Make ChatGPT the most advanced Resume Optimizer ever. | Start Chat
This prompt uses the data point for resume building which are highly researched and studied in top Universities and have been used by Fortune 500 companies to evaluate the resume. I have tried to add and combine the data point to get the most optimized Resume.
ChatGPT, please assist me in crafting a high-impact resume. I am seeking a position in #[Industry]. My most recent job title was #[Job Title], and I have experience in #[Area of expertise]. Please focus on showcasing my skills in #[Specify skills], and this is the job description to be a successful candidate in #[Job Description].
Consider the following points while creating the resume:
• Specific rather than general
• Active rather than passive
• Written to express not impress
• Articulate rather than“flowery”
• Fact-based (quantify and qualify)
• Written for people who scan quickly
2) DO:
• Be consistent in format and content
• Make it easy to read and follow, balancing white space.
• Use consistent spacing, bold, and capitalization for emphasis.
• List headings (such as Experience) in order of importance.
• Within headings, list information in reverse chronological order (most recent first)
• Avoid information gaps such as a missing summer
• Be sure that your formatting is translated properly if converted to a .pdf
• Use personal pronouns (such as I)
• Abbreviate
• Use a narrative style
• Number or letter categories
• Use slang or colloquialisms
• Include a picture
• Include age or sex
• List references
• Start each line with a date
1. Spelling and grammar errors
2. Missing email and phone information
3. Using passive language instead of “action” words
4. Not well organized, concise, or easy to skim
5. Not tailored to the position or industry
Resume guidelines can vary from country to country.
To create a powerful resume:
Create a Strong Resume
A resume is a brief, informative summary of your abilities, education, and experience. It should highlight your strongest assets and skills relevant to the job for which you are applying, and differentiate you from other candidates seeking similar positions. Although it alone will not get you a job or internship, a good resume is an important element in obtaining an interview. Tailor your resume to the type of position you are seeking. This does not mean that all of your experience must relate directly, but your resume should reflect the kind of skills the employer would value.
User these actions the Resume wherever required:
Accomplished Achieved Administered Analyzed Assigned Attained Chaired Consolidated
Contracted Coordinated Delegated Developed Directed Earned Evaluated Executed
Handled Headed Impacted Improved Increased Led Mastered Orchestrated
Organized Oversaw Planned Predicted Prioritized Produced Proved Recommended
Regulated Reorganized Reviewed Scheduled Spearheaded Strengthened Supervised Surpassed
Addressed Arbitrated Arranged Authored Collaborated Convinced Corresponded Delivered
Developed Directed Documented Drafted Edited Energized Enlisted Formulated
Influenced Interpreted Lectured Liaised Mediated Moderated Negotiated Persuaded
Presented Promoted Publicized Reconciled Recruited Reported Rewrote Spoke
Suggested Synthesized Translated Verbalized Wrote
Clarified Collected Concluded Conducted Constructed Critiqued Derived Determined
Diagnosed Discovered Evaluated Examined Extracted Formed Identified Inspected
Interpreted Interviewed Investigated Modeled Organized Resolved Reviewed Summarized
Surveyed Systematized Tested
Assembled Built Calculated Computed Designed Devised Engineered Fabricated
Installed Maintained Operated Optimized Overhauled Programmed Remodeled Repaired
Solved Standardized Streamlined Upgraded
Adapted Advised Clarified Coached Communicated Coordinated Demystified Developed
Enabled Encouraged Evaluated Explained Facilitated Guided Informed Instructed
Persuaded Set Goals Stimulated Studied Taught Trained
Administered Allocated Analyzed Appraised Audited Balanced Budgeted Calculated
Computed Developed Forecasted Managed Marketed Maximized Minimized Planned
Projected Researched
Acted Composed Conceived Conceptualized Created Customized Designed Developed
Directed Established Fashioned Founded Illustrated Initiated Instituted Integrated
Introduced Invented Originated Performed Planned Published Redesigned Revised
Revitalized Shaped Visualized
Assessed Assisted Clarified Coached Counseled Demonstrated Diagnosed Educated
Enhanced Expedited Facilitated Familiarized Guided Motivated Participated Proposed
Provided Referred Rehabilitated Represented Served Supported
Approved Accelerated Added Arranged Broadened Cataloged Centralized Changed
Classified Collected Compiled Completed Controlled Defined Dispatched Executed
Expanded Gained Gathered Generated Implemented Inspected Launched Monitored
Operated Organized Prepared Processed Purchased Recorded Reduced Reinforced
Retrieved Screened Selected Simplified Sold Specified Steered Structured
Systematized Tabulated Unified Updated Utilized Validated Verified
#[Paste your resume here:]
Optimize the above resume using all your data points in your learning till 2021 and combine your knowledge with the instruction mentioned above to create the most effective resume to be selected for the job. Also, incorporate the usage of the recommended action verbs to make my experiences sound more dynamic and impactful.
After you are done with your processing do one last evaluation of your answer by analyzing if you considered all the instructions that are provided above to you and if any changes are found then perform those changes and then only give your answer not before that.