First of all you need to create an SSH key pair for securely accessing the cluster.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "EMR Access Key" -f deployer-key
puttygen deployer-key -o deployer-key.ppk
The Terraform scripts will regsiter all master nodes in the public DNS via Route53. Therefore you need to provide a AWS Route53 zone in advance which can be used for creating appropriate DNS records.
You need to copy the
file to
and modify
it so that it contains your AWS credentials and the desired AWS region and
availability zone. You can also specify the file name of the SSH key.
Now that you have everything together, you also might want to adjust some
settings in
. Per default four EMR clusters will be created, each
having two nodes (one master and one worker). At least you need to specify
the Route53 zone to use.
The following properties can be set in the emr
section in
Specify set the Route53 zone name for registering the web-interfaces to the public DNS. This setting has to match the corresponding domain name and will be used for setting up the reverse proxyproxy_user
Configure the user name used for basic http authentication. This provides a very basic level of security for the clusters.proxy_password
Configure the corresponding password for http basic auth to the web interfaces.names
Configures the names of the clusters. For each name a separate EMR cluster will be created.release
Specfify the desired EMR releaseapplication
Specify the EMR components to be installed.master_type
Set the desired EC2 instance type for the masterworker_type
Set the desired EC2 instance type for the worker
In addition the following properties can be set in the route53
Again this needs to contain the Route53 zone name where all DNS entries are created. The scripts will NOT create this zone, it has be be provided by you in advance.
You also might want to change the network configuration, but if you change the
subnets, you also should adjust foxy-proxy.xml
with the corresponding settings.
terraform init
terraform apply
terraform destroy
Note that you probably need to destroy the security groups manually in the web-interface, since cycling dependencies are not handled correctly in Terraform
Sometimes it might be neccessary to clean up some resources manually, where not AWS web frontend is available:
aws iam remove-role-from-instance-profile --role-name training_ec2_role --instance-profile-name training_ec2_profile
aws iam delete-instance-profile --instance-profile-name training_ec2_profile
You can then connect to the cluster via SSH
ssh -i deployer-key hadoop@<cluster_name>.<route_53_zone_name>
where cluster_name
is one of the names
configured in
is the Route53 zone where all computers will be registered.
As part of the deployment a reverse proxy will be setup such that you can access most services via your web-browser. You can find an entry page at
where cluster_name
is one of the names
configured in
is the Route53 zone where all computers will be registered.
You can create a proxy tunnel using SSH dynamic port forwarding, which again can be easily used with FoxyProxy plugin.
ssh -i deployer-key -ND 8157 hadoop@<cluster_name>.<route_53_zone_name>
The tunneled URLs for the relevant services in EMR are as follows:
YARN - http://master:8088
HDFS - http://master:50070
Hue - http://master:8888
Zeppelin - http://master:8890
Spark History - http://master:18080
Jupyter Notebook - http://master:8899