Now, let's install flux CLI and bootstrap our cluster.
- Install
flux cli
to your PC - Create new ``github` repository
- Install
onto your cluster
The Flux CLI is available as a binary executable for all major platforms, the binaries can be downloaded form GitHub releases page.
# Install the Flux CLI with Homebrew for macOS and Linux:
brew install fluxcd/tap/flux
# Install the Flux CLI with Chocolatey for Windows:
choco install flux
You can manually create new repository at github portal using. I am currently learning the github cli, so I will create repo using gh
. Let's use iac-ws4-lab03
as a repository name. That will make troubleshooting easier. If, for some reason, you can't create new repository and you have to re-use the existing one, use your repository name instead.
# Create a new repository. Make sure that you run this command outside of github repository, otherwise you will get the following error message 'error: remote origin already exists.' and you will need to clone iac-ws4-lab03 to some other folder.
gh repo create iac-ws4-lab03 --private -g VisualStudio -y
✓ Created repository evgenyb/iac-ws4-lab03 on GitHub
Cloning into 'iac-ws4-lab03'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.
First, generate new github personal access token.
# Export your GitHub access token and username
# Check you have everything needed to run Flux by running
flux check --pre
# Bootstrap the iac-ws4-blue-aks cluster
flux bootstrap github --owner=$Env:GITHUB_USER --repository=iac-ws4-lab03 --branch=main --personal --path=clusters/iac-ws4-blue-aks
# ... eventually you will see
✔ notification-controller: deployment ready
✔ source-controller: deployment ready
✔ all components are healthy
The bootstrap command above does following:
Goto your iac-ws4-lab03
repo folder and run pull latest changes
# Get latest
git pull
.../flux-system/gotk-components.yaml | 4107 ++++++++++++++++++++
.../iac-ws4-blue-aks/flux-system/gotk-sync.yaml | 26 +
.../flux-system/kustomization.yaml | 5 +
3 files changed, 4138 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 clusters/iac-ws4-blue-aks/flux-system/gotk-components.yaml
create mode 100644 clusters/iac-ws4-blue-aks/flux-system/gotk-sync.yaml
create mode 100644 clusters/iac-ws4-blue-aks/flux-system/kustomization.yaml
As you can see it added three files.
contains Flux k8s manifests such as namespace, Flux Custom Resource Definitions, Flux controllers, Network Policies etc...
contains GitRepository resource configured towards newly created iac-ws4-lab03
repository and Kustomization resource configured against ./clusters/iac-ws4-blue-aks
folder in iac-ws4-lab03
Navigate to the<YOUR-USER-NAME>/iac-ws4-lab03/settings/keys
folder and you will find new deployment key called flux-system-main-flux-system-./clusters/iac-ws4-blue-aks
# Get list of flux controllers
kubectl -n flux-system get po
helm-controller-74b45cbc97-gwvgg 1/1 Running 0 46m
kustomize-controller-5c74dd5db-pxqth 1/1 Running 0 46m
notification-controller-7484478487-grlp9 1/1 Running 0 46m
source-controller-7b4b67684-sfgn5 1/1 Running 0 46m
As you can see, by default Flux installs the following controllers:
# Get list GitRepository resource
kubectl -n flux-system get GitRepository
# Get flux-system GitRepository details
kubectl -n flux-system get GitRepository flux-system -oyaml
Note, that deployment key is stored at the secret called flux-system
name: flux-system
# Get flux-system secret details
kubectl -n flux-system get secret flux-system -oyaml
# Get list of Kustomization resources
kubectl -n flux-system get Kustomization
# Get flux-system Kustomization details
kubectl -n flux-system get Kustomization flux-system -oyaml
At this point, flux
is installed and "self configured". Now, let's change interval at which the kustomize build output is applied on the cluster.
# Go to the iac-ws4-lab03 folder and get latest
git pull
Already up to date.
Open clusters/iac-ws4-blue-aks/flux-system/gotk-sync.yaml
file and change interval
property flux-system
kustomization manifests file from 10m0s
to 5m0s
kind: Kustomization
name: flux-system
namespace: flux-system
interval: 5m0s
# Commit and push the manifests to Git
git status
modified: clusters/iac-ws4-blue-aks/flux-system/gotk-sync.yaml
# Add, commit and push changes
git add -A
git commit -m "change interval from 10 to 5 min"
git push
# Wait for Flux to reconcile your previous commit with
flux get kustomizations --watch
# After about a minute, the applied revision will change and that means that changes we committed to the github are deployed
# Verify that changes are deployed.
kubectl -n flux-system get ks flux-system -oyaml | grep interval
interval: 5m0s
If you are on Windows and don't have grep
installed, you can install it by using chocolaty.
# install GNU grep
choco install grep