This document explains where to get help with the Charm ecosystem.
Yes, yes, we understand it can be scary (and frustrating) when you get stuck. Thankfully the beauty of open source is its community. Don't fret young one, we will hold your hand on the journey to (command-line) enlightenment.
We are incredibly lucky to have a very welcoming and active community. If you're looking for support from other community members, the Discord is the best place to ask. We also have a community on Matrix that has fewer members, but includes some very cool privacy-conscious developers.
The only rule is: ask the question, don't ask "can I ask a question" (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.
If you're looking for help from a maintainer, please create an issue. A maintainer may convert your issue to a Discussion once it has been seen to keep the backlog clean while maintaining visibility of the question.
Please understand that we are a small team, so it may take some time for us to get to your question.
There's a Charm blog and YouTube
channel where you can find additional learning resources.
That being said, all the information you need to get started should be included
in the repository itself. If you find that's not the case and you see room for
improvement, please let us know in the Discord #feedback
channel or in an
issue (you can tag @bashbunni
Charm热爱开源 • Charm loves open source • نحنُ نحب المصادر المفتوحة