bugid: 28
created: 2024-03-03T01:54:45
priority: 0
Can parse hyprland config in such way:
import re
def parse_config (file_path , sections_of_interest ):
config = {}
current_section = []
current_key = config
with open (file_path , 'r' ) as file :
for line in file :
# Remove comments
line = re .sub (r'#.*' , '' , line )
# Match section headers
section_match = re .match (r'\s*([a-zA-Z_]+)\s*{' , line )
if section_match :
section_name = section_match .group (1 )
if section_name in sections_of_interest :
if len (current_section ) > 0 :
# Append the current section name to the hierarchy
current_key [section_name ] = {}
# Update the current section to the new nested section
current_key = current_key [section_name ]
else :
# Top-level section
config [section_name ] = {}
current_key = config [section_name ]
current_section .append (section_name )
# Match key-value pairs
key_value_match = re .match (r'\s*([a-zA-Z_]+)\s*=\s*(.+)' , line )
if key_value_match and len (current_section ) > 0 :
key , value = key_value_match .groups ()
current_key [key .strip ()] = value .strip ()
# Match closing braces for sections
if '}' in line :
current_section .pop ()
if len (current_section ) > 0 :
current_key = config
for section in current_section :
current_key = current_key [section ]
return config
file_path = "your_file.txt"
sections_of_interest = ["general" , "decoration" , "animations" ]
parsed_config = parse_config (file_path , sections_of_interest )
print (parsed_config )
preserve_aspect could recall aspect per screen resolution/size
bugid: 39
created: 2024-04-17T23:55:01
priority: 0
Fix multi-monitor layout changes (including attached clients)
bugid: 40
created: 2024-04-23T22:01:39
priority: 0
broken in corner case scenarios (eg: monitor layout change)
Position is relative to the last one, without any state in hyprland, as in preserve option.
on hide
Compute relative distance from the main scratchpad window
on show
Compute the absolute position from the saved distance and perform an absolute positioning
Hyprland doesn't notify in case of layout change. Querying monitors each time seems overkill...
Test a configuration with zero initial command/window
bugid: 46
created: 2024-05-01T23:37:31
priority: 0
Generalize a "monitors" call filtering out the invalid ones (cf gBar)
bugid: 50
created: 2024-06-04T22:53:36
priority: 0
Experiment with minisearch on the website
bugid: 51
created: 2024-06-05T22:21:07
priority: 0
Wiki: remove optional and add mandatory (to the titles for the configuration options)
bugid: 52
created: 2024-07-08T21:51:28
priority: 0
AI voice assistant / task manager
bugid: 53
created: 2024-11-30T23:17:37
priority: 0
Allow setting tasks with different properties
urgent: bool
due date: date
description: text
priority: int
Will sort them according to priorities, making urgent or soon due tasks first (so priority applies last - have less importance than those)
Will speak when a user event is received every X minutes depending on the urgency of the task