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+ +tauri 单例插件 用于区分单例实例的 productName
的过长会导致单例功能失效,博主最初确信 encode_wide
实现有问题,并提交了修复。然而在和社区深入研究问题原因后,发现根本原因是使用 encode_wide
转码传参时造成了 dangling 。
PS: 为方便读者理解,博主花费一天时间重新梳理分析步骤,按照演绎法展示定位 bug 地过程,实现发生的分析过程要比博文的过程更加曲折,对分析理解问题无意义因此略过。
+正如博主所说,在 有问题版本的插件代码 中,博主最初发现,tauri.conf.json
中的 package.productName
在分别使用五个汉字与六个汉字时,单例模式功能表现出不一致的行为:五个汉字的 productName
单例功能运行正常,而六个汉字的 productName
测试的 productName | 单例插件功能是否生效 |
六个汉字试试 | x |
随便五个字 | √ |
又来了六个字 | x |
因为这些汉字测试用例使用 UTF-8
编码,又因为是常用字,因此每个汉字对应 3 bytes,因此假设 productName
在超过 15 bytes、不超过 18 bytes 时会导致功能失效,进一步补充测试用例:
测试的 productName | 单例插件功能是否生效 |
z12345678901234 | √ |
z123456789012345 | x |
超过 15 bytes 就会导致单例功能失效。
结束在最初的讨论过程中,因为我们没有仔细留意插件仓库使用的 encode_wide
是自行做过封装的,因此我们一开始根据 以下代码 进行分析:
pub fn init<R: Runtime>(f: Box<SingleInstanceCallback<R>>) -> TauriPlugin<R> {
+ plugin::Builder::new("single-instance")
+ .setup(|app| {
+ let app_name = &app.package_info().name;
+ let class_name = format!("{}-single-instance-class", app_name);
+ let window_name = format!("{}-single-instance-window", app_name);
+ let hmutex = unsafe {
+ CreateMutexW(
+ std::ptr::null(),
+ true.into(),
+ encode_wide("tauri-plugin-single-instance-mutex").as_ptr(),
+ )
+ };
+ if unsafe { GetLastError() } == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS {
+ unsafe {
+ let hwnd = FindWindowW(
+ encode_wide(&class_name).as_ptr(),
+ encode_wide(&window_name).as_ptr(),
+ );
+ // omitted
+ }
+ // omitted
+ }
+ // omitted
+ })
+ .on_event(|app, event| {
+ // omitted
+ })
+ .build()
+有 Windows 编程经验的 @PotatoTooLarge 指出,encode_wide
(来自 std 的 Window扩展)并不会补充 \0
++Re-encodes an OsStr as a wide character sequence, i.e., potentially ill-formed UTF-16.
+This is lossless: calling OsStringExt::from_wide and then encode_wide on the result will yield the original code units. Note that the encoding does not add a final null terminator.
于是博主听取建议,把所有会传递到 encode_wide
函数的字符串都添加了 \0
,形成了 一版修复:
pub fn init<R: Runtime>(f: Box<SingleInstanceCallback<R>>) -> TauriPlugin<R> {
+ plugin::Builder::new("single-instance")
+ .setup(|app| {
+ let app_name = &app.package_info().name;
+ // let class_name = format!("{}-single-instance-class", app_name);
+ let class_name = format!("{}-single-instance-class\0", app_name);
+ // let window_name = format!("{}-single-instance-window", app_name);
+ let window_name = format!("{}-single-instance-window\0", app_name);
+ let hmutex = unsafe {
+ CreateMutexW(
+ std::ptr::null(),
+ true.into(),
+ // encode_wide("tauri-plugin-single-instance-mutex").as_ptr(),
+ encode_wide("tauri-plugin-single-instance-mutex\0").as_ptr(),
+ )
+ };
+ if unsafe { GetLastError() } == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS {
+ unsafe {
+ let hwnd = FindWindowW(
+ encode_wide(&class_name).as_ptr(),
+ encode_wide(&window_name).as_ptr(),
+ );
+ // omitted
+ }
+ // omitted
+ }
+ // omitted
+ })
+ .on_event(|app, event| {
+ // omitted
+ })
+ .build()
+然后使用修复前会引起单例功能失效的 z123456789012345
在博主提交了修复后,插件仓库作者提醒,前文所述的代码使用的 encode_wide
是封装拼接了 \0
pub fn encode_wide(string: impl AsRef<std::ffi::OsStr>) -> Vec<u16> {
+ std::os::windows::prelude::OsStrExt::encode_wide(string.as_ref())
+ .chain(std::iter::once(0))
+ .collect()
+这意味着,并不是 \0
导致问题的失效,因为该函数在 windows 环境下执行是能够补足 \0
fn encode_wide(string: impl AsRef<std::ffi::OsStr>) -> Vec<u16> {
+ std::os::windows::prelude::OsStrExt::encode_wide(string.as_ref())
+ .chain(std::iter::once(0))
+ .collect()
+fn main() {
+ let product_name = "z123456789012345";
+ // output: [122, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 0]
+ // ^
+ // null concated here so it's null-terminated --|
+ println!("{:?}", encode_wide(product_name));
+为了分析问题详细过程,我将插件仓库代码切换到了 问题代码版本:
+git checkout 16e5e9eb59da9ceca3dcf09c81120b37fe108a03
+然后添加了一些 dbg
pub fn init<R: Runtime>(f: Box<SingleInstanceCallback<R>>) -> TauriPlugin<R> {
+ plugin::Builder::new("single-instance")
+ .setup(|app| {
+ let app_name = &app.package_info().name;
+ let class_name = format!("{}-single-instance-class", app_name);
+ let window_name = format!("{}-single-instance-window", app_name);
+ let hmutex = unsafe {
+ CreateMutexW(
+ std::ptr::null(),
+ true.into(),
+ encode_wide("tauri-plugin-single-instance-mutex").as_ptr(),
+ )
+ };
+ dbg!(hmutex); // debug here!
+ if unsafe { GetLastError() } == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS {
+ unsafe {
+ let hwnd = FindWindowW(
+ encode_wide(&class_name).as_ptr(),
+ encode_wide(&window_name).as_ptr(),
+ );
+ dbg!(hwnd); // debug here!
+ // omitted
+ }
+ } else {
+ app.manage(MutexHandle(hmutex));
+ let hwnd = create_event_target_window::<R>(&class_name, &window_name);
+ dbg!(hwnd); // debug here!
+ // omitted
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ })
+ .on_event(|app, event| {
+ // omitted
+ })
+ .build()
+然后,将代码仓库 examples\emit-event\src-tauri\tauri.conf.json
分别改成 z12345678901234
与 z123456789012345
# process1
+> cd examples\emit-event
+examples\emit-event> cargo tauri build --debug
+examples\emit-event> src-tauri\target\debug\z12345678901234.exe
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hmutex = 548
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hwnd = 40113446
+# process2
+> examples\emit-event\src-tauri\target\debug\z12345678901234.exe
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hmutex = 548
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hwnd = 40113446
+# process1
+> cd examples\emit-event
+examples\emit-event> cargo tauri build --debug
+examples\emit-event> src-tauri\target\debug\z123456789012345.exe
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hmutex = 552
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hwnd = 0
+# process2
+> examples\emit-event\src-tauri\target\debug\z123456789012345.exe
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hmutex = 548
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hwnd = 0
+# process3
+> examples\emit-event\src-tauri\target\debug\z123456789012345.exe
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hmutex = 548
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hwnd = 0
+由上面的结果我们可以知道:在用例 z12345678901234
,我们在创建实实例时返回了有效的 hwnd
值,并且在检查 hwnd
时确认已经创建窗口;而在用例 z123456789012345
,我们创建窗口的函数 create_event_target_window
返回的 hwnd
是无效的!所以导致问题的代码,应该在 create_event_target_window
的逻辑中!再次添加 dbg
,重新编译后继续 debug:
fn create_event_target_window<R: Runtime>(class_name: &str, window_name: &str) -> HWND {
+ unsafe {
+ let class = WNDCLASSEXW {
+ cbSize: std::mem::size_of::<WNDCLASSEXW>() as u32,
+ style: 0,
+ lpfnWndProc: Some(single_instance_window_proc::<R>),
+ cbClsExtra: 0,
+ cbWndExtra: 0,
+ hInstance: GetModuleHandleW(std::ptr::null()),
+ hIcon: 0,
+ hCursor: 0,
+ hbrBackground: 0,
+ lpszMenuName: std::ptr::null(),
+ lpszClassName: encode_wide(&class_name).as_ptr(),
+ hIconSm: 0,
+ };
+ dbg!(class.lpszClassName); // debug here
+ dbg!(*class.lpszClassName); // debug here
+ RegisterClassExW(&class);
+ let hwnd = CreateWindowExW(
+ // WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW prevents this window from ever showing up in the taskbar, which
+ // we want to avoid. If you remove this style, this window won't show up in the
+ // taskbar *initially*, but it can show up at some later point. This can sometimes
+ // happen on its own after several hours have passed, although this has proven
+ // difficult to reproduce. Alternatively, it can be manually triggered by killing
+ // `explorer.exe` and then starting the process back up.
+ // It is unclear why the bug is triggered by waiting for several hours.
+ dbg!(encode_wide(&class_name).as_ptr()), // debug here
+ dbg!(encode_wide(&window_name).as_ptr()), // debug here
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ GetModuleHandleW(std::ptr::null()),
+ std::ptr::null(),
+ );
+ SetWindowLongPtrW(
+ hwnd,
+ // The window technically has to be visible to receive WM_PAINT messages (which are used
+ // for delivering events during resizes), but it isn't displayed to the user because of
+ // the LAYERED style.
+ (WS_VISIBLE | WS_POPUP) as isize,
+ );
+ hwnd
+ }
examples\emit-event> src-tauri\target\debug\z12345678901234.exe
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hmutex = 556
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] class.lpszClassName = 0x0000021d099eddc0
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] *class.lpszClassName = 122
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] encode_wide(&class_name).as_ptr() = 0x0000021d099ee180
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] encode_wide(&window_name).as_ptr() = 0x0000021d099dfe20
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hwnd = 28841288
examples\emit-event> src-tauri\target\debug\z123456789012345.exe
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hmutex = 548
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] class.lpszClassName = 0x0000017259ca6be0
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] *class.lpszClassName = 43920
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] encode_wide(&class_name).as_ptr() = 0x0000017259cc6b30
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] encode_wide(&window_name).as_ptr() = 0x0000017259cc6970
+[tauri-plugin-single-instance\src\platform_impl\] hwnd = 0
+对比我们之前 encode_wide
开头的字符应该是 ASCII 字符 z
(ASCII 码 122),因此通过 encode_wide(&class_name).as_ptr()
传参的 class.lpszClassName
,应当指向值为 "z123456789012345-single-instance-class" 的字符串,这在用例 z12345678901234
中行为符合预期;但在 z123456789012345
指向的却发生了变化(*class.lpszClassName = 43920
),反推可以得知, encode_wide(&class_name).as_ptr()
并没有成功地把指针传递给 class.lpszClassName
@Berrysoft 指出, encode_wide(&class_name).as_ptr()
这种写法由于直接对临时变量直接取指针,而临时变量 encode_wide(&class_name)
会在执行完之后被马上释放结束生命周期,因此指向该临时变量的指针也会变成悬垂指针!临时变量的这一行为在 reference 中有说明:
++When using a value expression in most place expression contexts, a temporary unnamed memory location is created and initialized to that value. The expression evaluates to that location instead, except if promoted to a static. The drop scope of the temporary is usually the end of the enclosing statement.
而解决该问题,只需要把提升变量的 lifetime,把要用到的变量提取出来,使其 lifetime 可以覆盖要用到的函数而不至于在语句执行完之后马上被回收。于是有了解决问题的 PR。
的时候手动添加 \0
后,问题“修复”了呢?这个问题依然悬而未决。有 TG 群友提出,可能是由于堆栈被破坏 “碰巧” 又指向了正确的字符串位置,而 format
后的变量又是 'static
的,因此能达到“修复”的效果,然而这依然是基于 bug/undefined behavior 的修复方案,因此仍然不可靠。后续原因排查出来后会更新博客~
的,然而当时由于需求紧急而找到了临时绕开的实现方案(把 productName
砍短),因此搁置了,也没有留下相关的排查记录文档,以致于后续在需求变更而变得必须排查清楚该问题时,走向了排查 encode_wide
的错误方向,虽然有了“修复”方案,但该方案仍然不可靠,因此可以视作浪费了实践。 形成记录首先方便的是以后的自己。unsafe
多查几遍。像本文涉及到的悬垂指针问题,在 safe rust 中因为 lifetime 不够长而会阻止编译,而 unsafe