Version 1.0.0, 30/5/2018
The main attributions of the Technical Committee (TC) are oriented to guarantee the sustainability of the product from the technical point of view, considering design, implementation and performance, in order to help developers accomplish the roadmap of the product.
These objectives range from the establishment of development guidelines, to the validation of proposals to incorporate the core source code into the master branch, as well as to the analysis and design of structural change actions in the source code of the application. Thus, the following objectives are set out in more concrete terms:
Governance of the Source Code Repository
Answering to questions and issues
Guiding Technical Development
QC of Developments
Product Technical Design
Generate Releases
The SG is responsible for the ownership, management and administration of the physical infrastructure that hosts the ETF source code. These tasks are delegated to the TC:
The acceptance of pull requests to the ETF source code.
Administration of the source code repository, including user management
Management of templates and the mailing list
The TC will help with user and developer questions and issues on a best effort basis. The TC is responsible for maintaining issue templates in the Source Code Repository.
The TC will be in charge of providing the necessary directives and instructions for the implementation of the developments by the Community of ETF collaborators. For this purpose, the TC will provide the Community with different elements for the development:.
A getting started guide how contributions can be made
Guidelines, which provide good practices like conventions, idioms and patterns
Quality Criteria that are checked if a Pull Request has been created
Quality Control of the code must be ensured to guarantee the sustainability of ETF. Thus, the TC will produce a set of QC checkpoints to be executed on the source code associated to a pull request, such as:
Contribution agreement on file.
Presence of tests.
Presence of documentation
for users, if changes introduce new features
design decisions, if the software architecture is changed
Presence of a proposal (only for new features).
Copyright headers are present
No commented out code sections.
Javadocs and comments.
Code formatting.
English language is used in code and comments.
Enhancements that provide special features to a small group of users and are difficult to maintain may be rejected (TC voting and informing SG is required). In this case, the TC could try to describe a solution, how the enhancement can be maintained by the developer/organisation as an extension module outside of the ETF repositories.
Bugfix pull requests are available for all release versions that are under maintenance.
Depending on the specific Quality Controls to be executed, this will be performed on an automatic (Sonarqube or similar tools) or manual control by the TC.
The TC shall take decisions concerning the technical design and architecture of the product.
These decisions cover aspects such as module orientation, communication interfaces, architecture, package refactoring, etc.
Any breaking changes (i.e. major versions) or design decisions that can have major effects on others in the community (e.g. a proposal to improve usability even if this would mean performance losses) require an approval by the SG.
For minor design decisions where only feedback by the SG might be desired, the TC may invite interested SG members to a discussion or voting (mail, gitter, web meeting). The primary or secondary SG representative should react within 3 days. Not submitting a vote is considered as silent approval.
The TC will be responsible for compiling all the functionalities associated with a specific release, generating it, testing it and, finally, publishing it in the different repositories so that it can be used by the Community.
To this end, the use of a continuous integration environment is recommended to allow the TC to carry out these and other tasks as efficiently as possible.
The process of obtaining TC membership is based on proven technical capacity.
This capacity will be demonstrated over time by the implementation of several pull-requests for their incorporation into ETF.
The TC will analyze these pull-requests prior to their incorporation into the source code. If these requests are deep enough to demonstrate knowledge and mastery of ETF, this person may be incorporated into the TC.
The SG will assess and accept/reject new TC members proposal.
A TC member must be active. If no activity can be determined for 4 months, the other TC members can request the SG to remove the inactive member from the TC.
Inaugural members are:
Jon Herrmann
Clemens Portele
Johannes Echterhoff
The assets that the committee has to produce and maintain in order to establish the main lines of the ETF development for the Community are the following:
Mailing list
The Source Code Repository issue template
The Source Code Repository contribution file containing
A reference to the CLA (maintained by the SG)
A reference to the Code of conduct (maintained by the SG)
Development Guidelines
Quality Control Criteria
Template for submission of proposals