- Feature: accurate authors sorting in the footer
- Command: addon content has utf8mb4_general_ci collate
- Fix: syntax typo in GithubLinker
- Fix: after deploy errors
- Fix: invalid links on homepage [#88]
- Feature: implement phpstan [#83]
- Fix: search, empty search, sorting
- Refactoring: drow bower, drop old cron
- Feature: improve design [#90]
- Feature: added disqus to addon detail [#75]
- Fix: relative links in readme [#104] [#105]
- Feature: upgrade nextras/orm+dbal to v3.0
- Feature: simplify docker image (based on Caddy server)
- Feature: use PHP 7.3
- Fix: URL in Caddy [#110][#111]
- Feature: upgrade composer deps, npm deps
- Feature: PHP 7.1
- Feature: layout 2.0
- Feature: strict coding standard
- Feature: PSR4
- Drop: support bower
- Fix: order addons releases
- Fix: addons tabs URL
- Feature: improve search (thanks @artemevsin)[#81][#67]
- Composer: update dependencies
- Fix: Bower/Composer URL in http client
- Feature: added smartlook
- Improvement: load github images via GithubService
- Improvement: synchronize Github commands
- Fix: fix status page
- Improvement: download github releases in html mode
- Improvement: better readme [#78]
- Improvement: addon sidebar [#77]
- Feature: added addon releases
- Improvement: common curl client
- Improvement: finalize symfony commands
- Fix: do not disable curl ssl verify [#60]
- Feature: added report page/link [#29]
- Fix: image resolving also over src [#64]
- Improvement: sync homepage headline links
- Improvement: convert EOF to unix style [#57]
- Improvement: update composer.json (autoloading, classmap, etc)
- Feature: added editorconfig [#57]
- Feature: track composer.json [#59]
- Feature: update to Nette 2.4, Nette\Tester 2.0
- Improvement: added waffle badge to Readme
- Improvement: added github-like buttons
- Improvement: addon detail - added link to github [#55]
- Feature: added bower install (same as composer require)
- Improvement: github-like copy & paste title
- Fix: autofocus search form on Homepage
- Feature: change opensearch suggestion
- Fix: default ordering by owner / tag [#52]
- Monitoring: monitor composer clipboard && opening embedded images
- Cron: weekly tasks
- Improvement: added simple lightbox [#49]
- Improvement: cache page all [#51]
- Improvement: fixed too long package name overflows [#47]
- Improvement: search autofocus only on homepage [#48]
- Feature: cleaning avatars over CLI
- Feature: opensearch suggestion
- Feature: display all addons byt categories
- Feature: split front modules to Api & Portal
- Improvement: added some addon tags
- Feature: added simple admin module
- Fix: replace & with & at opensearch
- Fix: RSS feed
- Fix: gitter link
- Fix: change gitter link
- Improvement: update links at github readmes
- Improvement: don't link php-ext dependencies in addon detail to packagist [#42]
- Feature: change menu structure (show connected addons at badge, added highlighted items) [#43]
- Feature: download readme in HTML format from Github, use github design for addon detail, change syntax highlighter
- Feature: added theme for chrome on mobile
- Improvement: revert addon fullname to
[#41] - Improvement: layout
- Improvement: added final to classes
- Feature: added google analytics campaigns (rss + opensearch)
- Improvement: simplify RSS (move logic to RssFactory)
- Feature: added new relic monitoring
- Improvement: added tooltip in addon requirements [#28]
- Improvement: use latests hightligh.js (yaml plugin)
- Improvement: use https at badges
- Feature: added rss [#30]
- Docker/Nginx: provide HSTS [#33]
- Improvement: rename choosen -> chosen, fix chosen sprite
- Feature: added less task to gulp [#31]
- Feature: click & copy composer require in addon detail
- Feature: added gulp
- Improvement: templates optimization (seo, alt, title, microformat, twitter)
- Feature: added github ribbon
- Fixed: cli processing
- Feature: added links on categories at homepage
- Feature: added new sorting by last added
- Feature: design tables in addon detail [#20]
- Fixed: layout on ipad2 and all others [#24]
- Feature: count queued addons in footer statistics
- Improvement: added google validation meta tag
- Improvement: mobile layouts [#25] [#26]
- Feature: sitemap generator [#27]
- Improvement: markdown relative link overriding [#22]
- Feature: Nextras\ORM 2.0@dev
- Feature: addon charts (stats)
- Feature: footer stats
- Improved: split entity to addon => github, composer & bower
- Typo: package -> addon
- Other: new domain
- Other: docker configuration
- Feature: bower packages
- Fixed: routing with dot(.)
- Improved: CLI tasks
- Improved: search degisn
- Improved: meta info design (thanks to looky)
- Improved: few tiny things
- Feature: new landing page
- Feature: new searching / sorting / ordering
- Feature: modal for new packages
- Fixed: bold font in
- Improved: responsibility
- First version