Your Pull Requests (PRs) need to meet our guidelines. If a PR fails to pass these guidelines, it will be declined and you will need to re-submit when you’ve made the changes. This might sound a bit tough, but it is required for us to maintain quality of the code-base.
All code must conform to our Style Guide, which is essentially the Allman indent style, with elaboration on naming and readable operators.
This makes certain that all code is the same format as the existing code and means it will be as readable as possible.
Our Style Guide is similar to PSR-1 and PSR-2, from PHP-FIG, but not necessarily the same or compatible.
Unit testing is expected for all CodeIgniter components. We use PHPunit, and run unit tests using travis-ci for each PR submitted or changed.
In the CodeIgniter project, there is a tests
folder, with a structure that
parallels that of system
The normal practice would be to have a unit test class for each of the classes
in system
, named appropriately. For instance, the BananaTest
class would test the Banana
class. There will be occasions when
it is more convenient to have separate classes to test different functionality
of a single CodeIgniter component.
See the PHPUnit website for more information.
Source code should be commented using PHPdoc comments blocks. Thie means implementation comments to explain potentially confusing sections of code, and documentation comments before each public or protected class/interface/trait, method and variable.
See the phpDocumentor website for more information.
The User Guide is an essential component of the CodeIgniter framework.
Each framework component or group of components needs a corresponding section in the User Guide. Some of the more fundamental components will show up in more than one place.
The change-log, in the user guide root, needs to be kept up-to-date. Not all changes will need an entry in it, but new classes, major or BC changes to existing classes should. Once we have a stable release, bug fixes would appear in the changelog too.
The changelog is independently maintained by the framework release manager Make sure that your PR descriptions help us decide if the contribution should be highlighted in the next release after it has been merged.
CodeIgniter4 requires PHP 7.2.
Generally, we aim to maintain backwards compatibility between minor versions of the framework. Any changes that break compatibility need a good reason to do so, and need to be pointed out in the Upgrading guide.
CodeIgniter4 itself represents a significant backwards compatibility break with earlier versions of the framework.
Your PRs need to be mergeable and GPG-signed before they will be considered.
We suggest that you synchronize your repository's develop
branch with
that in the main repository, and then your feature branch and
your develop branch, before submitting a PR.
You will need to resolve any merge conflicts introduced by changes
incorporated since you started working on your contribution.