This project will include some Spark simple exercises based in the airline datashet.
The input format used in the exercicies will be a extract for the Flights Dataset.
The file will be separated by commas and each line will have the following structure:
Field Name | Description | Field Type |
Year | year | Int |
Month | month | Int |
DayofMonth | day of month | Int |
DayOfWeek | day of week | Int |
DepTime | flight's departure time using the format: [h]hmm being: h-> hour, m-> minute and [] optional int position | Int |
CRSDepTime | flight's estimated departure time using the format: [h]hmm being: h-> hour, m-> minute and [] optional int position | Int |
ArrTime | flight's arrive time using the format: [h]hmm being: h-> hour, m-> minute and [] optional int position | Int |
CRSArrTime | flight's estimated arrive time using the format: [h]hmm being: h-> hour, m-> minute and [] optional int position | Int |
UniqueCarrier | unique id by carrier | String |
FlightNum | Flight Number | Int |
TailNum | N/A | N/A |
ActualElapsedTime | flight's real duration in minutes | Int |
CRSElapsedTime | flight's calculated duration in minutes | Int |
AirTime | N/A | N/A |
ArrDelay | flight's arrival delay | Int |
DepDelay | flight's departure delay | Int |
Origin | origin airport | String |
Dest | destination airport | String |
Distance | flight's disntance in meters | Int |
TaxiIn | N/A | N/A |
TaxiOut | N/A | N/A |
Cancelled | Determinate if the flight has been cancelled or not. 0-> OnTime, 1 -> Cancel | Structuted Field |
CancellationCode | Cancelation code | Int |
Diverted | N/A | |
CarrierDelay | Determinate if the flight has been cancelled beacause carrier issues or not. 0-> OnTime, 1 -> Cancel | Structuted Field |
WeatherDelay | Determinate if the flight has been cancelled beacause weathers issues or not. 0-> OnTime, 1 -> Cancel | Structuted Field |
NASDelay | Determinate if the flight has been cancelled beacause NAS issues or not. 0-> OnTime, 1 -> Cancel | Structuted Field |
SecurityDelay | Determinate if the flight has been cancelled beacause Security issues or not. 0-> OnTime, 1 -> Cancel | Structuted Field |
LateAircraftDelay | Determinate if the flight has been cancelled beacause Aircraft issues or not. 0-> OnTime, 1 -> Cancel | IStructuted Fieldnt |