Releases: dotnet/machinelearning
ML.NET v0.3
ML.NET 0.3 introduces many enhancements including Field-Aware Factorization Machines, LightGBM, Ensembles, LightLDA transform, OVA and support for ONNX. Many thanks to our users and contributors for amazing help with filing issues and submitting PRs and engaging on gitter.
Release Notes
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Known issues:
ML.NET v0.2
ML.NET 0.2 is the second preview release of the package. It addresses many issues and adds a few enhancement including addition of clustering. Thank you for helping shape the package by using its many learners and engaging through submitting issues and pull requests on GitHub.
ML.NET v0.1
ML.NET 0.1 is the first preview release of ML.NET. Thank you for trying it out and we look forward to your feedback! Try training, scoring, and using machine learning models in your app and tell us how it goes.