diff --git a/a2sv_community_portal_mobile/test/features/application_page/data/datasources/application_step_remote_datasource_test.dart b/a2sv_community_portal_mobile/test/features/application_page/data/datasources/application_step_remote_datasource_test.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/a2sv_community_portal_mobile/test/features/application_page/data/datasources/application_step_remote_datasource_test.mocks.dart b/a2sv_community_portal_mobile/test/features/application_page/data/datasources/application_step_remote_datasource_test.mocks.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28ef036 --- /dev/null +++ b/a2sv_community_portal_mobile/test/features/application_page/data/datasources/application_step_remote_datasource_test.mocks.dart @@ -0,0 +1,429 @@ +// Mocks generated by Mockito 5.4.2 from annotations +// in a2sv_community_portal_mobile/test/features/application_page/data/datasources/application_step_remote_datasource_test.dart. +// Do not manually edit this file. + +// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes +import 'dart:async' as _i3; +import 'dart:convert' as _i4; +import 'dart:typed_data' as _i5; + +import 'package:http/http.dart' as _i2; +import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart' as _i1; +import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart' as _i6; + +// ignore_for_file: type=lint +// ignore_for_file: avoid_redundant_argument_values +// ignore_for_file: avoid_setters_without_getters +// ignore_for_file: comment_references +// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports +// ignore_for_file: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member +// ignore_for_file: prefer_const_constructors +// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_parenthesis +// ignore_for_file: camel_case_types +// ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class + +class _FakeResponse_0 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Response { + _FakeResponse_0( + Object parent, + Invocation parentInvocation, + ) : super( + parent, + parentInvocation, + ); +} + +class _FakeStreamedResponse_1 extends _i1.SmartFake + implements _i2.StreamedResponse { + _FakeStreamedResponse_1( + Object parent, + Invocation parentInvocation, + ) : super( + parent, + parentInvocation, + ); +} + +/// A class which mocks [Client]. +/// +/// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. +class MockClient extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Client { + MockClient() { + _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); + } + + @override + _i3.Future<_i2.Response> head( + Uri? url, { + Map? headers, + }) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #head, + [url], + {#headers: headers}, + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future<_i2.Response>.value(_FakeResponse_0( + this, + Invocation.method( + #head, + [url], + {#headers: headers}, + ), + )), + ) as _i3.Future<_i2.Response>); + @override + _i3.Future<_i2.Response> get( + Uri? url, { + Map? headers, + }) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #get, + [url], + {#headers: headers}, + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future<_i2.Response>.value(_FakeResponse_0( + this, + Invocation.method( + #get, + [url], + {#headers: headers}, + ), + )), + ) as _i3.Future<_i2.Response>); + @override + _i3.Future<_i2.Response> post( + Uri? url, { + Map? headers, + Object? body, + _i4.Encoding? encoding, + }) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #post, + [url], + { + #headers: headers, + #body: body, + #encoding: encoding, + }, + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future<_i2.Response>.value(_FakeResponse_0( + this, + Invocation.method( + #post, + [url], + { + #headers: headers, + #body: body, + #encoding: encoding, + }, + ), + )), + ) as _i3.Future<_i2.Response>); + @override + _i3.Future<_i2.Response> put( + Uri? url, { + Map? headers, + Object? body, + _i4.Encoding? encoding, + }) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #put, + [url], + { + #headers: headers, + #body: body, + #encoding: encoding, + }, + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future<_i2.Response>.value(_FakeResponse_0( + this, + Invocation.method( + #put, + [url], + { + #headers: headers, + #body: body, + #encoding: encoding, + }, + ), + )), + ) as _i3.Future<_i2.Response>); + @override + _i3.Future<_i2.Response> patch( + Uri? url, { + Map? headers, + Object? body, + _i4.Encoding? encoding, + }) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #patch, + [url], + { + #headers: headers, + #body: body, + #encoding: encoding, + }, + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future<_i2.Response>.value(_FakeResponse_0( + this, + Invocation.method( + #patch, + [url], + { + #headers: headers, + #body: body, + #encoding: encoding, + }, + ), + )), + ) as _i3.Future<_i2.Response>); + @override + _i3.Future<_i2.Response> delete( + Uri? url, { + Map? headers, + Object? body, + _i4.Encoding? encoding, + }) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #delete, + [url], + { + #headers: headers, + #body: body, + #encoding: encoding, + }, + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future<_i2.Response>.value(_FakeResponse_0( + this, + Invocation.method( + #delete, + [url], + { + #headers: headers, + #body: body, + #encoding: encoding, + }, + ), + )), + ) as _i3.Future<_i2.Response>); + @override + _i3.Future read( + Uri? url, { + Map? headers, + }) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #read, + [url], + {#headers: headers}, + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future.value(''), + ) as _i3.Future); + @override + _i3.Future<_i5.Uint8List> readBytes( + Uri? url, { + Map? headers, + }) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #readBytes, + [url], + {#headers: headers}, + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future<_i5.Uint8List>.value(_i5.Uint8List(0)), + ) as _i3.Future<_i5.Uint8List>); + @override + _i3.Future<_i2.StreamedResponse> send(_i2.BaseRequest? request) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #send, + [request], + ), + returnValue: + _i3.Future<_i2.StreamedResponse>.value(_FakeStreamedResponse_1( + this, + Invocation.method( + #send, + [request], + ), + )), + ) as _i3.Future<_i2.StreamedResponse>); + @override + void close() => super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #close, + [], + ), + returnValueForMissingStub: null, + ); +} + +/// A class which mocks [SharedPreferences]. +/// +/// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. +class MockSharedPreferences extends _i1.Mock implements _i6.SharedPreferences { + MockSharedPreferences() { + _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); + } + + @override + Set getKeys() => (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #getKeys, + [], + ), + returnValue: {}, + ) as Set); + @override + Object? get(String? key) => (super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method( + #get, + [key], + )) as Object?); + @override + bool? getBool(String? key) => (super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method( + #getBool, + [key], + )) as bool?); + @override + int? getInt(String? key) => (super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method( + #getInt, + [key], + )) as int?); + @override + double? getDouble(String? key) => (super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method( + #getDouble, + [key], + )) as double?); + @override + String? getString(String? key) => (super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method( + #getString, + [key], + )) as String?); + @override + bool containsKey(String? key) => (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #containsKey, + [key], + ), + returnValue: false, + ) as bool); + @override + List? getStringList(String? key) => + (super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method( + #getStringList, + [key], + )) as List?); + @override + _i3.Future setBool( + String? key, + bool? value, + ) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #setBool, + [ + key, + value, + ], + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future.value(false), + ) as _i3.Future); + @override + _i3.Future setInt( + String? key, + int? value, + ) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #setInt, + [ + key, + value, + ], + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future.value(false), + ) as _i3.Future); + @override + _i3.Future setDouble( + String? key, + double? value, + ) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #setDouble, + [ + key, + value, + ], + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future.value(false), + ) as _i3.Future); + @override + _i3.Future setString( + String? key, + String? value, + ) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #setString, + [ + key, + value, + ], + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future.value(false), + ) as _i3.Future); + @override + _i3.Future setStringList( + String? key, + List? value, + ) => + (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #setStringList, + [ + key, + value, + ], + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future.value(false), + ) as _i3.Future); + @override + _i3.Future remove(String? key) => (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #remove, + [key], + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future.value(false), + ) as _i3.Future); + @override + _i3.Future commit() => (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #commit, + [], + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future.value(false), + ) as _i3.Future); + @override + _i3.Future clear() => (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #clear, + [], + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future.value(false), + ) as _i3.Future); + @override + _i3.Future reload() => (super.noSuchMethod( + Invocation.method( + #reload, + [], + ), + returnValue: _i3.Future.value(), + returnValueForMissingStub: _i3.Future.value(), + ) as _i3.Future); +}