A tool to prepare the dataset for onboarding to Filecoin network
Looking for the daemon version? Try singularity
# Install nvm (https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#install--update-script)
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
source ~/.bashrc
# Install node v16
nvm install 16
npm i -g @techgreedy/singularity
singularity-prepare -h
git clone https://github.com/tech-greedy/singularity.git
cd singularity
npm ci
npm run build
npm link
singularity-prepare -h
By default, npm will pull the pre-built binaries for dependencies. You can choose to build it from source and override the one pulled by npm.
# Make sure you have go v1.17+ installed
git clone https://github.com/tech-greedy/go-generate-car.git
cd go-generate-car
Then copy the generated binary to override the existing one from the PATH for your node environment, i.e.
- singularity installed globally
- singularity cloned locally
Note the path may change depending on the nodejs version, if you cannot find folder above, try search for generate-car
binary first, i.e. find ~/.nvm -name 'generate-car'
To parallel the CAR file generation, specify --parallel
Each subtask will consume 1-2.5 CPU and 50-100Mbps IO so you need to choose concurrency wisely.
$ singularity-prepare -h
Usage: singularity-prepare [options] <datasetName> <datasetPath> <outDir>
A tool to prepare dataset for slingshot
datasetName Name of the dataset
datasetPath Directory path to the dataset
outDir The output Directory to save CAR files and manifest files
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --deal-size <deal_size> Target deal size, i.e. 32GiB (default: "32GiB")
-t, --tmp-dir <tmp_dir> Optional temporary directory. May be useful when it is at least 2x faster than the dataset source, such as when the dataset is on network mount, and the I/O is the bottleneck
-m, --min-ratio <min_ratio> Min ratio of deal to sector size, i.e. 0.55 (default: "0.55")
-M, --max-ratio <max_ratio> Max ratio of deal to sector size, i.e. 0.95 (default: "0.95")
-j, --parallel <parallel> How many generation jobs to run at the same time (default: "1")
-h, --help display help for command