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PrerequisitesExercise 0Exercise 1Exercise 1.1Exercise 2Exercise 3Exercise 4Exercise 5Exercise 6Exercise 7

Exercise 7 - User Tasks and Task Output Parameters

This exercise introduces a new scenario which will serve as an example on how User Tasks, resource download and Task Output Parameters may be utilized. The scenario is a voting process where one DSF instances of the tutorial setup will send a binary question (yes/no) to the other instances and itself. The question can be set when starting the voting process. The question can will then be answerable through a QuestionnaireResponse resource on the instance's DSF FHIR server. The answer then gets sent back to the instance which initiated the voting process. This exercise will focus on User Tasks and Task Output Parameters. The scenario comes with a skeleton including two BPMN models. One for orchestrating the voting process called dsfdev_votingProcess found in voting-process.bpmn and the subprocess which handles the vote itself found in vote.bpmn. It also includes most of the Java implementation for both processes and the required FHIR resources. Your task will be to fill in the parts concerning the User Task and Task Output Parameters.

In order to solve this exercise, you should have solved exercise 6 and read the topics on User Tasks and adding Task Output Parameters.

Solutions to this exercise are found on the branch solutions/exercise-7. The skeleton can be found on the branch skeleton/exercise-7.

Exercise Tasks

  1. The StructureDefinition task-start-voting-process.xml describes the Task resource which starts the voting process. It already has an input parameter called binary-question which stores the question you want to pose to all DSF instances in the network. When the entire voting process is finished, we would like to see all the voting results of the other instances listed as output parameters in this resource.
    Add a Task Output Parameter called voting-result:

    • This parameter stores the voting result of one instance as either yes, no or timeout. This can be achieved by using a Coding as the type for Task.output.value[x]. The codings for this are already provided by the CodeSystem voting-process located in src/main/resources/fhir/CodeSystem/voting-process.xml and included in a ValueSet called voting-results located in src/main/resources/fhir/ValueSet/voting-results.xml.

      Don't know how to include the coding?

      Define the Task.output.value[x] element for your Output Parameter slice with a type of Coding.

      XML Example
           <element id="Task.output:example-output.value[x]">
              <path value="Task.output.value[x]"/>
              <max value="1"/>
                  <code value="Coding"/>

      Define the CodeSystem of the Coding using the URL of the voting-process CodeSystem.

      XML Example
           <element id="Task.output:example-output.value[x].system">
              <path value="Task.output.value[x]"/>
              <min value="1"/>
              <max value="1"/>
              <fixedUri value=""/>

      Define the values that are allowed for the Coding by binding it to the voting-results ValueSet using a binding strength of required.

      XML Example
           <element id="Task.output:example-output.value[x].code">
              <path value="Task.output.value[x].code"/>
              <min value="1"/>
              <max value="1"/>
                  <strength value="required"/>
                  <valueSet value=""/>
    • It can appear any number of times. Define the cardinality as 0..*

    • It needs to include information on which instance did the voting. Use the extension extension-voting-result found in src/main/resources/fhir/StructureDefinition/extension-voting-result.xml

      Don't know how to include the extension?

      Create a slice for Task.output:example-output.extension. Add Extension as the value for Task.output:example-output.extension.type.code and add the URL of the extension as the value for Task.output:example-output.extension.type.profile.

      XML Example
      <element id="Task.output:example-output.extension:my-extension">
         <path value="Task.output.extension"/>
         <sliceName value="example-output"/>
         <min value="1"/>
         <max value="1"/>
            <code value="Extension"/>
            <profile value=""/>
  2. In the next steps, we will create the part of the process where a user has to interact with a QuestionnaireResponse in the DSF FHIR server web UI to answer the question defined in the input parameter of task-start-voting-process.xml. Create a Questionnaire in src/main/resources/fhir/Questionnaire/user-vote.xml called user-vote. Don't forget to register it in the Process Plugin Definition for the vote process.

    Don't know how the Questionnaire should look like?

    Check out the template again. Don't forget changing the URL.

    • Add an item with linkId binary-question and type display.
    • Add an item with linkId vote and type boolean.
  3. We now have a Questionnaire resource that can be referenced in the BPMN model's User Tasks. If referenced, the DSF will take this Questionnaire as a template to create the QuestionnaireResponse that can be answered by a user in the DSF FHIR server web UI.
    Add a User Task to vote.bpmn located in src/main/resources/bpe/vote.bpmn:

    • The User Task should be inserted between the Exclusive Gateway and the Save User Vote Service Task. The connection from the Exclusive Gateway requires a Condition element with type Expression and Condition Expression with value ${userVote}.
    • The Questionnaire resource is referenced by providing a Form key attribute with the value of the Questionnaire URL you created in the previous step appended by the version placeholder |#{version}. This option is found under Forms and type Embedded or External Task Forms.
  4. The QuestionnaireResponse that is automatically created will copy its items from the template Questionnaire. This means we need a way to set the item.text element of the binary-question item you created in the previous step, dynamically. This mechanism is provided by Task Listeners. Create a Task Listener in src/main/java/dev/dsf/process/tutorial/listener for the User Task you added in the previous step:

    • The new Java class needs to inherit from DefaultUserTaskListener
    • Override beforeQuestionnaireResponseCreate and set the text of the QuestionnaireResponse item with linkId binary-question to the value of the Start Task's input parameter with name binary-question

Solution Verification

Maven Build and Automated Tests

Execute a maven build of the dsf-process-tutorial parent module via:

mvn clean install -Pexercise-7

Verify that the build was successful and no test failures occurred.

Process Execution and Manual Tests

To verify the dsfdev_votingProcess can be executed successfully, we need to deploy them into DSF instances and execute the dsfdev_votingProcess. The maven install build is configured to create a process jar file with all necessary resources and copy the jar to the appropriate locations of the docker dev setup. Again, you may decide to authenticate and start the process via the certificate or the Keycloak user Tyler Tester with username test and password test. You can find the client certificate in .../dsf-process-tutorial/test-data-generator/cert/hrp-client/hrp-client_certificate.p12 (password: password).

  1. Start the DSF FHIR server for the dic.dsf.test organization in a console at location .../dsf-process-tutorial/dev-setup:

    docker-compose up dic-fhir

    Verify the DSF FHIR server started successfully at https://dic/fhir.

  2. Start the DSF BPE server for the dic.dsf.test organization in a second console at location .../dsf-process-tutorial/dev-setup:

    docker-compose up dic-bpe

    Verify the DSF BPE server started successfully and deployed the dsfdev_votingProcess.

  3. Start the DSF FHIR server for the cos.dsf.test organization in a third console at location .../dsf-process-tutorial/dev-setup:

    docker-compose up cos-fhir

    Verify the DSF FHIR server started successfully at https://cos/fhir.

  4. Start the DSF BPE server for the cos.dsf.test organization in a fourth console at location .../dsf-process-tutorial/dev-setup:

    docker-compose up cos-bpe

    Verify the DSF BPE server started successfully and deployed the dsfdev_votingProcess.

  5. Start the DSF FHIR server for the hrp.dsf.test organization in a fifth at location .../dsf-process-tutorial/dev-setup:

    docker-compose up hrp-fhir

    Verify the DSF FHIR server started successfully at https://hrp/fhir.

  6. Start the DSF BPE server for the hrp.dsf.test organization in a sixth console at location .../dsf-process-tutorial/dev-setup:

    docker-compose up hrp-bpe

    Verify the DSF BPE server started successfully and deployed the dsfdev_votingProcess.

  7. Start the dsfdev_votingProcess by posting a specific FHIR Task resource to the DSF FHIR server of the dic.dsf.test organization using either cURL or the DSF FHIR server's web interface. Check out Starting A Process Via Task Resources again if you are unsure. Make sure to populate the Input Parameters.

    Verify that the FHIR Task resource was created at the DSF FHIR server and the dsfdev_votingProcess was executed. To do this, navigate to https://dic/fhir/QuestionnaireResponse?_sort=-_lastUpdated&status=in-progress. There should be a QuestionnaireResponse resource with status in-progress based on a Questionnaire resource with URL Click on the QuestionnaireResponse, answer the question and press Submit. Navigate to https://dic/fhir/Task?_sort=-_lastUpdated and find the latest Task resource with message-name startVotingProcess. It should have a status of completed. Clicking on the Task resource redirects to the detailed Task view and three Output Parameters should now be present. Each one describes the voting result of an Organization that responded in the vote process. The responses from cos.dsf.test and hrp.dsf.test have a randomly generated response, but they should not have a value of timeout. Depending on whether you completed the QuestionnaireResponse in time, the output for dic.dsf.text should show your answer or timeout.

PrerequisitesExercise 0Exercise 1Exercise 1.1Exercise 2Exercise 3Exercise 4Exercise 5Exercise 6Exercise 7