Also check VSCP over TCP/IP which have more Level II specifics for the lower levels.
Level II nodes are intended for media with higher bandwidth then Level I nodes and no nickname procedure is therefore implemented on Level II. As result of this the full GUID is sent in each packet.
The header for a level II event is defined as
typedef struct {
uint16_t crc; /* crc checksum (calculated from here to end) */
/* Used for UDP/Ethernet etc */
uint32_t obid; /* Used by driver for channel info etc. */
/* Time block - Always UTC time */
uint16_t year;
uint8_t month; /* 1-12 */
uint8_t day; /* 1-31 */
uint8_t hour; /* 0-23 */
uint8_t minute; /* 0-59 */
uint8_t second; /* 0-59 */
uint32_t timestamp; /* Relative time stamp for package in microseconds */
/* ~71 minutes before roll over */
/* ----- CRC should be calculated from here to end + data block ---- */
uint16_t head; /* Bit 15 GUID is IP v.6 address. */
/* Bit 14 This is a dumb node. No MDF, register, nothing. */
/* Bit 8-13 = Reserved */
/* bit 765 priority, Priority 0-7 where 0 is highest. */
/* bit 4 = hard coded, true for a hard coded device. */
/* bit 3 = Don't calculate CRC, false for CRC usage. */
/* Just checked when CRC is used. */
/* If set the CRC should be set to 0xAA55 for */
/* the event to be accepted without a CRC check. */
/* bit 2 = Rolling index. */
/* bit 1 = Rolling index. */
/* bit 0 = Rolling index. */
uint16_t vscp_class; /* VSCP class */
uint16_t vscp_type; /* VSCP type */
uint8_t GUID[ 16 ]; /* Node globally unique id MSB(0) -> LSB(15) */
uint16_t sizeData; /* Number of valid data bytes */
uint8_t *pdata; /* Pointer to data. Max 512 bytes */
} vscpEvent;
The biggest differences is that the GUID is sent in each event and that both class and type has a 16-bit length.
The CRC is calculated using the CCITT polynomial
The format in a stream is
As is noted the obid and time-stamp is not present in the actual stream and is only inserted by the driver interface software.
Level I events can travel in the Level II world. This is because all Level I events are repleted in Class=1024. As nicknames are not available on Level II they are replaced in the events by the full GUID. This is an important possibility in larger installations.
A event from a node on a Level I that is transferred out on a Level II can have the nodes own GUID set or the GUID of the interface between the Level I and the Level II segment. Which method to choose is up to the implementer as long as the GUID's are unique.
For interfaces the machine MAC address, if available, is a good base for a GUID which easily can map to real physical nodes that are handled by the interface. By using this method each MAC address gives 65536 unique GUID's.
Other methods to generate GUID's s also available form more information see Appendix A.
In some cases it is useful to have a compact string representation of the an Event. This is for instance used in the VSCP tcp/ip link protocol. The format is
date time is in ISO 8601 format (_"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[.ssss[Z]]":).
obid, datetime, and timestamp can be left out. In this case a comma is used instead. If datetime is left out the first intelligent interface the event passes will set the datetime of the event to the current UTC time. If timestamp is left out the first interface the event passes will set the timestamp of the event to the current time in microseconds.
The GUID can either be the full GUID on the form
or a dash
or empty. If it is a dash or is empty the GUID of the interface is set for the event.
All numbers except the numbers of the GUID (always in hex without a preciding '0x', can either be decimal or hexadecimal. Hexadecimal numbers should be preceded by '0x'.
VSCP level II events can be presented as XML data. Format is
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Version 0.0.2 2020-02-20 -->
vscpHead="flags for event"
vscpClass="Event class is numerical form or CLASSx:numerical form"
vscpType="Event type in numerical form."
vscpTimeStamp="Relative microsecond value."
Comma separated list with event data. Hex values (preceded with '0x')and decimal values allowed."
unit="Code for unit data is presented in"
sensorindex="Index for sensor"
coding="How value is codes"
value="Measurement value"
note="Some note about this event"
unit, sensorindex, coding and value is extra information used by event decoding logic. note is used by analytic software like VSCP Works__
If vscpTimeStamp and or vscpDateTime is absent they should be treated as 'now'.
vscpTimeStamp is a sender relative value expressed in microseconds that can be used for more precise timing calculations
vscpDateTime is date + time in UTC on ISO format
VSCP level II events can be presented as JSON data. Format is
"vscpNote":"Some optional note about event",
"measurement": {
vscpNote is used by analytic software like VSCP Works for log files and other diagnostic event logs stored on disks or similar.
unit, sensorindex,coding and value are optional for measurements event conversions.
unit, sensorindex, coding and value is extra information used by event decoding logic. note is used by analytic software__
If vscpTimeStamp and or vscpDateTime is absent each should be treated as 'now'.
vscpTimeStamp is a sender relative value expressed in microseconds that can be used for more precise timing calculations.
vscpDateTime is date + time in UTC on ISO format.
The measurement block is optional. It can be inserted by software for measurements but should not be expected to be available.
If a tag is not present it should be interpreted as zero with the exception for vscpTimeStamp and vscpDateTime described above.
Higher level software may use
or similar for more user friendly class/type information. They should be give in addition to the numerical form, not instead of.
If bandwidth is constrained field can be omitted. If fileds are omitted the following is true
- vscpHead will default to zero.
- vscpObId will default to zero.
- vscpGuid will default to all zero. This can typically be omitted if the topic on a MQTT channel holds the GUID.
- vscpTimeStamp will defaults to the current microsecond timestamp on the client.
- vscpDateTime will default to 'today' and 'now' on the client.
- vscpClass and or vscpType willdefault to zero. This can typically be omitted if the topic on a MQTT channel holds one or both of them.
- vscpData is empty if omitted.
- vscpNote will default to an empty string
As an example imagine that you have a device that you want to monitor for on/off. The VSCP event are
The data for each event contains
- index
- zone
- subzone
If you now construct a topic on the form
or typically
you can easily construct the full event on the client side even if you only send minimal data.
To classify as a node in a VSCP net all nodes must be uniquely identified by a globally unique 16-byte (yes that is 16-byte (128 bits) not 16-bit) identifier. This number uniquely identifies all devices around the world and can be used as a means to obtain device descriptions as well as drivers for a specific platform and for a specific device.
The manufacturer of the device can also use the number as a serial number to track manufactured devices. In many other environments and protocols there is a high cost in getting a globally unique number for your equipment. This is not the case with VSCP. If you own an Ethernet card you also have what is needed to create your own GUID's.
The GUID address is not normally used during communication with a node. Instead an 8-bit address is used. This gives a low protocol overhead. A segment can have a maximum of 127 nodes even if the address gives the possibility for 256 nodes. The 8-bit address is received from a master node called the segment controller. The short address is also called the nodes nickname-ID or nickname address.
Besides the GUID it is recommended that all nodes should have a node description string in the firmware that points to a URL that can give full information about the node and its family of devices. As well as providing information about the node, this address can point at drivers for various operating systems or segment controller environments. Reserved GUID's
Some GUID's are reserved and unavailable for assignment. Appendix A list these and also assigned IDs.
The VSCP team controls the rest of the addresses and will allocate addresses to individuals or companies by them sending a request to [email protected]. You can request a series of 32-bits making it possible for you to manufacture 4294967295 nodes. If you need more (!!!) you can ask for another series. There is no cost for reserving a series. Appendix A in this document contains a list of assigned addresses which will also be available at
It is possible to create your own GUID without requesting a series and still have a valid global VSCP GUID. This is because GUID series has been constructed from Ethernet MAC addresses and other common id series. Full list is here.
Current predefined GUID series is listed in appendix A. You can request your own series by writing [email protected]
Note that there is a convenient shorthand notation :: used for IPV6 that can be used as a place holder for zeros. For example
really means
is the same as
we use *: in the same way for FFs so that
*:1 really means
These short cut notations makes it much easier to write GUID's.