Platform: Google Cloud Platform
Environment: Cloud Run
Runtime: Python 3.9 (python:3.9-slim)
Containerization: Docker
Repository: Artifact Registry
WSGI Server: gUnicorn
API Framework: Flask-RESTful
Default Application Credentials
- Secret Manager Secret Accessor (Secret Manager)
Earth Engine Credentials (Stored on Secret Manager)
- Earth Engine (Registered as an Earth Engine SA)
- Storage Object Admin (Cloud Storage)
A GeoCore API function that reshapes a recieved GeoJSON geometry into it's square bounding box and returns its bounds, centroid and its area in sq.metres, sq.kilometres, hectares and acres. It supports Point
, Polygon
and LineString
geometries. Multi-feature GeoJSONs will not raise an error but only the first Feature will be reshaped. The different geometry types are handled as follows.
- Creates a square buffer of 2.5kms around the point.
& LineString
- Creates a square bound around the geometry.
"geojson": <dict>
The geojson field must be a dictionary and contain the full contents of an RFC7946 compliant GeoJSON. Use to generate these dictionaries.
"bounds": [<float>, <float>, <float>, <float>],
"areas": {
"SQM": <float>,
"SQKM": <float>,
"HA": <float>,
"ACRE": <float>
"centroid": {
"longitude": <float>,
"latitude": <float>
The bounds field contains a list of float values that represent the west, south, east and north bound extents of the reshaped geometry.
The areas field contains a mapping of string units to the area of the reshaped geometry in that unit rounded to 3 decimal places.
The centroid field contains a mapping of latitude and longitude string labels to their float values.
A GeoCore API function that generates the location for a recieved coordinate pair with a reverse geocode lookup and returns it. Geocoding is done using the Google Maps Geocoding API.
"coordinates": {
"longitude": <float>,
"latitude": <float>
The coordinate field must be a dictionary with the keys latitude and longitude being float values that represents the coordinate pair.
"geocode": <str>
The geocode field contains a string that represents the location address of the coordinates.
All tags push to the geosentry/geocore repository will automatically trigger a workflow to build the docker image, push it to Artifcat Registry and deploy it to the Cloud Run and register the service with Service Directory.
The GitHub Actions workflow is defined in the .github/workflows/push-deploy.yml
The gcloud command used to deploy the function is as follows
gcloud run deploy geocore-spatio \
--platform "managed" \
--region $REGION \
--service-account geocore-spatio@$ \
--concurrency 20
--timeout 60 \
--image $$PROJECTID/geocore/geocore-spatio:$TAG
But, the actual workflow file uses the google-github-actions/deploy-cloudrun GitHub Action to handle the deployment to Cloud Run. The image build and push are handled by Docker and authenticated with the gcloud SDK.
The Service Directory registration is handled by the gcloud command as follows
gcloud service-directory services update geocore-spatio \
--namespace geocore \
--location $REGION \
--annotations url="$SERVICEURL"