- Bash
- Docker
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd DeepOLA
The following script generates the dataset in the $(pwd)/datasets
, runs the various baselines and Wake (our work), and generates the figures in the $(pwd)/results/viz
directory with the individual baseline results stored in $(pwd)/results/<method>
. This should take 2-3 hours to complete.
bash $(pwd)/datasets 10 10 10
To run full-scale experiments shown in the paper, run on scale 100 with 100 partitions.
bash $(pwd)/datasets 100 100 10
Alternatively, you can run each command separately from the description below. Ensure that the experiment parameters have been set consistently.
Pull built Docker images using the following commands.
docker pull supawit2/deepola-data:sigmod2023
docker pull supawit2/deepola-polars:sigmod2023
docker pull supawit2/deepola-wanderjoin:sigmod2023
docker pull supawit2/deepola-wake:sigmod2023
docker pull supawit2/deepola-viz:sigmod2023
docker image tag supawit2/deepola-data:sigmod2023 deepola-data:sigmod2023
docker image tag supawit2/deepola-polars:sigmod2023 deepola-polars:sigmod2023
docker image tag supawit2/deepola-wanderjoin:sigmod2023 deepola-wanderjoin:sigmod2023
docker image tag supawit2/deepola-wake:sigmod2023 deepola-wake:sigmod2023
docker image tag supawit2/deepola-viz:sigmod2023 deepola-viz:sigmod2023
Optionally, they can be built locally by following the instruction below.
docker build -t deepola-data:sigmod2023 -f dockerfiles/data.Dockerfile .
docker build -t deepola-polars:sigmod2023 -f dockerfiles/polars.Dockerfile .
docker build -t deepola-wanderjoin:sigmod2023 -f dockerfiles/wanderjoin.Dockerfile .
docker build -t deepola-wake:sigmod2023 -f dockerfiles/wake.Dockerfile .
docker build -t deepola-viz:sigmod2023 -f dockerfiles/viz.Dockerfile .
Set the directory where all datasets will be stored. The path must be an absolute path.
export DATA_DIR=`pwd`/datasets
mkdir -p ${DATA_DIR}
- Since the end-to-end experiments might take significant time and require large memory (for some baselines), you can run a smaller scale factor with a smaller number of partitions.
export SCALE=10
export PARTITION=10
export NUM_RUNS=10
- For full-scale experiments presented in the paper.
export SCALE=100
export PARTITION=100
export NUM_RUNS=10
, Partition PARTITION
docker run --rm \
-v ${DATA_DIR}:/dataset/tpch:rw \
--name dataset deepola-data:sigmod2023 \
bash ${SCALE} ${PARTITION} /dataset/tpch
docker run --rm \
-v ${DATA_DIR}:/dataset/tpch:rw \
--name dataset deepola-data:sigmod2023 \
python3 /dataset/tpch/scale=${SCALE}/partition=${PARTITION}/tbl
- Note: Ensure that the data has been generated already. This script only converts
table tocleaned-tbl
format. - For TPC-H (Scale
, PartitionPARTITION
docker run --rm \
-v ${DATA_DIR}:/dataset/tpch:rw \
--name dataset deepola-data:sigmod2023 \
python3 /dataset/tpch ${SCALE} ${PARTITION}
docker run --rm \
-v ${DATA_DIR}:/dataset/tpch:rw \
--name dataset deepola-data:sigmod2023 \
python3 /dataset/tpch/scale=${SCALE}/partition=${PARTITION}/cleaned-tbl
docker run --rm \
-v ${DATA_DIR}:/dataset:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/wake:/saved-outputs:rw \
--name wake deepola-wake:sigmod2023 \
python scripts/ 10 1000000 100 4 /dataset/g10_p1m_n100_c4
Experiment results for each method will be saved under results/<method>
- Setup Postgres:
export QUERY_DIR=./resources/tpc-h/queries
export POSTGRES_DIR=./tmp/postgres/scale=${SCALE}/partition=${PARTITION}
./baselines/postgres/ ${DATA_DIR} ${QUERY_DIR} ${POSTGRES_DIR} ${SCALE} ${PARTITION}
- Run Queries:
export QUERY_DIR=./resources/tpc-h/queries
export OUTPUT_DIR=./results/postgres/scale=${SCALE}/
export POSTGRES_DIR=./tmp/postgres/scale=${SCALE}/partition=${PARTITION}
./baselines/postgres/ ${QUERY_DIR} ${OUTPUT_DIR} ${POSTGRES_DIR} ${SCALE} ${PARTITION} ${NUM_RUNS} 1 1 22
python3 baselines/postgres/ ${OUTPUT_DIR} ${SCALE} ${PARTITION} ${NUM_RUNS} 1 1 22 > ${OUTPUT_DIR}/timings.csv
docker run --rm \
-v ${DATA_DIR}:/dataset/tpch:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/polars:/results/polars \
--name polars deepola-polars:sigmod2023 \
bash /dataset/tpch /results/polars ${SCALE} ${PARTITION} ${NUM_RUNS} 1 1 22
docker run --rm \
-v ${DATA_DIR}:/dataset:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/wake:/saved-outputs:rw \
--name wake deepola-wake:sigmod2023 \
bash scripts/ /dataset ${SCALE} ${PARTITION} ${NUM_RUNS} 0 1 22
Then visualize the experiment results using the following commands.
docker run --rm \
-v `pwd`/results/wake:/results/wake:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/polars:/results/polars:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/postgres:/results/postgres:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/viz:/results/viz:rw \
--name viz deepola-viz:sigmod2023 \
python3 scripts/ ${SCALE} ${PARTITION} ${NUM_RUNS}
docker run --rm \
-v `pwd`/results/wake:/results/wake:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/polars:/results/polars:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/viz:/results/viz:rw \
--name viz deepola-viz:sigmod2023 \
python3 scripts/ ${SCALE} ${PARTITION} ${NUM_RUNS}
Figures will appear at ./results/viz/fig7_tpch.png
and ./results/viz/fig8_tpch_error.png
docker run --rm \
-v ${DATA_DIR}:/dataset:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/wake:/saved-outputs:rw \
--name wake deepola-wake:sigmod2023 \
bash scripts/ /dataset ${SCALE} ${PARTITION} ${NUM_RUNS} 0 23 27
docker run --rm \
-v ${DATA_DIR}:/wanderjoin/tpch:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/wanderjoin:/wanderjoin/outputs:rw \
--name wanderjoin deepola-wanderjoin:sigmod2023 \
bash tpch queries outputs ${SCALE} ${PARTITION} ${NUM_RUNS} 1 23 25
Then visualize the experiment results using the following command.
docker run --rm \
-v `pwd`/results/wake:/results/wake:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/wanderjoin:/results/wanderjoin:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/polars:/results/polars:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/viz:/results/viz:rw \
--name viz deepola-viz:sigmod2023 \
python3 scripts/ ${SCALE} ${PARTITION} ${NUM_RUNS}
Figure will appear at ./results/viz/fig9_tpch_ola.png
Wake (scale SCALE
, partition PARTITION
, runs 100, Q14):
docker run --rm \
-v ${DATA_DIR}:/dataset:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/wake:/saved-outputs:rw \
--name wake deepola-wake:sigmod2023 \
bash scripts/ /dataset ${SCALE} ${PARTITION} 100 0
Then visualize the experiment results using the following command.
docker run --rm \
-v `pwd`/results/wake:/results/wake:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/viz:/results/viz:rw \
--name viz deepola-viz:sigmod2023 \
python3 scripts/ ${SCALE} ${PARTITION} 100
Figure will appear at ./results/viz/fig10_tpch_ola.png
After generating dataset using scripts/
earlier, the following commands tests Wake on depth 0-10.
docker run --rm \
-v ${DATA_DIR}:/dataset:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/wake:/saved-outputs:rw \
--name wake deepola-wake:sigmod2023 \
bash scripts/ /dataset 10 0
Then visualize the experiment results using the following command.
docker run --rm \
-v `pwd`/results/wake:/results/wake:rw \
-v `pwd`/results/viz:/results/viz:rw \
--name viz deepola-viz:sigmod2023 \
python3 scripts/ 10
Figure will appear at ./results/viz/fig11_depth.png