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263 lines (166 loc) · 10.6 KB

Code-related things!

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Mostly what's below are code snippets and commands, but I'm starting to include (Feb '22) UI/UX things, as well.

04-Feb-2022, Friday, 09:52

From Rob Weychert, Inside ProPublica's Article Layout Framework.

The repetition of multiple viewports as the layout options and desires are describe is useful here; there will always be surprises, but seeing breakpoints in your head as you write code is a skill worth honing.

Category: UI, frameworks

13-Jan-2022, Thursday, 11:01

In pursuit of exorcising rogue em units in our code base, I started just looking for em; (in VS Code) which meant having to sort through all the rem; results. It's fine, but I went on over to and built this!


And hit the "Use Regular Expression" option in VS Code. Voilà! 🎉

Category: regex

05-Aug-2021, Thursday, 15:37

What files are in this stash?

I make heavy use of git stash save "[message]" and today while spinning a few plates, I was mixed up about what was in one stash vs. another. But I couldn't remember how to see which files were in a stash, nor what changes I'd made in that stash. So. (

to see which files are in the stash:
$ git stash show --name-only stash@{1}

to see the changes in the stash:
$ git stash show -p stash@{4}

Category: git, stash

23-Feb-2021, Tuesday, 09:15

Securely signing git commits!

All my commits for work are signed with my work email address, but when I wanted to update another work-repo with that I didn't copy over the signingkey key. 🤦🏽‍♀️ As a result, when I ran git commit -m "message" it failed! My first thought was, "oh, copy over the signingkey, silly." But then trouble! I second-guessed myself and thought I only needed to restart the machine (b/c I have the authentication set to expire upon restarts).

Well, that didn't work, of course. Copied over the signingkey and… it worked exactly as expected.

Now, I know!

Category: git, gpg

11-Sep-2019, Wednesday, 08:25

From Chris:

I knew about rake -T to show the desc string on a task if it exists. I knew about rake -W to show the line of code where all tasks are defined (including undocumented ones).

TIL: rake -D will show the entire desc string, even past the first period. So you can do multiline descriptions:

$ bin/rake -D cloudinary:delete_doc_batches
Running via Spring preloader in process 49864
rake cloudinary:delete_doc_batches[batch_count,batch_size]
    Delete batches of old fetched Google Docs.
     Optional arguments:
    - batch_count. Number of batches to do. 100 is the default.
    - batch_size. Size of each batch. Default and max is 100. 
    To do one batch of the default batch_size:
      rake cloudinary:delete_doc_batches[1]
        To do one batch of 5 documents:
      rake cloudinary:delete_doc_batches[1,5]
        To use the default (100):
      rake cloudinary:delete_doc_batches

Category: terminal, rake, searching, learning

08-Aug-2019, Thursday, 16:10

Reminder Finding all the available rake tasks in a project: bundle exec rake --tasks (or -T)

You can also use a pattern with that flag to find tasks w/ that pattern in them: bundle exec rake -T db for all the db-related ones, for example.

Category: terminal, rake, searching

07-Aug-2019, Wednesday, 16:30

A normal ctrl+c returned "Gracefully shutting down workers…" except 10 minutes later the sequence hadn't completed. Usually another ctrl+c really does it but again: nothing.

Searched a little and found ctrl+\ in an answer at StackOverflow: How to graceful shut down coroutines with Ctrl+C?

That did it! (Got a little dark, though: [14203] ! Detected parent died, dying)

Category: terminal, local environment

10-Jan-2019, Thursday, 10:56

GitHub's web UI doesn't show a commit count, or indeed individual commits over 250 anymore. So, how to find the real count?

$ git rev-list master...HEAD --count

Without master...HEAD, you'll get back the number of commits from the repo and the branch you're on: useful, but not what I was after in this case. Initially, I was just going to do the math and get the difference between the two, but then @cflipse pointed out the ... version. 🎉

Category: git, github, terminal

20-Nov-2018, Tuesday, 15:51

I couldn't remember how to run a single test in an RSPEC file. I found a StackOverflow answer for adding a RegEx to the command and since the example uses a full spec name, I thought you had to use the full name. But you don't! You can add a goofy string to the test name and put that in the command, instead.

(I am sure I used to be able to use -n "goofystring" but that's not working now.)

bundle exec rspec path/to/file.rb -e "goofystring"

Category: rspec, tests, rails, console

14-Nov-2018, Wednesday, 11:21

Pairing with a coworker and they git diff'd against a different branch after committing changes to the working branch. 🤯 I'm forever undoing commits so I can see the diff, but now I can try it this way!

# working branch: in-progress
# base branch: master
# make a commit on in-progress
$ git diff master

Category: console, git

07-Nov-2018, Wednesday, 09:57

Reminder: to install updated packages, run:

# in /app/frontend/
$ yarn install 
# or
$ bundle exec rake frontend:install

Source: prettier got an update but when I grabbed the branch and tried changes locally, nothing happened. I tried running yarn install but again: nothing happened. It took a little pulling, but I finally got the critical missing point: that you need to be in /app/frontend for yarn install to do the thing. (Or "just" run the rake command.)

Category: package.json, angular

May 2018

Zebra-striping tables, lists, etc.

  > *:nth-child(odd)
    background: $color-row-odd

  > *:nth-child(even)
    background: $color-row-even

Category: css

12-Apr-2018, Thursday

Give me the last # lines of a file (i.e. a log)

tail -n 100 log/development.log

Category: terminal, console, log, searching

November 2017

20-26 November

  • I'm working through the ES6 for Everyone course and in the answer file for the first exercise, it shows Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[data-time]'));
    • first up, Array.from--I think this might be the first time I'm seeing it? From MDN: "The Array.from() method creates a new Array instance from an array-like or iterable object.). Cool! pass it a thing, get an array. Got it.
      • interestingly, my first pass at the same line was: const videos = document.getElementsByTagName('li'); hilariously (to me), both return the exact same array-of-objects. Ha!
    • next up… all the stuff available to document. I… I just don't know all these off the top of my head. We've been using RubyMine at work, lately, and with all the hinting things turned on it's much less painful to find what's available, I like it. That said, I haven't seen querySelectorAll before!
      • Oohhhh, so my version and the answer version aren't, in fact, returning the same array of objects. They just look the same in Chrome's console. What the answer is returning is a NodeList (MDN details) and actually! seeing that item is a thing that you get with a NodeList helps me understand code further down in the answer file where it's using item.
        • I was super confused about the use of item because it hadn't been defined or instantiated and it looked like the singular thing you'd use in a loop, but where it's used doesn't look like a loop and the thing (const) we're working on is called items. So 🤔. But now I think I got it. Woo!
      • So I see why you'd use what's in the answer file: because you want what's available to a NodeList. Cool.
      • Using querySelector on Elements: I'm… probably going to have to read that & mess around with it a few times.
    • oh, also, I was wondering about where item.dataset comes from, but data set is just the collection of data- prefixed attributes on elements. Neat! I didn't realize they would get rolled up that way, but that's handy.

27 November-02 December

  • Nope! I was pretty wrong last week with my conclusions about how the NodeList was being used and that business about item. It hadn't clicked--until this week, watching the rest of the exercises video where Wes walks through the solutions--that the way the chained methods are working is they're taking what all the arrow functions automatically return as their input and declaring variable names for them as they go.

    I mean, it seems pretty obvious when I say it like that. I understand how chained methods work, but I wasn't thinking of this that way on my first trip through. Oof.

    Well, I learned some stuff then and now. So.

26-Jul-2017, Wednesday

Interrogating tests!

Rails environment, using rspec: spit out objects and things to the console with puts:

it 'checking a thing' do
puts activity # where activity is the name of an object
puts activity.class
# etc

Category: tests, ruby, rspec, console

21-Apr-2017, Friday


git log --name-only --pretty=format: commit1..commit2

Category: git, log

16-Mar-2017, Thursday

Searching for code:

git log -S 'managed_overview_counts' -p

-p gives you the diff in Terminal (for easier copy/pasting if you need it)

Update: 24-Mar-2017
Ack! I can't believe I forgot about ack.

Category: git, console, terminal, searching

03-Feb-2017, Friday

Can't forget the bundle exec when opening a Rails console under rbenv:

bundle exec rails c

Category: rbenv, rails, console


Open the branch you're working on in a browser (e.g. for follow-up pull requests, etc.). Got this one from Tom C. during a pairing session. It is awesome.

function open_branch { open http://[github url]/username/`basename \`pwd\``/tree/
$(git symbolic-ref head| sed -e 's/.*\///g'); }

(This lives in my ~/.bash_profile)

Category: git, github, terminal, console, tomc