicts with GiveWP because WordPress does not have a dependency management system to prevent conflicts and the other plugins may be using outdated versions compared to GiveWP's. To help resolve conflicts we have included two options to use Stripe alongside these other plugins. The recommended way is Composer, but if that is not working then we recommend manual initialization. If both options do not work please contact support. #4193
  • Fix: When using Stripe there was a chance your donors would get a receipt from Stripe and from GiveWP. There is now a setting to set whether you want to send Stripe generated receipt emails or use GiveWP's. We recommend using ours if you're using multiple gateways, but if you're only using Stripe you may enable this new option and disable the default receipts. #4203
  • Fix: There was an issue with converting dollars to cents and back within Stripe free which has been resolved and now has unit tests to ensure no more issues crop up with the functional conversions. #4200
  • Fix: When editing a donor you can now properly remove the "Title" for the donor (such as "Mr", "Mrs", etc). #4211
  • Fix: Ensure the requirement on the state field is removed from hidden state fields for certain countries and regions. #4201
  • Fix: Resolved a compatibility issue with the Tickera plugin's implementation of QR codes within the PDF generator. The issue was with our shared library of TCPDF and now the QR codes display correctly due to a constant change on our end. #3880
  • Tweak: You can now activate any plugin under Settings > Licenses. Previously we were requiring the author to only be GiveWP which caused an "this plugin does not have a valid header" error message to annoyingly display. #4217


31 Jul 06:29
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  • Fix: The Gutenberg Block for Donation Forms embedding was only displaying the most recent 10 donation forms. Now you can search for additional forms and they will for embedding. #4137
  • Fix: iThemes Sync was again having an issue with our plugin due to a change we reverted in a previous version. That change has been resolved and now syncing can commence again. Rejoice! #4195
  • Fix: Resolved compatibility issues with other plugins using the Stripe SDK by initializing it manually within the included GiveWP Core Stripe gateway class. We tested this alongside many of the most popular plugins to ensure smooth sailing alongside each other. #4193
  • Fix: Resolved an issue with editing a donation form when it has thousands of donations. To prevent this issue we now are deleting the group cache of the donation and donor instead of individual IDs.
  • Fix: Several deprecation notices were displaying for our Gutenberg Blocks. They are now all updated with the latest version of the WP Block Editor. #4151
  • Fix: The "Empty Trash" button was in an incorrect location on the donation form edit screen and now has been placed in it's proper position. #4075


17 Jul 01:05
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  • Fix: Prevent "PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array" when updating to 2.5+ on a pre WP 5.0 version. #4176
  • Fix: Resolved minor appearance issues with the Stripe Connect notice appearance. #4175


12 Jul 22:35
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  • New: Added PHPUnit tests for the important Give_Payments_Query query. #1893
  • Optimization: Improved the WP Admin plugin list page load time by reducing the number of queries generated by the add-on activation banner. #4112
  • Tweak: Updated the list of counties / states in Ireland to be more accurate. #4145
  • Tweak: Polished some minor user workflow issues with the license activation functionality. #4172
  • Fix: Ensured that the notice checking Recurring and Stripe versions would only display for users of Stripe on the particular outdated version and not incorrectly for non-Stripe users. #4169


11 Jul 04:43
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  • New: Stripe credit card processing is now available in Give Core for processing one-time (non-recurring) donations! #4010, #4011, #4012, #4013, #4013, #4034, #4051, #4076, #4093
  • New: The licensing interface has been upgraded to provide easier license and add-on activation and to be much more user friendly and reliable. #2058, #4008
  • New: The currency setting will now display a preview displaying how it will appear on your donation forms when you update the options. #3187
  • New: Documentation links have been added to the shortcode builder. #3233
  • New: The "notes" field has been added to the fields to be exported in the donation export tool. #3979
  • New: The "Donation Form Grid" block and shortcode can now be filtered by category or tag. #4056
  • New: Adjusted the headers in Give Core admin styles and adjusted setting screens legibility.
  • New: The Give Modal API now supports an option to close the modal when clicking the background. #4142
  • Fix: Prevent multiple admin ajax calls on the Tools > Exports screen. #3351
  • Fix: Resolved the "Settings" importer failing when using the JSON format option. #4097
  • Fix: Added number formatting to goals with a large number of donors. #4100
  • Fix: Added a max-width to chosen select boxes to prevent them from breaking styles when options have very long titles. #4099
  • Fix: Improved the logic when an admin disconnects the Give Donor and WP user profiles #4113
  • Fix: The give_send_back_to_checkout() function now works as expected on multisite installs. #4032
  • Fix: Ensured there are no PHP notices when doing REST API queries. #4038
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the state field would appear incorrectly as not required for the default country. #4144
  • Fix: Admin styles were not appearing correctly if using WP in the French language. #4146
  • Fix: Resolved an issue with the "Display Type" option for the "Donation Form Grid" not working as expected. #4159
  • Tweak: The Swiss Franc symbol has been updated to "CHF" instead of "Fr." #4086
  • Tweak: Removed the word "nonce" from all front end error messages and updated them to be more user friendly and less technically confusing. #4129, #4031
  • Tweak: Changed "Swaziland" to "Eswatini". #4120
  • Optimization: Improved various database option calls and general meta query performance throughout the plugin to speed up queries and reduce server load. #3359, #3382, #3383, #3872, #3994, #4104
  • Refactor: Pre-2.0.0 backward compatibility code has been removed because it has reached end of life for support. #3033


16 May 06:59
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  • Security Patch: Prevent Stored XSS vulnerability in donor names by adding additional escaping to ensure security when viewing donor records in WP-Admin. We take security seriously and would like to thank GoDaddy and Sucuri for reporting and assisting with this fix. Thanks also to the WordPress Plugin Review Team for allowing a force push of all security patches to protect all Give users. For more detailed information see here:


08 May 07:17
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  • Fix: Resolved an issue displaying donations in WP-Admin made when the WordPress install's date format is set to "d/m/Y". #4088
  • Fix: The Donations Exporter tool was not properly respecting the category or tag filters when creating the CSV file. #4085
  • Fix: When the "Personal Info" fieldset within donation forms was not going full width for mobile views and was difficult to view. The fields properly default to full width for mobile views. #3751
  • Fix: The {reset_password_link} email tag was not working properly for "New Donation" and "Donation Receipt" emails. #3510


16 Apr 21:02
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  • Fix: Resolved two issues with donor and donation exporters not working properly when filters (Date and Donation Forms) were set. #4078, #4079
  • Fix: Ensure that the database upgrade process is fully compatible with WP Multisite upgrades. #4065
  • Fix: Resolved a PHP Fatal error that was occurring when clicking on the "Resend Donation Receipt" within the donation details screen in WP-Admin and also when marking an offline donation as complete. #4068
  • Fix: The Give API was returning non-valid JSON resulting in Zapier having issues pulling in Sample Data. This has been resolved and an acceptance test created to ensure valid JSON is returned to help prevent it breaking in further releases. #4071
  • Fix: The Give API now returns consistent amount formats for donations, fees collected, etc. #4073, #4074