Lets take a look at the structure of this template:
├── Containerfile # The file to build a container using buildah or docker
├── CONTRIBUTING.md # Onboarding instructions for new contributors
├── docs # Documentation site (add more .md files here)
│ └── index.md # The index page for the docs site
├── .github # Github metadata for repository
│ ├── release_message.sh # A script to generate a release message
│ └── workflows # The CI pipeline for Github Actions
├── .gitignore # A list of files to ignore when pushing to Github
├── HISTORY.md # Auto generated list of changes to the project
├── LICENSE # The license for the project
├── Makefile # A collection of utilities to manage the project
├── MANIFEST.in # A list of files to include in a package
├── mkdocs.yml # Configuration for documentation site
├── scdataloader # The main python package for the project
│ ├── base.py # The base module for the project
│ ├── __init__.py # This tells Python that this is a package
│ ├── __main__.py # The entry point for the project
│ └── VERSION # The version for the project is kept in a static file
├── README.md # The main readme for the project
├── setup.py # The setup.py file for installing and packaging the project
├── requirements.txt # An empty file to hold the requirements for the project
├── requirements-test.txt # List of requirements for testing and devlopment
├── setup.py # The setup.py file for installing and packaging the project
└── tests # Unit tests for the project (add mote tests files here)
├── conftest.py # Configuration, hooks and fixtures for pytest
├── __init__.py # This tells Python that this is a test package
└── test_base.py # The base test case for the project
All the utilities for the template and project are on the Makefile
❯ make
Usage: make <target>
help: ## Show the help.
install: ## Install the project in dev mode.
fmt: ## Format code using black & isort.
lint: ## Run pep8, black, mypy linters.
test: lint ## Run tests and generate coverage report.
watch: ## Run tests on every change.
clean: ## Clean unused files.
virtualenv: ## Create a virtual environment.
release: ## Create a new tag for release.
docs: ## Build the documentation.
switch-to-poetry: ## Switch to poetry package manager.
init: ## Initialize the project based on an application template.