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Correct by construction: APIs that are easy to use and hard to misuse

Notes from Matt Godbolt's talk at C++ On Sea 2020.

The goal

  • Write software such that "If the code compiles, it's correct". Not always possible to achieve this, but the idea is to catch errors and problems early in the development workflow
  • C++ toolbox to help with this:
    • const, consteval and constexpr
    • Scoped enumerations (enum class)
    • RAII
    • Static code analysis
    • Strong types

Example 1: An API call

Let's say we have this, a function call to trade stocks:

void sendOrder(
  const char* symbol, 
  bool buy, 
  int quantity, 
  double price);

Easy to make an expensive mistake sendOrder("GOOG", false, 1000.00, 100) : Sell 1000 shares for 100$ each instead of 100 shares for 1000$ each. To begin with, by default you should:

Advice #1: Turn on all the warnings all the times and make them compiler errors (enable -Wall -Werror -Wextra)

However, gcc -c -Wall -Werror -Wextra won't catch the error above. A slight improvement would be to have user-defined types to clarify the meaning of what we are passing to the function:

class Price{/**/};

class Quantity 
  unsigned int quantity_;
  explicit Quantity(int quantity) : quantity_(quantity) {}
  unsigned int value() const { return quantity_; }

void sendOrder(const char* symbol, bool buy, Quantity quantity, Price price);

Advice #2: Use named types to clarify semantics

Note that we are passing price and quantity by value. With reference/pointer semantics, you need to worry about who else has concurrent access to the variables and what they are doing with them while sendOrder is processing them.

Advice #3: Use value semantics. They are easier to reason about in code compared to reference semantics, and easier to check for correctness.

Notice also that the constructor is marked explicit, and avoids implicit conversion during copy initialisation; i.e. you cannot do Quantity q = 1;. See

Advice #4: Use explicit when declaring single-argument constructors

Although Quantity::quantity_ is declared unsigned int but Quantity thisDoesntSeemRight(-100); will still compile fine. One way to fix this is to:

Advice #5: Enable -Wsign-conversion compiler flag.

If that is not possible due to too many false positives (especially in low level code), then use C++ traits to enforce requirements on the parameters. Eg:

template<typename T>
explicit Quantity(T quantity) : quantity_(quantity) {
  static_assert(std::is_unsigned_v<T>, "Use only unsigned types");

or in C++20, use Concepts like so:

template<typename T>
requires std::is_unsigned_v<T>
explicit Quantity(T quantity) : quantity_(quantity) {}

Advice #6: Apply requirements and constraints on types so that they are automatically checked, preferably at compile time.

Note that Quantity q(100) will now fail because 100 represents a signed integer type. You will have to do Quantity q(100u). However, some unavoidable edge cases may still make it through in certain use cases, such as this: Quantity q(static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi("123")));. Help your users catch such errors with helper methods. The following demonstrates a static .. from() method that implements run-time checks as follows:

class Quantity 
  template<typename T>
  static Quantity from(T quantity) {
    if(quantity < 0 || quantity > Quantity::max()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Invalid quantity");
    return Quantity(static_cast<std::make_unsigned<T>>(quantity));

GSL (Guidelines Support Library) provides a nifty alternative to check that a value passed in will fit into the variable that needs to hold it.

class Quantity 
  template<typename T>
  static Quantity from(T quantity) {
    if(quantity < 0 || quantity > Quantity::max()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Invalid quanitty");
    return Quantity(gsl::narrow<decltype(quantity_)>(quantity));

Advice #7: Use GSL to help you write better code that follows the C++ Core Guidelines


Avoid verbosity by using user-defined literals, especially where a lots of constants are required, such as in unit tests.

consteval Quantity operator""_qty(unsigned long long value) {
  return Quantity::from(value);

consteval Price operator""_dollars(unsigned long long value) {
  /* Note: Yes, using integers instead of double to represent 
     dollars here. Don't use doubles for currency!*/
  return Price::from(value);

// usage
sendOrder("GOOG", false, 100_qty, 1000_dollars);

Note that we use consteval functions to do this and not constexpr, since constexpr functions aren't necessarily evaluated at compile time. If we used constexpr to define the literals, it may not catch overflow errors such as passing 9999999999_qty as a parameter, which cannot fit in unsigned int. So,

Advice #8: Use consteval to guarantee compile-time evaluation.

By the way, you should

Advice #9: Write unit tests. They aren't necessarily there to catch errors as you develop new code (although it can help there too). More importantly, they are a means to catch future regressions.

Now have a look at sendOrder in the call above. What does the second parameter mean, again?

Advice #10: Don't pass naked bools (true or false flags) unless their meaning is absolutely clear from the context.

Use an enum class instead. It's a strong type and you will get a decent error message if you screw up. Now, the folllowing code looks just right by inspection.

enum class BuyOrSell {Buy, Sell};

sendOrder("GOOG", BuyOrSell::Buy, 50_qty, 975_dollars);

Example 2: A messaging protocol

Let's start with this one

/* Must be 13 bytes long */
struct MessageHeader 
  uint64_t sequence_num;
  uint32_t message_size;
  char type; /* Must be 'A', 'D' or 'M'. Describes what the payload
               (rest of the message) is: Add, Delete, Modify.*/

/* Types of messages */
struct AddMessage{/*..*/};
struct DeleteMessage{/*..*/};
struct ModifyMessage{/*..*/};

/* message handlers */
void handle(const AddMessage& add);
void handle(const DeleteMessage& add);
void handle(const ModifyMessage& add);

/* A single convenience function/wrapper */
template<typename Msg>
void handle(const void* payload) 
  handle(*static_cast<const Msg*>(payload));

/* process header and then payload */
void on_message(const MessageHeader& hdr, const void* payload) {
  if(hdr.type == 'A') {
  } else if(hdr.type == 'D') {
  } else if(hdr.type == 'M') {

Enforcing requirements in comments is no good, as the compiler does not see it. Can we turn comments like /* Must be 13 bytes long */ into something the compiler can actually check? An improved version:

enum class MessageType : char 
  Add = 'A',
  Modify = 'M',
  Delete = 'D'

struct [[gnu::packed]] MessageHeader 
  uint64_t sequence_num;
  uint32_t message_size;
  MessageType type; 

// ** Check **. This can be in the header, telling the reader, in code, what
// the requirement is
static_assert(sizeof(MessageHeader) == 13);

struct AddMessage{/*..*/};
struct DeleteMessage{/*..*/};
struct ModifyMessage{/*..*/};

void handle(const AddMessage& add);
void handle(const DeleteMessage& add);
void handle(const ModifyMessage& add);

template<typename Msg>
void handle(const void* payload) {
  handle(*static_cast<const Msg*>(payload));

void on_message(const MessageHeader& hdr, const void* payload) 
  switch(hdr.type) {
    case MessageType::Add: return handle<AddMessage>(payload); 
    case MessageType::Delete: return handle<DeleteMessage>(payload); 
    case MessageType::Modify: return handle<ModifyMessage>(payload); 
  throw std::runtime_error("Invalid message type " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(hdr.type)));
  • We replaced the char to indicate message type with a strongly-typed enum that enforces constraints on what values MessageHeader::type could take.
  • We used static_assert on the header size to sanity check the requirement on header size. Notice that MessageHeader as previously defined was not actually 13 bytes but 16 because it would be aligned to the boundary of the biggest type in the struct which is uint64_t. Using a static_assert informed us via a compiler error that we need to use a packed type to enforce the size.
  • We did not define the default case in switch() , allowing the compiler to raise an error if all the possible cases aren't handled. This could happen, for instance if enum MessageType is extended some time in the future by somebody else, which is easily done in things like state machines.

To summarise

Advice #11: Use static_assert to check expectations are satisfied at compile time

Advice #12: Use enum classes for things like labels and choices, even for sized tags.

Advice #13: Prefer 'no-default' switch() to if(), so compiler can catch unhandled cases.

Example 3: Comment smells

Using comments to push the responsibility of doing the right thing on to the user isn't very nice:

class MyWidget 
  std::mutex mutex_;
  // don't forget to unlock
  void lock();

  // only valued if you locked
  void unlock();

  // must hold lock
  void tinker_with(int amount);

// usage somewhere in code
void tinker(MyWidget& widget) {

Similar to the concept of 'affordances' in the design of physical products, it is better if the code is structured in such a way that misuse is not possible. Following is an improved version of the code above. Using a scoped lock ensures that the lock goes out of scope automatically, so the user does not have to remember to explicitly unlock it. Note, however, that lock() must be marked [[nodiscard]] to ensure the compiler throws an error if we don't capture the return value (as in line (1)). The lock would immediately have gone out of scope at line (1).

class MyWidget 
  std::mutex mutex_;
  void tinker(int amount);
  [[nodiscard]] std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock();

  // only valid if you locked
  void unlock();

// usage somewhere in code
void tinker(MyWidget& widget) {
  // widget.lock()           // (1) - Oops. Lock goes out of scope rightaway
  auto lock = widget.lock(); // (2) - OK

Advice #14: Protect invariants with code. Use mechanisms such as scoped_lock to automatically do the right thing, without relying on the user to have read a manual to do so.

(An invariant is a statement about program variables that is true every time the execution of the program reaches the invariant.)

We can do better. In the following, we make tinker() private and implement a mutator interface which gives the user a Tinkerable on demand, while maintaining locks automatically in the right state. The lock is acquired during construction of Tinkerable and released when it goes out of scope.

class MyWidget 
  std::mutex mutex_;

  void tinker(int amount);
  [[nodiscard]] std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock();
  void unlock();

  class Tinkerable;

  Tinkerable getTinkerable() {
    return Tinkerable(*this);

class MyWidget::Tinkerable 
  MyWidget& widget_;
  std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock_;
  friend MyWidget;

  explicit Tinkerable(MyWidget& widget) : widget_(widget), lock_(widget_.mutex_) {}
  void tinker(int amount) {

// usage somewhere in code
void tinker(MyWidget& widget) {
  auto tinkerable = widget.getTinkerable();

Another approach is for the caller to provide MyWidget with a tinker function to use (i.e., 'Don't call us, we'll call you!')

class MyWidget 
  std::mutex mutex_;

  class WidgetState {
    int state = 123;
    void tinker(int amount);
  WidgetState state_;

  [[nodiscard]] std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock();
  void unlock();

  template <typename TinkerFunc>
  void tinker(TinkerFunc func) {
    std::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);

Example 4: 'Destructive Separation*'

(* Matt Godbolt's terminology)

There are sometimes cases where we want to prepare/initialise/stage an object and then perform an operation on it, after which the original object becomes unusable for further operations or certain types of operations. The following is an example

class TelemetrySystem 

  // usage instructions:
  // - First call register() on all variables of interest.
  // - Then, call initialise() to start telemetry. Once initialised, 
  //   you cannot call register() again
  // - Once initialised, call publish() periodically to sample and 
  //   publish all registered variables simultaneously.
  // - You cannot call initialise() more than once.
  template<typename T>
  void register(const std::string& name, const T* var);

  void initialise();

  void publish();

Again, this forces upon the user the responsibility to do the right thing by following instructions in a comment. There is a better way to express such requirements in code, and uses a little known feature in the C++ standard.

class TelemetryRegistry 
  template<typename T>
  void register(const std::string& name, const T* var);

  /* Resources used in the initialistion process are transferred to the 
  InitialisedTelemetry object. You cannot call initialise twice!*/
  [[nodiscard]] InitialisedTelemetry initialise() &&;

class InitialisedTelemetry 
  void publish();

void use() 
  TelemetryRegistry telemetry_registry;
  telemetry_registry.register("motor voltage", &motor_voltage);
  telemetry_registry.register("encoder counts", &encoder_counts);

  // The following won't compile
  // auto initialised_telemetry = telemetry_registry.start(); 

  // instead, you have to do this. Also provides a hint to the user 
  // that since telemetry_registry has been moved, it is not usable 
  // after the start operation  
  auto initialised_telemetry = std::move(my_registry).initialise(); 
  ... // some operations ...
  ... // some operations ....

Notice the && after the method TelemetryRegistry::initialise(). It changes the r-valueness of the this pointer - it tells the compiler that the initialise() method is only valid if the TelemetryRegistry object is temporary or about to move out of scope. This example demonstrates a design pattern similar to but not same as the single responsibility principle by separating the concerns.

Advice #15: Apply separation of concerns to ensure the correct ordering of API sequence of operations.

Note that calling register() after TelemetryRegistry has been move-d from will unfortunately not raise a compiler error at the moment, due to the semantics of move() operation. However, a static analyzer such as clang-tidy will catch this and report it as a potential issue.

Advice #16: Setup your build system to run static analysis during compile time.

Example 5: RAII

Resource Aquisition Is Initialisation. But RAII is not just about resources. A better name would have been CADR: Constructor Acquires, Destructor Releases. Scoped lock usage in the previous section is an example of this. Here's an example of some code that could be made better

class EventSource 
  struct Listener 
    virtual ~Listener() = default;
    virtual void on_event() = 0;

  // Don't forget to unsubscribe! <- YIKES
  void subscribe(Listener &listener);
  void unsubscribe(Listener& listener);

Note the instruction to the user in a comment. Here's a better way. A Subscription object binds together the event source with the listener and keeps the invariants

class EventSource 
  // ..
  void add(Listener& listener);
  void remove(Listener& listener);
  [[nodiscard]] Subscription subscribe(Listener& listener) {
    return Subscription(*this, listener);

class EventSource::Subscription 
  Subscription(EventSource& src, Listener& listener) : source_(source), listener_(listener) {

  ~Subscription() {

  //... special member functions. Don't allow copy but allow move
  Subscription(const Subscription&) = delete;
  Subscription(const Subscription&&) {/**/}

RAII is also useful for handling

  • Recursion depth (for tracking things like indentation during printing, scoped logging severity, etc)
  • Re-entrancy (eg: locking on construction of a modifier object so that another object cannot gain concurrent access)
  • Timers (eg: taking timestamp on construction and then again on destruction to report processing duration)


Vilas Chitrakaran