In order for VK LLC to accept any Contributions from you, you must adopt our Contributor License Agreement (the “CLA”) available here:
- (in English) and
- (in Russian).
Please read the terms and conditions of CLA carefully. By submitting your Contributions to VK LLC, you state the following:
- You are willingly licensing your Contributions to VK LLC under the terms of the CLA,
- You have read the terms and conditions of the CLA and agree to be legally bound by CLA,
- You are legally able to provide and license your Contributions as stated in the CLA,
- We may use your Contributions for any of our projects,
- You understand that we rely on your representations in relation to your Contributions set out in the CLA.
If you do not agree to be legally bound by CLA or the terms above please do not contribute or offer your Contributions to VK LLC. If you have read the terms and conditions of the CLA and agree with the terms of CLA, you are able to provide your Contributions to VK LLC. Please add the following information into your pull request: «I hereby accept the terms of the CLA available at: and» It is enough to provide us such notification once.
If you have any further queries regarding CLA or terms above, please contact us via [email protected].