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Watch API and TTL implementation in etcd |
2016-05-18 10:00:30 -0700 |
Distributed |
etcd |
Watch API and TTL implementation in etcd |
Etcd Watch API可以用于当Client监听数据(Key)的变化,从而得到实时通知。
- notify
// Set creates or replace the node at nodePath.
func (s *store) Set(nodePath string, dir bool, value string, expireTime time.Time) (*Event, error) {
// Set new value
e, err := s.internalCreate(nodePath, dir, value, false, true, expireTime, Set)
s.WatcherHub.notify(e) ///save event
return e, nil
// notify function accepts an event and notify to the watchers.
func (wh *watcherHub) notify(e *Event) {
e = wh.EventHistory.addEvent(e) // add event into the eventHistory
segments := strings.Split(e.Node.Key, "/")
currPath := "/"
// walk through all the segments of the path and notify the watchers
// if the path is "/foo/bar", it will notify watchers with path "/",
// "/foo" and "/foo/bar"
for _, segment := range segments {
currPath = path.Join(currPath, segment)
// notify the watchers who interests in the changes of current path
wh.notifyWatchers(e, currPath, false)
- watching
func handleWatch(key string, recursive, stream bool, waitIndex string, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, s Server) error {
// Create a command to watch from a given index (default 0).
var sinceIndex uint64 = 0
var err error
if waitIndex != "" {
sinceIndex, err = strconv.ParseUint(waitIndex, 10, 64)
watcher, err := s.Store().Watch(key, recursive, stream, sinceIndex)
select {
case <-closeChan:
case event := <-watcher.EventChan: ///等待Update事件
if req.Method == "HEAD" {
return nil
b, _ := json.Marshal(event)
# curl -s -L '' | python -mjson.tool
"action": "get",
"node": {
"createdIndex": 20024,
"key": "/dir1/d1/key1",
"modifiedIndex": 20024,
"value": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
### watch index=20021后,key1的value:
# curl -s -L '' | python -mjson.tool
"action": "set",
"node": {
"createdIndex": 20023,
"key": "/dir1/d1/key1",
"modifiedIndex": 20023,
"value": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"prevNode": {
"createdIndex": 20020,
"key": "/dir1/d1/key1",
"modifiedIndex": 20020,
"value": "value1"
func newStore() *store {
s := new(store)
s.CurrentVersion = defaultVersion
s.Root = newDir(s, "/", s.CurrentIndex, nil, "", Permanent)
s.Stats = newStats()
s.WatcherHub = newWatchHub(1000) ///1000 history event
s.ttlKeyHeap = newTtlKeyHeap()
return s
- ttlKeyHeap
/// implement raft.StateMachine
type store struct {
Root *node ///root node
WatcherHub *watcherHub
CurrentIndex uint64
Stats *Stats
CurrentVersion int
ttlKeyHeap *ttlKeyHeap // need to recovery manually
worldLock sync.RWMutex // stop the world lock
func (s *store) internalCreate(nodePath string, dir bool, value string, unique, replace bool,
expireTime time.Time, action string) (*Event, error) {
// node with TTL
if !n.IsPermanent() {
eNode.Expiration, eNode.TTL = n.ExpirationAndTTL()
s.CurrentIndex = nextIndex
- SyncCommand
func (s *PeerServer) monitorSync() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 500)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-s.closeChan:
case now := <-ticker.C:
if s.raftServer.State() == raft.Leader {
s.raftServer.Do( ///执行SyncCommand命令
func (c SyncCommand) Apply(context raft.Context) (interface{}, error) {
s, _ := context.Server().StateMachine().(store.Store)
return nil, nil
// deleteExpiredKyes will delete all
func (s *store) DeleteExpiredKeys(cutoff time.Time) {
defer s.worldLock.Unlock()
for {
node :=
if node == nil || node.ExpireTime.After(cutoff) { ///node过期