FAQ by telegram-chat @pydjango 🇬🇧
In this repository you can find useful information collected by chat users.
- Two Scoops of Django - must-read book with Django best practices 🇬🇧
- Tango With Django 🇬🇧
- Building Django 2.0 Web Applications 🇬🇧
- Tutorial by Django Girls 🇬🇧 🇷🇺
- Tutorial by Mozilla 🇬🇧
- How to set up Django with Postgres, nginx and gunicorn on Ubuntu 18.04 🇬🇧
- How to serve Django applications with uwsgi and nginx on Ubuntu 16.04 🇬🇧
- Official Django Testing documentation 🇬🇧
- Mozilla docs about Django testing 🇬🇧
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! 🇬🇧
- djangopackages.org 🇬🇧
- Awesome Django 🇬🇧
- Django Class-Based Views 🇬🇧
- Django REST Framework cheatsheet 🇬🇧
- Classy Django Forms 🇬🇧
- Django must-watch videos 🇬🇧
- Django-hub on Habrahabr 🇷🇺
- Django tag on Python Digest RU 🇷🇺
- Newbie mistakes 🇬🇧
- Web-development basics - Beginner level course by Mail.RU Group. Covers basics of web-development including Django Framework. 🇷🇺
- Writing blog with Django 2.2 by CodingEntrepreneurs 🇬🇧
- Writing blog with Django 1.9 by CodingEntrepreneurs (playlist) 🇬🇧
- Course for creating url shortener with Django 1.10 by CodingEntrepreneurs (playlist) 🇬🇧
- Writing web-application with Django 1.11 by CodingEntrepreneurs 🇬🇧
- Deployment Django application on Heroku platform by CodingEntrepreneurs 🇬🇧
- Django Channels - introductory material 🇷🇺
- MVC and its use in Django - The video explains the MVC pattern and offers a convenient way to use it in Django to separate business logic from the presentation of data (models). 🇷🇺
- Web-technologies - Writing server-side web applications with Django, including learning architecture and HTTP-stack. 🇷🇺
- Python.org
- Taiga
- Django Project
- Django Girls
- Sentry
- JazzBand
- Mezzanine CMS
- Health checks
- Treeherder Mozilla
- Bedrock Mozilla
- Pontoon Mozilla
- Kuma MDN Mozilla
- Mozillians - Mozilla contributors
- Addons Mozilla
- Review board
- Django Packages
- Edx platform
- PyCon
- Pinax
- ADFS_Managers
- Cadasta platform
- Zulip server - group chat
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`print('Django FTW')`
``` def main(): return 'Hello @pydjango!' ```
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