Changes to jORLib in each version:
version 1.1.1 (24-Jul-2016):
- Fixed a bug where the number of processed nodes in BAP was not calculated correctly (pruning nodes did not increment the nodes processed counter)
- Added BAP example GraphColoring
- Fixed a bug where an externally computed bound on an optimization problem was completely ignored by BAP/CG. For example, the size of a maximum clique forms a valid bound for the chromatic number of a graph. This bound, although passed correctly to BAP, would not be taken into account.
- Fixed a bug where in a maximization problem a bound computed through the function calculateBoundOnMasterObjective(solver) would be ignored because the optimization sense was not taken into account correctly.
- Disabled an exclude in the main pom.xml file; this exclude seemed to cause to fail when the jORLib was loaded as a maven project in Eclipse. [reported by Gabor Marotig]
- Added method to query the depth of a BAPNode; included a method to initialize BAPNode
- Switched license to LGPLv2.1
version 1.1 (24-Feb-2016):
- Fixed a rare bug which could cause the Branch-and-Price procedure to end prematurely.
- Fixed an issue where seperating cuts was not counted in the computation time of the master problem -When running Branch-and-Price, you can now also query the objective of the root node without having to re-solve
- Fixed a bug in AbstractBranchAndPrice where hasSolution() could return a nullpointer.
- Fixed: the bound on BAP instances solved to optimality was always 0, instead of the optimal solution
version 1.0 (April-2015) : Initial public release.