#How to write your own plugin for android
Now we have four protocols in plugin-x: ProtocolAds, ProtocolAnalytics, ProtocolIAP, ProtocolSocial. You don't write any c++/jni code or JavaScript binding code. We have done it for you in the core code. What you need to do is:
- Create an android project.
- Write Java to implement the interface/protocol we defined.
##Introduction to Plugin Directory Please keep the directory structure of your plugin looks like this:
- proj.android : The android project directory of the plugin.
- proj.ios : The iOS project directory of the plugin.
Attention : The implementation of publish tools depends on the directory structure.
##Implementation of the Plugin
###Import the android project of plugin protocols to Eclipse.
###Create an android library project. Make it depends on project libPluginProtocol.
The project directory looks like this :
- build.xml : Used by publish tools. You can copy it from other plugins, and modify the project name.
- ForManifest.xml : Used by tools/gameDevGuide.sh. If your plugin need activity declaration or user permission in AndroidManifest.xml, add them to this file.
- sdk : Place .jar files of the third party SDK here.
- src : Place the java code here. You must write a class which implements the relevant interface. It must be in package org.cocos2dx.plugin.
###Write a class implement at least a interface
The class need a constructor with Context parameter. For example:
package org.cocos2dx.plugin;
public class AnalyticsFlurry implements InterfaceAnalytics {
public AnalyticsFlurry(Context context) {
mContext = context;
You can override the methods defined in interface or add your custom methods, such as:
public String getSDKVersion() {
return "3.2.1";
protected void setUserId(String userId) {
LogD("setUserId invoked!");
final String curUser = userId;
PluginWrapper.runOnMainThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch(Exception e){
LogE("Exception in setUserId", e);
Now plugin-x only support parameter with type int, float, boolean, String, JSONObject , and the return value with type int, float, boolean, String.