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64 lines (50 loc) · 2.37 KB

File metadata and controls

64 lines (50 loc) · 2.37 KB


  • Use the DTMF lib to detect DTMF codes received from a HAM radio (baofeng UV-B2 or any appliance that can output signal with DTMF through a jack)
  • The DTMF lib has been modified to return wheter a signal without DTMF has been detected (source
  • if signal is detected then UP() the relay
  • if DTMF code is '0', down() (and sleep for 2 seconds to avoid to up the relay imediately because of signal presence)
  • if DTMF code is '*', lower brightness
  • if DTMF code is '#', higher brightness
  • for any other code, just up() the relay
  • Each time the relay is up(), a 5 minutes timer is reset
  • After 5 minutes being UP the relay is shutdown



=== Kenwwod double jack pinout ===

=== Schematics ===


[SPK+]─────────┼──[ARDUINO A0]

== RELAY == Using 2x5m led strip controlled by a IRF540 MOSFET though ARDUINO PWM output

                 │+              │+
             [LED STRIP1]  [LED STRIP 2]
                 │-              │-
[IRF540: DRAIN]──┴───────────────┘ 
                 X─[IFR540: GATE]─┬─[R=1k]──[ARDUINO D11]
[IRF540: SOURCE]─┐                │
                 │              [R=10k]
[VBAT-]──────────┤                │

== ARDUINO == Using Arduino Nano with a 3S Lipo battery

[ARDUINO GND]─────────[VBAT-]
[ARDUINO VIN]─────────[VBAT+]
[ARDUINO A0]──────────[SPK+]
[ARDUINO D11]─────────[R=1k]──[IFR540: GATE]