A fully homomorphic encryption scheme Ruby library based on Hensel code, Chinese Remainder Theorem and Geometric Algebra
This code requires Ruby installed on your system. There are several options for downloading and installing Ruby.
This project uses only Ruby standard libraries, so once you have Ruby installed (version 2.2.3 and greater), you have everything required to run the code.
Once Ruby is installed on your machine, from the command line and in the root directory of the project, run the tests to check the code with the following command:
$ rake
You should get a result similiar to the following:
Run options: --seed 9109
# Running:
Finished in 5.316182s, 2.0692 runs/s, 9.0290 assertions/s.
11 runs, 48 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
You can also run code from the Ruby Interactive Shell (IRB). From the project's root directory, execute the following command on the terminal:
$ irb
You will see the IRB's prompt. Next, command snippets for specific cases that can be executed on IRB.
Require the file the will boot the entire project on IRB:
> require './x'
Create the 'x' object with the required secret and public variables by passing a configuration for depth (first argument) and security parameter (second argument):
> x = X::FHE.new(8,128)
Encryt the number 231:
> c1 = x.encrypt(231)
Encryt the number 209:
> c2 = x.encrypt(209)
Add c1 e c2:
> c1_add_c2 = c1 + c2
Multiply c1 e c2:
> c1_mul_c2 = c1 * c2
Decrypt c1_add_c2:
> x.decrypt(c1_add_c2)
As a result you should get:
=> (440/1)
Decrypt c1_mul_c2:
> x.decrypt(c1_mul_c2)
As a result you should get:
=> (48279/1)
If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]