From 52cef7b5e60d2630ab6f96723d1b022269a258e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shiva-sslg <>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 19:38:52 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Fix: Resolved issue with POP frequency calculation for
 Polar materials

 amset/tools/ | 165 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 148 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/amset/tools/ b/amset/tools/
index 91e553af6..f4fca6aa6 100644
--- a/amset/tools/
+++ b/amset/tools/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import click
 import numpy as np
+import re
 __author__ = "Alex Ganose"
 __maintainer__ = "Alex Ganose"
@@ -12,13 +13,21 @@
 @click.option("-v", "--vasprun", default="vasprun.xml", help="vasprun.xml file")
 @click.option("-o", "--outcar", default="OUTCAR", help="OUTCAR file")
-def phonon_frequency(vasprun, outcar):
+@click.option("-o2", "--outcar_2", default=None, help="Second OUTCAR file")
+def phonon_frequency(vasprun, outcar, outcar_2):
     """Extract the effective phonon frequency from a VASP calculation"""
     from import Outcar, Vasprun
     from tabulate import tabulate
     vasprun = get_file(vasprun, Vasprun)
     outcar = get_file(outcar, Outcar)
+    #outcar_2 = Path.cwd() / outcar_2 #--new OUTCAR
+    if outcar_2:  # Only process outcar_2 if provided
+        outcar_2 = Path.cwd() / outcar_2
+        if not outcar_2.exists():
+            raise FileNotFoundError(f"OUTCAR_2 file '{outcar_2}' does not exist.")
+    else:
+        outcar_2 = None  # Handle missing -o2 option gracefully
     elements = vasprun.final_structure.composition.elements
     if len(set(elements)) == 1:
@@ -28,27 +37,61 @@ def phonon_frequency(vasprun, outcar):
-    effective_frequency, weights, freqs = effective_phonon_frequency_from_vasp_files(
+    # Call effective_phonon_frequency_from_vasp_files only if outcar_2 is valid
+    if outcar_2:
+        effective_frequency, weights, freqs = effective_phonon_frequency_from_vasp_files(
+            vasprun, outcar, outcar_2
+        )
+        table = tabulate(
+            list(zip(freqs, weights)),
+            headers=("Frequency", "Weight"),
+            numalign="right",
+            stralign="center",
+            floatfmt=(".2f", ".2f"),
+        )
+        click.echo(table)
+        click.echo(f"\npop_frequency: {effective_frequency:.2f} THz")
+        return effective_frequency
+    else:
+        click.echo("No NAC corrected file provided. Skipping calculation requiring NAC")
+        effective_frequency, weights, freqs = effective_phonon_frequency_from_vasp_files_no_nac(
         vasprun, outcar
-    )
+        )
-    table = tabulate(
-        list(zip(freqs, weights)),
-        headers=("Frequency", "Weight"),
-        numalign="right",
-        stralign="center",
-        floatfmt=(".2f", ".2f"),
-    )
-    click.echo(table)
-    click.echo(f"\npop_frequency: {effective_frequency:.2f} THz")
+        table = tabulate(
+                list(zip(freqs, weights)),
+                headers=("Frequency", "Weight"),
+                numalign="right",
+                stralign="center",
+                floatfmt=(".2f", ".2f"),
+                )
+        click.echo(table)
+        click.echo(f"\npop_frequency: {effective_frequency:.2f} THz")
     return effective_frequency
-def effective_phonon_frequency_from_vasp_files(vasprun, outcar):
+def effective_phonon_frequency_from_vasp_files(vasprun, outcar, outcar_2):
+    frequencies, eigenvectors = extract_gamma_point_data(outcar_2)
+    # get frequencies from eigenvals (and convert to THz for VASP 5)
+    outcar.read_lepsilon()
+    born_effective_charges = outcar.born
+    effective_frequency, weights = calculate_effective_phonon_frequency(
+        frequencies, eigenvectors, born_effective_charges, vasprun.final_structure
+    )
+    return effective_frequency, weights, frequencies
+def effective_phonon_frequency_from_vasp_files_no_nac(vasprun, outcar):
     eigenvalues = -vasprun.normalmode_eigenvals[::-1]
     eigenvectors = vasprun.normalmode_eigenvecs[::-1]
     # get frequencies from eigenvals (and convert to THz for VASP 5)
     major_version = int(vasprun.vasp_version.split(".")[0])
     frequencies = np.sqrt(np.abs(eigenvalues)) * np.sign(eigenvalues)
@@ -62,10 +105,11 @@ def effective_phonon_frequency_from_vasp_files(vasprun, outcar):
     effective_frequency, weights = calculate_effective_phonon_frequency(
         frequencies, eigenvectors, born_effective_charges, vasprun.final_structure
     return effective_frequency, weights, frequencies
 def calculate_effective_phonon_frequency(
     frequencies: np.ndarray,
     eigenvectors: np.ndarray,
@@ -99,23 +143,109 @@ def get_phonon_weight(eigenvector, frequency, born_effective_charges, structure)
         born_effective_charges, eigenvector, structure
         ze =, atom_vec) / np.sqrt(site.specie.atomic_mass * frequency)
     all_weights = []
     for direction in directions:
         # Calculate q.Z*.e(q) / sqrt(M*omega) for each atom
         qze =, direction)
         # sum across all atoms
     weight = np.average(all_weights * quad_weights)
     if np.isnan(weight):
         return 0
         return weight
+#------block to extract data from new outcar-----#
+def parse_frequencies(line):
+    """Extract frequencies from a given line."""
+    return [float(value) for value in re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+", line)]
+def extract_real_parts(eigenvector_line):
+    """Extract the real parts of eigenvector components from a given line."""
+    components = re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.\d+(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?", eigenvector_line)
+    real_parts = [
+        float(components[i]) for i in range(0, len(components), 2)
+    ]  # Take every other value starting from 0 (real part)
+    return real_parts
+def reshape_to_3x3(real_parts):
+    """Reshape a flat list of real parts into a 3x3 array."""
+    return np.array(real_parts).reshape(3, 3)
+def extract_gamma_point_data(file_path):
+    """Extract frequencies and reshaped eigenvectors for the gamma point."""
+    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
+        content = file.readlines()
+    # Identify the phonon section
+    phonon_section = []
+    phonon_started = False
+    for line in content:
+        if "Phonons" in line:
+            phonon_started = True
+        if phonon_started:
+            phonon_section.append(line)
+        if phonon_started and "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" in line:
+            break
+    # Initialize data containers
+    q_points = []
+    frequencies = []
+    eigenvector_3d = []
+    current_q_point = None
+    current_frequencies = []
+    current_real_parts = []
+    for line in phonon_section:
+        # Detect q-point line
+        if re.match(r"\s*\d+\s+[-+]?\d+\.\d+", line):
+            if current_q_point:  # Save previous q-point data
+                q_points.append(current_q_point)
+                frequencies.append(np.array(current_frequencies))
+                eigenvector_3d.append(np.array(current_real_parts))
+                current_frequencies = []
+                current_real_parts = []
+            current_q_point = [float(x) for x in line.split()[1:4]]
+        # Parse frequencies
+        elif "[THz]" in line:
+            current_frequencies = parse_frequencies(line)
+        # Parse eigenvectors
+        elif re.match(r"\s+[-+]?\d+\.\d+", line):
+            real_parts = extract_real_parts(line.strip())
+            reshaped_vector = reshape_to_3x3(real_parts)
+            current_real_parts.append(reshaped_vector)
+    # Save the last q-point's data
+    if current_q_point:
+        q_points.append(current_q_point)
+        frequencies.append(np.array(current_frequencies))
+        eigenvector_3d.append(np.array(current_real_parts))
+    # Locate gamma point
+    gamma_index = None
+    for i, q_point in enumerate(q_points):
+        if np.allclose(q_point, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]):
+            gamma_index = i
+            break
+    if gamma_index is None:
+        raise ValueError("Gamma point ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) not found in the OUTCAR file.")
+    # Extract gamma point data
+    gamma_frequencies = frequencies[gamma_index]
+    gamma_eigenvectors_3d = np.array(eigenvector_3d[gamma_index])
+    return gamma_frequencies, gamma_eigenvectors_3d
+#--------block ends here--------#
 def get_file(filename, class_type):
     if isinstance(filename, str):
@@ -132,4 +262,5 @@ def get_file(filename, class_type):
     elif isinstance(filename, class_type):
+        #print("file read", filename) #--mod 2
         return filename

From ec25d2b85eb8328e0fc315f1814336b9397040fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shiva-sslg <>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 19:39:56 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Fix: Resolved issue with POP frequency calculation for
 Polar materials

 amset/tools/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/amset/tools/ b/amset/tools/
index f4fca6aa6..d0b75981f 100644
--- a/amset/tools/
+++ b/amset/tools/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 @click.option("-v", "--vasprun", default="vasprun.xml", help="vasprun.xml file")
 @click.option("-o", "--outcar", default="OUTCAR", help="OUTCAR file")
-@click.option("-o2", "--outcar_2", default=None, help="Second OUTCAR file")
+@click.option("-o2", "--outcar_2", default=None, help="NAC corrected OUTCAR file")
 def phonon_frequency(vasprun, outcar, outcar_2):
     """Extract the effective phonon frequency from a VASP calculation"""
     from import Outcar, Vasprun