HowTo - Use Bash Profile Aliases to run Multiple Versions of ChefDK/Workstation Using Docker Containers
This is an example .bash_profile
or .zshrc
that allows you to run all
Chef Workstation (and DK) commands thru the official Chef Docker images. This
eliminates the need to install the Workstation on your local development
machine and allows you to quickly and easily switch between new and previous
versions of Chef. This is important to be able to perform upgrade tasks to
cookbooks, and also test new versions of the software to ensure compatibility
with your existing Chef code.
- Are using macOS or Linux (Windows Powershell coming soon)
- Have an understanding of how to use the
standard, more here: - Have Docker installed and running and are able to spin up containers and connect to the Docker registry
- Are willing to contribute back to this repo with any new cool alias corrections or functionality :)
- ChefDK/Workstation 1.5 | [
1.5 - thru - Chef Workstation Latest
] - Automate + Chef Infra Server | [
] - Docker for Mac | [
Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b
(see link in assumptions for the location on your system)
- Copy this block of code into your profile file:
# Chef Docker Aliases func_chef () { kitchen_driver="kitchen-docker" image="${1}" shift args=("${@}") if [[ " ${args[@]} " =~ " kitchen " ]]; then command="gem install $kitchen_driver; $args;" else command="$args;" fi docker run --rm -i -w=/ws \ -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \ -v ~/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig \ -v ~/.chef-workstation/cache/cookbooks/:/root/.chef-workstation/cache/cookbooks \ -v ~/.chef:/root/.chef \ -v $PWD:/ws \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/local/bin/docker \ --network host \ -e CHEF_LICENSE=accept \ $image \ /bin/bash -c "$command" } chef_12 () { image="chef/chefdk:1.5" local args=("$@") func_chef "$image" "${args[@]}" } chefdk_1.5 () { chef_12 "$@"; } chef_13 () { image="chef/chefdk:2.5.3" local args=("$@") func_chef "$image" "${args[@]}" } chefdk_2.5.3 () { chef_13 "$@"; } chef_14 () { image="chef/chefdk:3.13.6" local args=("$@") func_chef "$image" "${args[@]}" } chefdk_3.13.6 () { chef_14 "$@"; } chef_15 () { image="chef/chefworkstation:0.16.31" local args=("$@") func_chef "$image" "${args[@]}" } chefws_0.16.31 () { chef_15 "$@"; } chef_16 () { image="chef/chefworkstation:stable" local args=("$@") func_chef "$image" "${args[@]}" } chefws_stable () { chef_16 "$@"; }
- Source the profile, on my Mac, using zshrc, I type
source ~/.zshrc
- Run commands like this
chef_<version> [chef|knife|kitchen] arg1 arg2 etc....
:# Example - knife node list, ChefDK 3.12.10 > chef_14 knife node list w2k16-demo-0 w2k16-demo-1 w2k16-demo-2 w2k16-demo1 w2k16-demo2 w2k16-demo3 # Example - kitchen --version, Chef Workstation Stable > chef_16 kitchen --version Building native extensions. This could take a while... Successfully installed bcrypt_pbkdf-1.0.1 Successfully installed kitchen-docker-2.10.0 2 gems installed Test Kitchen version 2.7.2
- You can also use the DK or Workstation version when running the commands,
In the example above, the
are mapped to the Chef Infra Client that ships with the DK/WS image, however you can reference the alias for the DK/WS version using the alias that's set directly below it - forchef_15
it ischefws_0.16.31
for example. - You will most likely need to tweak the mappings of the Docker run command (
the ones that start with
to ensure all of the right folders/files are being loaded into the Docker container. Once you do this, the commands should run successfully.
- Here's a quick guide to help you choose your Docker image, you can change these at
any time.
- Chef Client 12.21 ->
docker pull chef/chefdk:1.5
- Chef Client 13.8.5 ->
docker pull chef/chefdk:2.5.3
- Chef Client 14.14.29 ->
docker pull chef/chefdk:3.12.10
- Chef Client 15.8.23 ->
docker pull chef/chefworkstation:0.16.31
- Chef Client 16.6.14 ->
docker pull chef/chefworkstation:20.10.168
(also stable as of this doc)
- Chef Client 12.21 ->
- The Docker image allows you to run Test Kitchen using the
driver from within the Docker image itself, it maps to the host Docker socket. You can change the driver, however I haven't tested this as of yet.
- Write Windows Powershell examples
- Test with other drivers